[HISTORY: Adopted as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire Department — See Ch. 83.
Setting of fires — See Ch. 245.
[Adopted 4-1-1985 TM, Art. 34]
[Current statutes in effect: MGL c. 148, § 26G.
Historical Notes:
Article 34 of the 4-1-1985 Town Meeting accepted the provisions of MGL c. 148, § 26G, requiring the installation of automatic sprinkler systems in buildings and additions more than 7,500 gross square feet.]
[Adopted 4-4-1988 TM, Art. 26]
[Current statutes in effect: MGL c. 148, § 26C.
Historical Notes:
Article 26 of the 4-4-1988 Town Meeting accepted the provisions of MGL c. 148, § 26C, requiring that apartment houses containing six or more dwelling units, hotels, boarding or lodging houses, or family hotels which are not otherwise regulated be equipped with automatic smoke or heat detectors.]
[Adopted 4-4-1988 TM, Art. 27]
[Current statutes in effect: MGL c. 148, § 26E.
Historical Notes:
Article 27 of the 4-4-1988 Town Meeting accepted the provisions of MGL c. 148, § 26E, requiring that one- and two-family dwellings occupied in whole or in part for residential purposes and not otherwise regulated be equipped with approved smoke detectors.]
[Adopted 4-4-1988 TM, Art. 28]
[Current statutes in effect: MGL c. 148, § 26H.
Historical Notes:
Article 28 of the 4-4-1988 Town Meeting accepted the provisions of MGL c. 148, § 26H, requiring that every lodging house or boardinghouse shall be protected throughout with an adequate system of automatic sprinklers in accordance with the provisions of the State Building Code.]