[HISTORY: Comes from L.L. No. 56-2002, adopted 8-13-2002, effective 8-19-2002.[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Ch. 54, Department of Systems and Data Processing, adopted 1-30-1990 by L.L. No. 10-1990, effective 2-8-1990.
[Amended 3-14-2023 by L.L. No. 22-2023, effective 4-4-2023]
There shall be in the Town of Hempstead a Department of Information and Technology. The head of such Department shall be the Commissioner of Information and Technology, who shall be appointed by and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Board, at such salary as may from time to time be fixed by said Town Board. The Commissioner of Information and Technology shall be appointed on the basis of experience and qualifications of the duties of such office. The Commissioner shall be vested with authority and control of the Department and may appoint Deputy Commissioners and a secretary. The Deputy Commissioners, individually, shall have the authority to act for and in place of the Commissioner of Information and Technology in all regards. The Commissioner shall designate, in writing, the order in which the deputies shall act, in case of the Commissioner's absence, inability to work, or vacancy. The Commissioner shall have the power to appoint and remove all other subordinate officers and other employees and to assign them to their respective duties. The Commissioner, when specifically authorized to do so by the Town Board, may from time to time employ such additional persons, including special and technical consultants, as may be necessary. The Commissioner shall be in the unclassified service of the civil service. The position of Deputy Commissioner shall, pursuant to the statutory authority contained in the Municipal Home Rule Law and the Civil Service Law, be in the exempt class.
The Department of Information and Technology, under the general supervision of the Commissioner, shall have the following powers and duties:
To develop, organize and direct centralized and decentralized information and services.
To plan and administer departmental policy, procedures and programs.
To be responsible for the development and implementation of long-range plans for the use of data processing and information systems to meet the needs of all departments.
To establish guidelines to determine feasibility, priorities, logic and economics for the optimum use of information systems.
To determine the need for and recommend all information and data processing equipment necessary to ensure maximum efficiency and economic benefit.
To research, analyze and communicate new concepts, ideas and techniques in information systems and data processing programs.
The Department of Systems and Data Processing, as it presently exists, is hereby transferred in its entirety, including all property, equipment and budgetary appropriations, to the Department of Information and Technology. The employees of said department shall be continued as employees in the Department of Information and Technology, with the same classification, pension and retirement rights and privileges as they had immediately prior to such transfer.