[Adopted 9-3-1991 by Ord. No. 134]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Limerick Township Recycling Ordinance."
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Events sponsored in whole or in part by Limerick Township or conducted within Limerick Township and sponsored privately which include but are not limited to fairs, bazaars, socials, picnics and organized sporting events that will be attended by 200 or more individuals per day.
Leaves, garden residue, shrubbery and tree trimmings and similar materials but not including grass clippings.
Any garbage, refuse, industrial lunchroom or office waste and other material, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous material, resulting from the operations of residential, municipal, commercial or institutional establishments and from community activities and any sludge not meeting the definition of residual or hazardous waste as defined in the Solid Waste Management Act, Act of July 7, 1980, P.L. 380, No. 97, as amended, 35 P.S. § 6018.101 et seq., from a municipal, commercial or institutional water supply treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant or air pollution control facility. The term does not include source-separated recyclable materials.
Any person collecting or transporting municipal waste or recyclable materials for owners or occupants of property in Limerick Township and any business or institution within Limerick Township which generates municipal waste or recyclable materials and uses its own employees and equipment for the collection or transportation of municipal waste or recyclable materials. All municipal waste collectors shall be licensed pursuant to the provisions of Article III, Municipal Waste Collectors, of this chapter.
Any individual, partnership, association, corporation, institution, cooperative enterprise, trust, municipal authority, federal government or agency, commonwealth institution or agency or any other legal entity whatsoever which is recognized by law as a subject of rights and duties. In any provision of this article prescribing a fine, imprisonment or penalty or any combination of the foregoing, the term "person" shall include the officers and directors of any corporation or any other legal entity having officers and directors.
Those materials specified by Limerick Township for collection in accordance with this article and recycling regulations which may be promulgated from time to time. Such material may include but shall not be limited to aluminum cans, clear and colored glass containers, tin, steel and bimetallic cans, clear and colored PET rigid plastic bottles, natural and pigmented HDPE plastic bottles and newsprint material. The list of "recyclable materials" may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Limerick Township.
Any person which owns, leases or occupies a property located in Limerick Township used as a residence.
There is hereby established a program for the mandatory source separation and collection of recyclable materials and leaf waste within Limerick Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. No person shall dispose of municipal waste, recyclable materials or leaf waste within Limerick Township except in accordance with this article. The use of a municipal waste collector will not relieve any person from compliance with this article.
[Amended 12-13-2007 by Ord. No. 288]
Recyclable materials. All residents of Limerick Township shall separate recyclable materials from all municipal waste generated at their properties. When placed at the curb for collection in accordance with the provisions of this article, recyclable materials shall be placed in separate, reusable containers which clearly identify the contents as recyclables. Such containers shall be provided by the municipality. The preparation for collection of municipal waste and recyclable materials shall be made in accordance with the instructions provided by the municipal waste collector.
Leaf waste. All residents of Limerick Township shall separate leaf waste from all municipal waste generated at their property. When collection procedures have been scheduled by the municipal waste collector, leaf waste shall be placed in paper biodegradable bags provided by the municipal waste collector. Residents must purchase biodegradable leaf and yard waste collection bags from the Township or from an authorized dealer as no plastic bags are permitted. Any resident who otherwise provides for the proper disposal of leaf waste by composting shall not be required to comply with the provisions of this subsection.
Collection. Collection of recyclable materials shall be made only by a municipal waste collector at a minimum of once per week. Leaf waste shall be collected by a municipal waste collector in accordance with the schedules established annually by the municipal waste collector.
Multifamily residences. An owner, landlord or agent of an owner or landlord of multifamily residential housing properties with four or more units or the residents of such multifamily residential properties acting by and through a duly constituted homeowners' association shall comply with their responsibilities under this article by establishing a collection system for recyclable materials at each property and pickup by a municipal waste collector. A collection system must include suitable containers for collecting and sorting materials, easily accessible locations for the containers and written instructions to the occupants or residents concerning the use and availability of the collection system. In addition, such owners, landlords, agents and homeowners' associations shall annually provide written documentation and certification to Limerick Township of the total volume of materials and the types of materials recycled. Such owners, landlords, agents and homeowners' associations may comply with the reporting requirements hereunder by requiring their municipal waste collector to provide said documentation and certification directly to the Township. Owners, landlords and agents of owners or landlords who comply with this article under this subsection shall not be liable for the noncompliance of occupants of their building.
