[Amended 9-20-1994 by Ord. No. 166; 6-2-1998 by Ord. No. 196; 11-4-1998 by Ord. No. 198; 10-7-2003 by Ord. No. 239]
It is the specific intent of this article to:
Recognize that signs perform an important function in identifying properties, businesses, services, residences, events and other matters of interest to the public.
Set standards and provide controls that permit reasonable use of signs while restricting their potential adverse visual effects on community character.
Encourage signs which are attractively designed in order to enhance the economic value of the community's commercial and industrial districts.
Link sign area to building size to ensure that signs are compatible with their surroundings.
Control the size, number, location and illumination of signs to reduce potential hazards caused by glare or obstruction of visibility and to reduce visual clutter which results from competition among signs.
Placement of signs.
All freestanding signs shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the curbline or outer edge of shoulder and outside the legal right-of-way. If a building is located within the setback area, no freestanding signs shall be permitted in front of the building.
If it is necessary to relocate a sign located within a street ultimate right-of-way because of road improvements, the relocation shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
No sign shall project more than four feet over a public walkway, and any projecting sign must have at least eight feet of clearance from the ground.
A wall sign shall not project above the cornice of the building and should not obscure architectural features of the building.
No sign shall be erected or maintained so as to prevent free ingress and egress to or from any door, window or fire escape.
No sign shall be placed in a position as to create traffic hazards by interfering with minimum safe sight distances, as specified in § 155-15 of Chapter 155, Subdivision and Land Development, or by causing confusion with official street signs due to color or location.
All signs shall be constructed of durable materials, using noncorrosive fastenings, shall be structurally safe and erected or installed in compliance with the Township Building Code[1] and shall be maintained in a safe condition and good repair at all times.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 60, Building Construction, and Ch. 73, Construction Codes, Uniform..
Illumination of signs. All signs may be illuminated unless otherwise specified herein. Floodlighting of any sign shall be so shielded that the source of the light shall not be visible from any point off the lot on which the sign is erected and so that only the sign is directly illuminated. No more than 1/2 footcandle of light shall be detectable along the boundary of any adjacent property. Illumination of signs shall be subject to the currently adopted Electrical Code.[2]
Externally illuminated billboards and signs shall be lighted by fixtures that shall be designed, fitted and aimed to limit the light output to and not beyond the sign or billboard.
[Added 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 379]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 80, Electrical Standards.
No off-premises signs shall be placed on any property without the written permission of the owner of such property.
Signs along state roads must meet state sign control requirements.
Prohibited signs. The following signs are prohibited in any district:
Permanent signs affixed to trees or utility poles or upon rocks or other natural features, with the exception of "no trespassing" or similar warning signs.
Electronic signage is prohibited unless the electronic signage complies with the following standards:
[Amended 7-5-2011 by Ord. No. 323]
The electronic display of a sign may not change any more frequently than one time every five seconds;
Scrolling script, either vertically or horizontally, is not permitted;
Signs that move, rotate, oscillate, vibrate or shimmer are not permitted;
Signs that flash, scintillate or blink are not permitted;
Signs that change script electronically must have an instantaneous change of script and not a gradual or scrolling change of script;
The entire electronic portion of the sign must change at the same time, thereby preventing different portions of the sign changing at different times;
The degree of brightness shall not be greater than necessary for adequate visibility.
All signs containing electronic messaging must be a monument type sign only and no higher than six feet from the ground including the base and structure of the sign and no wider than eight feet including the base and structure of the sign. The height of the sign shall be measured in the same manner as the height of the building.
The base of the monument sign must be at least one foot from the ground and no higher than three feet from the ground. The base must have a stone or brick face on all four sides.
The display area of the sign must have no more than 50% used for electronic messaging with at least 50% of the display reserved for nonelectronic signage.
The above requirements are in addition to all other sign regulations in the Zoning Code, and, if any other provision of the Zoning Code conflicts with the above regulations, then the above regulations shall apply.
Vehicular signs.
Off-premises signs, except as may be specifically permitted in § 184-93I.
