[HISTORY: Comes from L.L. No. 79-1972, adopted 8-15-1972, effective 8-23-1972.]
There shall be in the Town of Hempstead a Department of Drug and Alcohol Addiction, the executive head of such Department shall be the Director of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Addiction, who shall be appointed by the Town Board, for a term fixed by law, at such salary as may from time to time be fixed by said Town Board. The Director of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Addiction shall be appointed on the basis of his administrative experience. The Director shall have the power and authority to appoint and remove a First and Second Deputy Director who individually, and in the order named, shall have all of the rights, powers, obligations and responsibilities of the Director, and the authority to act in his place and stead. The Director shall have the power to appoint and remove all other subordinate officers and other employees and to assign them to their respective duties. The Deputy Directors, in the order named, in the absence of the Director or his inability to act, shall have the rights, obligations and duties of the Director.
There shall be within the Department of Drug and Alcohol Addiction the following divisions:
Administrative: to have general supervision of intradepartmental matters, including supervision of personnel and maintenance of personnel records; maintenance of accounting and departmental records, including budget control and statistical analysis of over-all direction; and coordination of divisional activities, accounting and departmental records shall be maintained as required by the Town Comptroller.
Planning: to develop a comprehensive program for a direct assault upon the public health problems resulting from the excessive use of alcohol and use of addictive drugs in its many forms; to develop and implement a comprehensive program for the education and control of narcotics addiction and excessive use of alcohol and the impairment of health incidental to the use thereof, and utilizing modern methods for the education of addicted persons and research into the causes and means of prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction.
The Department of Drug and Alcohol Addiction shall have the following powers and duties:
Develop and administer effective policies and programs for the prevention and control of alcoholism and drug abuse and addiction, and the education of parents and their families as to the dangers and risks incidental to the use of alcohol and drugs; and make appropriate recommendations to the Supervisor and the Town Board.
Receive and expend grants from the state, federal or county governments or from private individuals, corporations or associations for the purpose of actively implementing the stated purpose of this article, the cost of services and expenses of the Department shall not exceed the appropriation that may be made therefor by the Town Board and the grants referred to above.
Supplement and aid in coordinating the activities of public and private agencies devoted in whole or in part to the prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse and addiction, and serve as a consultant to such agencies.
Develop programs, personnel and facilities, in conformity with and in coordination with all other agencies on all levels having an interest in the field, including, without limitation, the Mental Health Board, the Board of Health, Nassau County Medical Center, the Police Department and the Department of Probation.
Perform research and develop a body of current information, statistics, records and data with regard to alcoholism and drug abuse and addiction within the Town of Hempstead.
Develop and coordinate education programs and stimulate town-wide efforts to control alcoholism and drug abuse and addiction. The Department is authorized to examine and to evaluate all existing and future activities, operations and programs conducted by all interested agencies in the area of alcoholism and drug abuse and addiction and serve as a clearing house for all such agencies in regard to their programs of education relating to alcoholism and drug abuse and addiction and the prevention thereof.
Plan and direct the production of printed educational materials.
Develop and schedule visual presentations and exhibits.
Cooperate with community groups in the development and implementation of narcotic education programs and alcoholism.
Distribute printed material, films, film strips.
Operate a "hotline service."
Give to local community groups the following services: teachers, guest speakers and trainers.
Help in the coordination of the operations of local community groups.
Submit an annual report to the Supervisor and the Town Board.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor and the Town Board.
The Director, only when specifically authorized to do so by the Town Board, may from time to time employ such additional persons, including such special, technical, fiscal and legal consultants as may be necessary or desirable in the discharge of the duties herein imposed upon this Department.