[HISTORY: Comes from L.L. No. 93-1972, adopted 9-12-1972, effective 9-19-1972.]
[Amended 3-14-2023 by L.L. No. 22-2023, effective 4-4-2023]
There is hereby established a Department in the Town of Hempstead to be known as the "Highway Department," the head of which shall be the Commissioner of Highways, and also to be known as the Superintendent of Highways, who shall be appointed and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Town and at such salary as may from time to time be fixed by the said Town Board. The Commissioner of Highways shall be appointed on the basis of administrative experience and qualifications for the duties of such office and shall have all of the rights, powers and obligations as provided for under law. There may be Deputy Commissioners of Highways. The Deputy Commissioners, individually, shall have the authority to act for and in place of the Commissioner of Highways in all regards. The Commissioner shall designate, in writing, the order in which the deputies shall act, in case of the Commissioner's absence, inability to work, or vacancy. The Commissioner shall have the power to appoint and remove all subordinate officers and other employees and to assign them to their respective duties. The Commissioner shall be in the unclassified service of the civil service. The position of the Deputy Commissioners shall, pursuant to the statutory authority contained in the Municipal Home Rule Law and the Civil Service Law, be in the exempt class.
There shall be within the Highway Department the following divisions:
Administrative. To have general supervision of intradepartmental matters including supervision of personnel and maintenance of personnel records, maintenance of departmental accounting records, including budget control and statistical analysis, supervision of overall direction and coordination of divisional activities, advertising for bids for all highway contracts and responsibility for the maintenance and repair of all highways under and within the jurisdiction of the Town of Hempstead.
Planning. Shall have exclusive charge and supervision of the repair, maintenance and cleaning of all Town highways, roads, streets, bridges, parking facilities and stormwater drainage systems under the jurisdiction of the Town or any special district or agency thereof.
Enforcement. Employees of the Highway Department who are appointed by the Commissioner to serve in the enforcement division shall, under the general supervision of the Commissioner, perform any or all inspection and enforcement activities in relation to the rules and regulations set forth in the chapters of the Code of the Town of Hempstead encompassing Part II thereof, entitled "Public Places," and the chapters of the Code of the Town of Hempstead encompassing Part VII thereof, entitled "Streets, Vehicles and Traffic."
[Added 5-24-2005 by L.L. No. 51-2005, effective 5-31-2005]
Typical duties. Review and report on highway activities and future plans; inspect streets, roads and highways; attend conferences, public meetings and special events.
The Superintendent of Highways shall be responsible for the removal of snow from any and all specified areas, together with all Town parking fields, and shall have the right, subject to the approval of and financing by the Town Board, to hire personnel for such purposes and to provide for the supervision of such personnel.
The Town Superintendent of Highways shall have all of the rights, powers and duties imposed by the General Municipal Law, Highway Law and Town Law, and shall perform such duties as are thereunder set forth to be performed and shall further perform such duties as may be conferred or imposed upon him by law and such duties as the Town Board may determine not inconsistent with law.
The Highway Division of the Department of Public Works, presently existing, is hereby transferred in its entirety, including all property, equipment and budgetary appropriations, to the Highway Department. The employees of such division shall be continued as employees in the Highway Department with the same classifications, pension and retirement rights and privileges as they had immediately prior to such transfer.
The Commissioner, only when specifically authorized so to do by the Town Board, may from time to time employ such additional persons, including technical consultants, as may be necessary in the discharge of his duties.