[HISTORY: Comes from L.L. No. 7, adopted 3-14-1967, effective 3-27-1967.]
The Supervisor is hereby authorized to deduct from the wages or salary of any employee of the Town of Hempstead any amount that such employee may specify, in writing, filed with the Supervisor, for payments to or deposits in credit unions of town employees and to transmit the sum so deducted to said credit unions. Any such written authorization may be withdrawn by such employee at any time by filing written notice of such withdrawal with the Supervisor.
[Added 1-7-1975 by L.L. No. 1-1975, effective 1-10-1975]
The Supervisor is hereby authorized to deduct from the wages or salary of any employee of the Town of Hempstead payments to reimburse the town for the fair market value of lost or damaged uniforms, tools or other equipment. No such deduction shall be made unless the employee shall consent, in writing, to the fair market value of the lost or damaged uniforms, tools or other equipment and further consents to the amount of installments which are to be deducted from his wages or salary.