[Amended 12-13-2007 by Ord. No. 288]
All persons occupying commercial, institutional and municipal establishments within Limerick Township shall separate high-grade office paper, corrugated paper, bulk and leaf waste and all recyclable materials and such other materials as may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Limerick Township generated at such establishments and from community activities, store the materials until collection by a municipal waste collector and annually provide written documentation and certification to Limerick Township of that total volume of materials and the type of materials recycled. Such persons may comply with the reporting requirements hereunder by requiring their municipal waste collector to provide said documentation and certification directly to the Township.
No person shall place municipal waste in containers used for the separation and collection of recyclable materials.
No person shall place recyclable materials in containers used for the separation and collection of municipal waste.
No person shall store municipal waste outside of an enclosed building in other than closed watertight containers.
No person shall place containers for municipal waste or recyclable materials at the curb or in the front yard of any lot except during the period beginning at 6:00 p.m., prevailing time, on the day prior to the scheduled collection and ending at 12:00 midnight on the day of a scheduled collection. "Front yard" shall mean the area between the street line and the first building on the lot.
Nothing in this article or any regulation promulgated pursuant hereto shall be deemed to impair the ownership of separated materials by the persons who generated them unless and until separated materials are placed at curbside or similar location for collection by a municipal waste collector.
From the time of placement of the recyclable materials at the curb or other designated place for collection by a municipal waste collector pursuant to the provisions of this article and any rules and regulations adopted hereunder, the recyclable materials shall become and be the property of the municipal waste collector. It shall be a violation of this article for any person not duly authorized by Limerick Township to collect or pick up or cause to be collected or picked up any recyclable materials placed at the curb or other designated place for collection by a municipal waste collector pursuant to the provisions of this article. Any and each such unauthorized collection in violation hereof from one or more residences shall constitute a separate and distinct offense punishable as hereinafter provided in this chapter.
The collection of municipal waste and recyclable materials by municipal waste collectors and the preparation and collection of municipal waste and recyclable materials by property owners and residents of the Township shall be made in compliance with the regulations to be adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Limerick Township to carry out the intent and purpose of this article. Such rules and regulations shall be approved by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and, when so approved, shall have the same force and effect as the provisions of this article. Said rules and regulations may be amended, modified or repealed by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
Unlawful activities; public nuisance. It shall be unlawful and a public nuisance for any person to violate, cause or assist in a violation of any provision of this article or violate, cause or assist in the violation of any rule, regulation or resolution promulgated by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to this article.
Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this article or of the regulations adopted hereunder or any person who engages in unlawful conduct as defined in this article shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding before a Magisterial District Judge, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 and not less than $50. Each continuing day of any violation of this article or unlawful conduct as defined in this article shall constitute a separate offense punishable by a like fine or penalty.
Injunction. In addition to any other remedy provided in this article, Limerick Township may institute a suit in equity where unlawful conduct or a public nuisance exists as defined in this article for an injunction to restrain a violation of this article or any rules, regulations or resolution promulgated or issued by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to this article.
Concurrent remedies. The penalties and remedies prescribed by this article shall be deemed concurrent. The existence or exercise of any remedy shall not prevent the Township from exercising any other remedy provided by this article or otherwise provided at law or equity.
The terms and provisions of this article are to be liberally construed, so as to best achieve and effectuate the goals and purposes hereof. This article shall be construed in pari materia with the Solid Waste Management Act, Act of July 7, 1980, P.L. 380, No. 97, as amended, 35 P.S. § 6018.101 et seq., the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, Act of July 28, 1988, P.L. 556, No. 101, 53 P.S. § 4000.101 et seq., and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder.