[Adopted 3-4-1991 by L.L. No. 2-1991]
Whenever a tax, special ad valorem levy or special assessment shall remain unpaid for a period of one year, tax sale proceedings shall be commenced by the Finance Director for the payment of such tax, special ad valorem levy or special assessment with interest thereon at the rate of 12% per annum and the share of expense of advertising and conducting the sale attributable to such parcel as determined by the Finance Director.
The Finance Director shall at the commencement of such tax sale proceedings cause notice of sale to be published twice over a period of three weeks in the newspaper designated by the Council for publication of notice specifying a day at the expiration of the publication period on which the sale will commence at the office of the Finance Director.
Such notice shall contain a list of parcels to be sold giving a brief description of each, the name of the owner or occupants thereof as the same appears on the tax roll and the aggregate amount due on each parcel as of the time of sale, which shall include the unpaid tax, special ad valorem levy and special assessment for the year advertised, including the interest thereon from the date of levy of the tax, special ad valorem and special assessment and the expense chargeable against the parcel.
The Finance Director shall also before commencement of publication required by this article of such notice cause a notice of such sale to be sent by first class mail addressed to the owner or occupant of each parcel to be sold as shown upon the assessment roll which notice shall contain a brief description of such parcel, the aggregate amount due on such parcel at the time of sale and statement that unless such amount is paid prior to the commencement of tax sale proceeding the parcel will be sold, and the expense of mailing of such notice shall be additional expense chargeable against such parcel.
On the day specified in the notice of sale, the Finance Director shall commence such sale and continue the same from day to day until each parcel shall be sold to pay the tax amount due thereon as specified in such notice, and the Finance Director may decline to receive a bid upon any parcel which is not made by or for any person acting in good faith, in which case the parcel may be sold as if such bid had not been made.
The purchaser shall pay the amount of his/her bid to the Finance Director within 48 hours after the day of sale, and the Finance Director shall furnish the purchaser with a written certificate describing the parcel purchased, the amount paid thereon and the time when the purchaser will be entitled to a deed. Such certificate shall also state that if the parcel described thereon is not redeemed, the purchaser may take conveyance of said parcel or foreclose his/her lien pursuant to Article 11 of the Real Property Tax Law.
If the purchaser fails to pay the amount of his/her bid within 48 hours from the date of sale, the Finance Director may set aside the sale to such purchaser. All rights of such purchaser thereof shall be extinguished, and a certificate may thereafter be issued to any person paying the amount of such bid.
The City of Corning is hereby empowered to acquire and hold lands offered for sale for unpaid taxes, special ad valorem levies and special assessments, subject to the same right of redemption as purchased by individuals at the sale of lien thereof. If a parcel sold to the city is not redeemed, the deed therefor shall have the same effect and become absolute in the same time and upon the same conditions as in the case of a conveyance to an individual.
The Finance Director shall reject all bids made on any parcel on which the city has any interest and shall bid on such parcels for the city. In the event that there is no bid on a parcel, the Finance Director shall bid on such parcel for the city.
The owner, occupant or any other person may redeem any real property sold for taxes, special ad valorem levies or special assessments within one year from the day of sale by paying to the Finance Director, for the use of the purchaser or those claiming under him/her, the sum specified in the certificate of sale with interest thereon at the rate of 12% per annum from the date of such certificate.
The Finance Director shall, at least one month before the expiration of one year allowed for the redemption of lands sold by the city for taxes, publish a notice twice in a period of three weeks in the newspaper designated by the Council for the publication of notices. Such notice is to contain a list of lands in the city sold for taxes unredeemed, specifying every parcel in redemption, the amount necessary to redeem the same computed to the last day such redemption can be made and stating that unless such lands are redeemed on or before such date they shall be conveyed to the purchaser.
The Finance Director shall, prior to the commencement of the publication required by this section, send by first-class mail addressed to the owner or occupant, as shown on the assessment roll for each parcel sold and unredeemed, notice containing a brief description of such parcel, the amount necessary to redeem it computed to the last day on which such redemption can be made and stating that unless such parcel is redeemed on or before such date it will be conveyed to the purchaser, and the expense of sending the statement and publishing of the notice shall be apportioned by the Finance Director among the parcels sold and unredeemed and thereafter shall be deemed part of the unpaid tax.
If any parcel of real property sold for taxes is not redeemed within the time specified as hereinbefore provided, the Finance Director shall furnish to the purchaser a conveyance of the real property sold, the description of which shall include a specific statement of the title or interest thereby conveyed so far as appears upon the record in his/her office. Such conveyance may be recorded in the County Clerk's office and, in the event the city is the purchaser the conveyance, shall run to and name it as grantee, and the title thus acquired by the city may be disposed of thereafter according to law.
A conveyance by the Finance Director shall vest in the purchaser title to the property, subject to all claims of the county and any school district for taxes, liens or other encumbrances and subject to all easements or right-of-way which were in existence at the time of the levy of the tax, special ad valorem levy or special assessment the nonpayment of which resulted in the tax sale, and every such conveyance shall be presumptive evidence that the sale or other proceedings, including the assessment of the lands sold and all notices required to be given previous to the expiration of time allowed for redemption, were regular and in accordance with all the provisions of this article. Any such conveyance shall be subject to cancellation by reason of prior payment of the taxes, the nonpayment of which resulted in the sale, illegal levy thereof of the city or any defect in the proceedings affected jurisdiction on constitutional grounds or if it is discovered before conveyance that the sale was for any cause not valid or ineffectual to give title to the real property sold, and in such case the Finance Director shall cancel the sale and cause the purchase money and interest thereon received by the city to be refunded to the purchaser or his representatives and shall issue a certificate of cancellation of the sale.