[Amended 7-5-2011 by Ord. No. 323]
Beacons or searchlights.
Nameplates and identification signs.
One wall or freestanding sign per residence, indicating the name and/or address of the occupant, not to exceed four square feet in area and five feet in height, shall be permitted.
Within a development of 10 or more dwelling units, one identification sign shall be permitted where each street enters into the development from an exterior street. Such sign may have two faces, which may include one face on either side of the entrance street. Each sign face shall have a maximum sign area of 32 square feet. The sign may be attached to a wall, fence or similar feature, provided that the wall, fence or similar feature does not exceed eight feet in height and 20 feet in length.
Directional or informational signs of a public or quasi-public nature for the purpose of stating the name or location of a hospital, community center, school, church, nonprofit or charitable organization, park, etc., or the name and place of meeting of an official civic or service body may be permitted in any zoning district. Such signs shall not exceed six square feet in area.
Additional signs in residential districts.
A residence containing a home occupation may be permitted one sign indicating the name, profession or activity of the occupant of the residence, not exceeding eight square feet, by special exception from the Zoning Hearing Board.
One identification sign or bulletin board of a school, college, church, hospital, sanatorium, municipal building, farm, estate, club or any permitted use other than a dwelling, not exceeding 24 square feet in area.
A property to which nonconforming use status is applied shall be permitted one identification sign which shall not exceed 40 square feet in sign area and 12 feet in total height.
[Added 12-15-2020 by Ord. No. 404]
A principal use permitted by special exception or conditional use (such as a place of worship, golf course, nursing home, personal care center or cemetery) within a residential district or an existing principal use that otherwise would be permitted by a special exception or conditional use in a residential district is permitted to include the following signs:
[Amended 12-15-2020 by Ord. No. 404]
One identification sign per street frontage, which shall not exceed 40 square feet in sign area and 12 feet in total height.
One wall sign on each principal building, which shall not exceed 10 square feet in sign area.
Trespassing signs and signs indicating private ownership, not to exceed one square foot in area, to be spaced at intervals of no less than 75 feet of street frontage, shall be permitted.
Official street and traffic signs and any sign required by law shall be permitted.
Temporary signs.
Real estate signs for sale of individual properties.
One nonilluminated sign per street frontage, advertising the sale or rental of the premises on which it is located, not to exceed six square feet in size and six feet in height, shall be permitted. Such signs may remain in place until the property is no longer available for sale or rent, at which time they shall be removed promptly.
Unimproved properties other than residential with a minimum of 150 feet of frontage are permitted one freestanding sign per street frontage, not to exceed 32 square feet in area and 20 feet in height.
Directional signs. One nonilluminated off-premises sign shall be permitted for each home for sale, not to exceed six square feet in size and six feet in height, to be removed promptly when the property is no longer available for sale or rent.
Open house signs (on- or off-premises).
No more than one nonilluminated open house sign shall be permitted on the property for sale.
A maximum of three off-premises directional signs shall be permitted for each home or group of homes for sale.
Signs shall not exceed four square feet in area and four feet in height.
All open house signs shall be permitted no more than 48 hours preceding the open house and shall remain for a period of not more than four days.
Contractor's signs. One nonilluminated sign per contractor, not to exceed six square feet in size and six feet in height, to be removed within 10 days after the contractor has completed work on the property, shall be permitted. Total signs for any property shall not exceed 32 square feet.
Development signs. Signs advertising or directing persons to new development shall be permitted. Signs may be externally illuminated. Development signs may remain in place until 95% of all residential units are sold or leased or until 75% of all nonresidential area is sold or leased, at which time, they shall be removed or replaced with identification signs.
On the property where the development is located or proposed, one development sign per external street frontage, not to exceed 32 square feet in area and 12 feet in height, shall be permitted. See § 184-92A(2) above for permanent identification signs.
Temporary noncommercial signs. Temporary noncommercial signs, such as political signs, religious signs, educational signs, civic event signs, and any other noncommercial signs erected for noncommercial purposes, shall be subject to the following:
[Amended 9-6-2016 by Ord. No. 371]
Signs shall not be illuminated.
Signs may not exceed six square feet in area and four feet in height.
Special commercial event signs. Temporary, nonilluminated signs erected for a commercial purpose, such as directing persons to temporary exhibits, trade shows, grand openings, etc., may be erected subject to the following requirements:
[Amended 9-6-2016 by Ord. No. 371]
One additional temporary sign may be erected at four interspersed times during the calendar year, provided that such sign shall be displayed for a period of not more than 30 consecutive days, and further provided that such permits shall not be issued at intervals of less than 60 days.
Total temporary sign area permitted per property shall not exceed 35 square feet. Freestanding signs shall not exceed six feet in height and shall meet the setback requirements of § 184-91A(l) herein.
Signs on or in windows shall not exceed 25% of the window area.
An on-premises banner shall be affixed to a building or awning.
A maximum of two off-premises directional signs, not exceeding six square feet in area and six feet in height, shall be permitted for any special event, provided that permission has been obtained from the property owner where the sign is to be placed.
Temporary sign permits. All temporary signs that exceed six square feet in area shall require a thirty-day permit, the fee for which shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. The maximum number of temporary sign permits allowed per parcel or per unit is four in any twelve-month period for the calendar year.
Signs advertising sale of farm products shall meet the following requirements:
One on-site sign may advertise the sale, with a maximum sign area of six square feet. Such sign shall not be illuminated.
Up to three seasonal signs may direct customers to the farm products sale. Such signs shall be limited to sales within Limerick Township. Each sign shall not exceed four square feet.
All signs shall be removed from public view during months when the farm products sales are not underway.
Illumination. See § 184-91A(8).
Total amount of signage permitted per street frontage shall equal two square feet per linear foot of building frontage, up to a maximum of 300 square feet. Only building facades that face the street frontage in question shall be used in calculating sign area. For properties with multiple tenants, the requirements of § 184-94 below apply.
Total sign area may be divided between a maximum of two signs per external street frontage, which may be either freestanding or wall signs, meeting the size requirements below.
Freestanding sign requirements. The sign area of a freestanding sign advertising goods, services, etc., available on the premises shall not exceed 40 square feet if located at the ten-foot setback line specified in § 184-91A(1). The sign area may be enlarged by one square foot for each additional foot the sign is set back beyond this point, up to a maximum of 50 square feet. Sign height shall not exceed 25 feet.
Wall sign requirements.
Projection signs shall not exceed 15 square feet in area nor project more than four feet from the wall of the building. At least eight feet of clearance from the sidewalk to the bottom edge of the sign shall be provided.
Parallel signs may not exceed 20% of the building face area on the frontage, up to a maximum of 250 square feet.
A marquee sign (for example, on the canopy over gas station pumps) may be substituted for one wall sign, provided that the area of such sign shall not exceed 100 square feet per street frontage.
Additional incidental signs for the convenience and safety of the public (for example, signs identifying parking areas, telephones, rest rooms, etc.) not to exceed four square feet in size and containing no advertising, shall not be counted toward total permitted sign area.
Window signs shall not be counted toward total permitted sign area, provided that their sign area does not exceed 25% of the area of the window.
Gasoline station signs. Gasoline and/or filling stations shall be permitted one additional freestanding sign per property for purposes of advertising current fuel prices only, not to exceed 16 square feet in size. Such signs shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the nearest access driveway.
Illumination. See § 184-91A(8).
Off-premises signs. Only the following off-premises signs shall be permitted:
An off-premises sign shall only be permitted in the HI and LLI Districts.
An off-premises sign shall have a maximum sign area of 300 square feet. An off-premises sign shall only be attached to another off-premises sign if they are attached approximately back-to-back.
An off-premises sign shall have a maximum total height above the ground level of 25 feet.
An off-premises sign shall be located a minimum of 500 feet from any existing dwelling or any residential district and a minimum of 1,000 feet from any other off-premises sign.
Off-premises signs shall not have electronic signage and must contain a static message or copy.
[Added 7-5-2011 by Ord. No. 323]
Directional signs. Signs indicating the location of a business establishment or complex shall be permitted in any nonresidential district provided that they be located on an arterial street, less than one mile from the business. Such signs shall be a maximum of six square feet in area with a maximum height of six feet and shall not be located closer than 25 feet to any other directional sign.
Sign review in VC District. Any application for a new sign with a sign area greater than 10 square feet within the VC District shall also provide information on the design of the sign for Township review.
As part of the application, the applicant shall provide a sketch of the proposed design of the sign and state in writing the proposed materials, colors and method of lighting.
Freestanding sign requirements. The sign area of a freestanding sign shall not exceed 35 square feet if located at the ten-foot setback line specified in § 184-91A(1). The sign area may be enlarged by one square foot for each additional foot the sign is set back beyond this point, up to a maximum of 50 square feet. Sign height shall not exceed 25 feet.
The sign must be compatible with the historic character of the area and the historic features of the building.
Signs should not dominate the building but should relate in placement and size to the architectural elements of the building.
Signs preferably should not be internally illuminated.
Signs should not cover windows or decorative architectural features.
Freestanding signs should be ground-mounted.
Garish or Day-Glo colors should be avoided.
Signs that have the appearance of relief-cut wood are specifically encouraged.
Signage for any proposed use in the Lewis Road Overlay District shall receive conditional use approval per § 184-228I(12) for materials/architectural design and shall be regulated in accordance with Article XII, Signs, of this chapter, except to the extent specifically modified or limited by the following:
[Added 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 379]
Wall signs. The façade facing Lewis Road of each structure constructed within 200 feet of the legal right-of-way of Lewis Road shall be limited to total sign area of 100 square feet. No such signage shall be internally illuminated.
In the case of multiple uses on the same lot, the total permitted sign area shall be governed by the regulations set forth in § 184-94, Requirements for multiple-tenant properties, Subsection A, of this chapter.
Signage in association with mining operations. Permitted signs shall not exceed 12 square feet.
[Added 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 379]
These requirements apply to planned office and/or industrial parks meeting the applicable requirements of the Office/Limited Industrial, Limited Light Industrial and Heavy Industrial Districts. Total sign area per street frontage need not be calculated; however, only the following types of signs are permitted:
[Added 12-20-2011 by Ord. No. 327]
A freestanding identification sign of the monument type, with a maximum area of 150 square feet and a maximum height of six feet, shall be permitted at up to three primary entrances to the park. Signs shall be located at least 15 feet from the curbline or edge of pavement or on a median island, provided that they do not interfere with required sight triangles.
One freestanding directory sign shall be permitted at up to three primary entrances to the park, not to exceed 50 square feet in area and 25 feet in height, and meeting the setback requirements of Subsection L(1) above. The sign shall identify not more than four tenants of the lot. A directory sign with the names of more than four tenants may be permitted if a pull-off lane is provided to allow vehicles to safely stop while drivers are reviewing the sign.
Each building shall be permitted one wall sign per street frontage or one freestanding sign per street frontage. Sign area shall equal two square feet per linear foot of building frontage, up to a maximum of 300 square feet. Freestanding signs shall be of a monument type, not exceeding six feet in height, and shall meet the size limitations of § 184-93C above. Wall signs shall meet the size requirements of § 184-93D above.
Additional incidental signs for the convenience and safety of the public, not to exceed four square feet in size and containing no advertising, shall also be permitted.
A coordinated system of street and traffic control signs within a park may also be permitted with the approval of the Board of Supervisors following review by the Planning Commission and Township Engineer.
All signs within an office and/or industrial park shall be designed with a similar style and compatible materials to project a unified appearance.
Window signs shall not be regulated under the maximum sign area provisions if they are not internally illuminated and they do not exceed 25% of the total area of the windows along each exterior wall.
The requirements of this section shall apply to any lot with more than one nonresidential tenant or business operation, including shopping centers, office parks and other nonresidential complexes.
