[HISTORY: Comes from L.L. No. 11-2008, adopted 2-5-2008, effective 2-11-2008.]
Defense and indemnification of Town officers and employees — See Ch. 11.
It is the intent of the Town Board, pursuant to § 10(1)(ii)(d)(3) of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York, to supersede a portion of § 23 of the Town Law of the State of New York in its application to the Town of Hempstead as specified below. Section 23 was first enacted in New York by Chapter 682 of the Laws of 1949, and the portion hereby superseded is currently constituted under Subsection 1 thereof.
It is the intent of the Town Board to supersede § 23 insofar as it requires nonelected Town officers to be residents ("electors") of the Town at the time of their appointment and throughout their terms of office.
It is the intent of the Town Board, via the superseding authority, to instead provide that all nonelected Town officers must be residents of the County of Nassau at the time of their appointment and throughout their terms of office. Elected Town officers must be electors of the Town of Hempstead at the time of their appointment and throughout their terms of office, as is required under § 23 and is not being changed.
It is the concurrent intent of the Town Board, pursuant to § 10(1)(ii)(a)(1) of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York, to establish a residency qualification for persons who serve as nonelected Town officers in the Town of Hempstead. This is the qualification that such persons must be residents of the County of Nassau at the time of their appointment and throughout their terms of office. Subdivision 1 of § 3 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York does not prohibit the establishment of this qualification, notwithstanding the requirement therein that, among other things, nonelected local officers of a town must be residents of such town. Specifically, the state legislature has established that this town residency requirement set forth in the said Subdivision 1 of § 3 does not apply alike to all towns throughout the state. Therefore, and in that respect, it is not a general law within the meaning of § 10(1)(ii)(a)(1) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, but rather a special law. As such, the Town of Hempstead is fully authorized by the aforesaid § 10(1)(ii)(a)(1) to adopt this chapter, thereby to establish its own residency requirement pertaining to nonelected Town officers of the Town of Hempstead, notwithstanding that it is inconsistent with Subdivision 1 of § 3 of the Public Officers Law.
It is the intent of the Town Board that any and all qualifications for the holding of a Town office in the Town of Hempstead that are not inconsistent herewith shall remain in full force and effect to the extent that they are applicable under any competent law or regulation.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Every person identified by law as a Town officer, public officer, or local officer in and for the Town of Hempstead, or in and for any board, commission or agency thereof; and
Every officer otherwise performing official functions pursuant to authorization by law in and for the Town of Hempstead, or in and for any board, commission or agency thereof.
Every nonelected Town officer shall be a resident of the County of Nassau at the time of her or his appointment and throughout her or his term of office.
Any and all qualifications for the holding of a Town office in the Town of Hempstead that are not inconsistent herewith shall remain in full force and effect to the extent that they are applicable under any competent law or regulation.
In the event that any provision of this chapter shall be deemed illegal or otherwise unenforceable as a matter of law by a court of competent jurisdiction, then only that specific section shall be unenforced, and all other sections shall remain in full force and effect.