[HISTORY: Adopted 5-3-1976 ATM, Art. 19. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Development and Industrial Commission — See Ch. 62.
[Current statutes in effect: MGL c. 121C, § 1 et seq.
Historical Notes:
Article 19 of the 5-3-1976 Annual Town Meeting accepted the provisions of Acts of 1972, c. 725, which is codified as MGL c. 121C, §§ 1 through 18. That Article also declared that the Corporation is needed and established in the Town of Hopedale and that (1) unemployment or the threat thereof exists in the Town of Hopedale, or (2) security against future unemployment, or the threat thereof, and lack of business opportunity can be provided for by attracting new industry to the Town or substantially expanding industry existing in the Town through an economic development project or projects financed under Acts of 1972, c. 725. The statute provides that said Corporation shall have a seven-member Board of Directors, to be appointed by the municipality for three-year terms.]