For lots with more than one nonresidential tenant, with the exception of shopping centers and office or industrial parks, total permitted sign area per street frontage shall not exceed two square feet per linear foot of building frontage, up to a maximum of 300 square feet. Sign area per street frontage may be divided among the following sign types:
[Amended 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 379]
One freestanding identification or directory sign is permitted at each vehicular entrance to the property, except that signs along the same street frontage shall be at least 500 feet apart.
Sign area shall not exceed 40 square feet if located at the ten-foot setback line specified in § 184-91A(1), but may be enlarged by one square foot for each additional foot the sign is set back beyond this point, up to a maximum of 75 square feet. Sign height shall not exceed 25 feet.
The sign shall identify the name and/or address of the property, or not more than four tenants of the lot. A directory sign with the names of more than four tenants may be permitted if a pull-off lane is provided to allow vehicles to safely stop while drivers are reviewing the sign.
One wall sign shall be permitted on each building facade that faces the street frontage in question. Wall signs shall meet the size requirements of § 184-93D above.
All signs for multi-tenant properties shall be designed with a similar style and compatible materials, to project a unified appearance.
Window signs shall not be regulated under the maximum sign area provisions if they are not internally illuminated and they do not exceed 25% of the total area of the windows along each exterior wall.
For shopping centers, planned retail business centers or other storefronts arranged in strip fashion, total sign area per street frontage need not be calculated. The following requirements shall apply:
[Amended 12-20-2011 by Ord. No. 328; 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 379]
One freestanding sign shall be permitted at the primary entrance to the development and one additional sign at another location. Signs along the same street frontage shall be at least 500 feet apart.
Sign area shall not exceed 40 square feet if located at the ten-foot setback line specified in § 184-91A(1) but may be enlarged by one square foot for each additional foot the sign is set back beyond this point up to a maximum of 75 square feet. Sign height shall not exceed 25 feet.
The sign shall identify the name and/or address of the property or not more than four tenants of the lot. A directory sign with the name of more than four tenants may be permitted if a pull-off lane is provided to allow vehicles to safely stop while drivers are reviewing the sign.
Wall signs for multi-tenant buildings shall be permitted for each tenant. Area may not exceed 20% of the building face on the frontage, up to a maximum of 250 square feet. One sign shall be permitted for each tenant. Sign bands are prohibited.
Wall signs for pad sites. Signs on freestanding buildings within such districts shall comply with the provisions of § 184-93D above.
Window signs shall not be regulated under the maximum sign area provisions if they are not internally illuminated and they do not exceed 25% of the total area of the windows along each exterior wall.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection C, Office and/or industrial park signs, was repealed 12-20-2011 by Ord. No. 327. See now § 184-93L.
[Added 6-19-2012 by Ord. No. 330]
Freestanding signs along expressway right-of-way: one for every 1,000 feet of frontage along the right-of-way with a maximum of two such signs per development. Each sign may have a maximum area of 300 square feet, with a maximum height of 25 feet (measured from the grade at the expressway right-of-way line at the point closest to the sign location). All freestanding signs shall be set back 500 feet from property lines of any existing dwellings or any residential district.
Freestanding signs at vehicular entries or at the intersection of public roads serving as an entry to a development: one at each entry or intersection, with a maximum area of 200 square feet per sign and a maximum height of 20 feet.
Freestanding signs for individual buildings within the development separated from other buildings: one per building with a maximum area of 100 square feet per sign, and a maximum height of 20 feet.
Wall signs permitted for each building face: a maximum area equal to 25% of the area of the building face; provided, however, that in no case shall the signage on any single building face exceed 400 square feet.
Marquee or canopy signs: maximum of 100 square feet per street frontage; graphic treatment on such signs shall be permitted but not be computed as part of sign area.
All other signs will be in accordance with Article XII, Signs, of Chapter 184, Zoning.
A permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Officer for all signs, except the following:
Real estate signs and other temporary signs not exceeding six square feet in area.
Residential nameplates and incidental signs.
Other incidental signs not exceeding four square feet in area.
Official signs and "no trespassing" signs.
Editor's Note: Former § 184-96, Nonconforming signs, was repealed 12-15-2020 by Ord. No. 404.