It is the specific intent of this article to:
A. Recognize that signs perform an important function
in identifying properties, businesses, services, residences, events
and other matters of interest to the public.
B. Set standards and provide controls that permit reasonable
use of signs while restricting their potential adverse visual effects
on community character.
C. Encourage signs which are attractively designed in
order to enhance the economic value of the community's commercial
and industrial districts.
D. Link sign area to building size to ensure that signs
are compatible with their surroundings.
E. Control the size, number, location and illumination
of signs to reduce potential hazards caused by glare or obstruction
of visibility and to reduce visual clutter which results from competition
among signs.
The requirements of this section shall apply
to any lot with more than one nonresidential tenant or business operation,
including shopping centers, office parks and other nonresidential
A. For lots with more than one nonresidential tenant,
with the exception of shopping centers and office or industrial parks,
total permitted sign area per street frontage shall not exceed two
square feet per linear foot of building frontage, up to a maximum
of 300 square feet. Sign area per street frontage may be divided among
the following sign types:
[Amended 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 379]
(1) One freestanding identification or directory sign
is permitted at each vehicular entrance to the property, except that
signs along the same street frontage shall be at least 500 feet apart.
Sign area shall not exceed 40 square feet if located at the ten-foot setback line specified in §
184-91A(1), but may be enlarged by one square foot for each additional foot the sign is set back beyond this point, up to a maximum of 75 square feet. Sign height shall not exceed 25 feet.
The sign shall identify the name and/or address
of the property, or not more than four tenants of the lot. A directory
sign with the names of more than four tenants may be permitted if
a pull-off lane is provided to allow vehicles to safely stop while
drivers are reviewing the sign.
(2) One wall sign shall be permitted on each building facade that faces the street frontage in question. Wall signs shall meet the size requirements of §
184-93D above.
(3) All signs for multi-tenant properties shall be designed
with a similar style and compatible materials, to project a unified
(4) Window signs shall not be regulated under the maximum
sign area provisions if they are not internally illuminated and they
do not exceed 25% of the total area of the windows along each exterior
B. For shopping centers, planned retail business centers
or other storefronts arranged in strip fashion, total sign area per
street frontage need not be calculated. The following requirements
shall apply:
[Amended 12-20-2011 by Ord. No. 328; 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 379]
(1) One freestanding sign shall be permitted at the primary
entrance to the development and one additional sign at another location.
Signs along the same street frontage shall be at least 500 feet apart.
Sign area shall not exceed 40 square feet if located at the ten-foot setback line specified in §
184-91A(1) but may be enlarged by one square foot for each additional foot the sign is set back beyond this point up to a maximum of 75 square feet. Sign height shall not exceed 25 feet.
The sign shall identify the name and/or address
of the property or not more than four tenants of the lot. A directory
sign with the name of more than four tenants may be permitted if a
pull-off lane is provided to allow vehicles to safely stop while drivers
are reviewing the sign.
(2) Wall signs for multi-tenant buildings shall be permitted
for each tenant. Area may not exceed 20% of the building face on the
frontage, up to a maximum of 250 square feet. One sign shall be permitted
for each tenant. Sign bands are prohibited.
(3) Wall signs for pad sites. Signs on freestanding buildings within such districts shall comply with the provisions of §
184-93D above.
(4) Window signs shall not be regulated under the maximum
sign area provisions if they are not internally illuminated and they
do not exceed 25% of the total area of the windows along each exterior
[Added 6-19-2012 by Ord. No. 330]
A. Freestanding signs along expressway right-of-way: one for every 1,000
feet of frontage along the right-of-way with a maximum of two such
signs per development. Each sign may have a maximum area of 300 square
feet, with a maximum height of 25 feet (measured from the grade at
the expressway right-of-way line at the point closest to the sign
location). All freestanding signs shall be set back 500 feet from
property lines of any existing dwellings or any residential district.
B. Freestanding signs at vehicular entries or at the intersection of
public roads serving as an entry to a development: one at each entry
or intersection, with a maximum area of 200 square feet per sign and
a maximum height of 20 feet.
C. Freestanding signs for individual buildings within the development
separated from other buildings: one per building with a maximum area
of 100 square feet per sign, and a maximum height of 20 feet.
D. Wall signs permitted for each building face: a maximum area equal
to 25% of the area of the building face; provided, however, that in
no case shall the signage on any single building face exceed 400 square
E. Marquee or canopy signs: maximum of 100 square feet per street frontage;
graphic treatment on such signs shall be permitted but not be computed
as part of sign area.
F. All other signs will be in accordance with Article
XII, Signs, of Chapter
184, Zoning.
A permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Officer
for all signs, except the following:
A. Real estate signs and other temporary signs not exceeding
six square feet in area.
B. Residential nameplates and incidental signs.
C. Other incidental signs not exceeding four square feet
in area.
D. Official signs and "no trespassing" signs.