[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Corning 3-2-1981. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 10-5-1998 by L.L. No. 32-1998]
It is hereby declared that the existence within the City of Corning of multiple dwellings having three or more dwelling units presents special and enhanced difficulties in the combating of residential fires and in the protection of the people of the City with respect to the avoidance of loss to persons and property as a result of fire. The lack of information possessed by the City of Corning relative to the occupancy of such multiple dwellings presents a hazard to such occupants and an impairment of the ability of the City of Corning to successfully evacuate such buildings in the course of combating a fire. Therefore, the provisions hereinafter prescribed to provide for more adequate protection in the event of fire for the inhabitants of certain multiple residence buildings are enacted, and their necessity in the public interest is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination.
The provisions of this chapter hereinbelow prescribed for the registration of multiple dwellings with the City of Corning are enacted pursuant to the authority invested in the City Council of the City of Corning by New York General City Law § 20, Subdivisions 12, 13, 14 and 22, and by the City of Corning Charter.
The following words and terms used in this chapter shall have meanings identical to those set forth for said words and terms in § 132-4 of the New York Multiple Residence Law as the same is in effect upon the effective date of this chapter, and such meanings are herein incorporated by reference as though set forth in full: apartment, dwelling, family, multiple dwelling, occupied, used, owner, premises and story.
[Amended 10-5-1998 by L.L. No. 32-1998; 12-16-2004]
On or before May 1, 1981, and on or before the first day of May during each succeeding calendar year there following, every owner of every multiple dwelling located within the corporate limits of the City of Corning shall file with the City of Corning a registration notice containing his/her name, address and description of the affected premises by street number or otherwise in such a manner as will enable the City to find the same; and also the number of apartments and rooms in each apartment on each story of such multiple dwelling.
The owner of every multiple dwelling shall pay a registration fee for the filing of the registration notice, amendment or renewal as set forth in Chapter A251 of the Code of the City of Corning. Upon failure of the owner of the multiple dwelling to pay the appropriate fee, those fees, including a charge of 25%, may be added to the property tax bill for the properly if the bill is not paid within 30 days of mailing.
The provisions of this section also shall apply to successors in title, ownership or control of any premises affected whether by act of the parties, or by process or operation of law, and within 30 days after such succession, the successor in interest shall cause to be filed with the City an amended registration notice pertaining to the premises transferred.
For the convenience of the owners of the premises affected by the provisions of this chapter, the City of Corning shall prepare and make available, at the City offices, from and after the effective date hereof forms of registration notice, amendment and renewal designed to facilitate owners in the provision of the information to the City required by this chapter.
[Amended 10-5-1992; 10-5-1998 by L.L. No. 32-1998]
Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable for each offense by a fine not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year or both such fine and imprisonment. In addition, any such violations are hereby deemed to constitute a public nuisance, and an action may be maintained for the abatement thereof by the Fire Chief or Code Enforcement Officer in the name of the City of Corning as plaintiff; in connection with such an action, and in addition to all other remedies which may be available, the City of Corning shall be entitled to recover against the owner of any such unregistered multiple dwelling, a civil penalty in the amount of $250 per unregistered multiple dwelling owned within the City of Corning by any such defendant.