The examination for police officer will consist of a written and an oral examination, which will be graded on a one-hundred-point scale, with the written examination representing 70% of the final score and the oral examination representing 30% of the final score. These tests and investigation will be graded on a pass/fail basis for every applicant. After an applicant has been extended an offer of employment, final appointment shall be contingent upon the applicant passing a physical and psychological examination. In addition, each applicant will undergo a physical fitness test, a polygraph test and a background investigation. In the event that an applicant fails the initial polygraph test, he or she shall be given a second polygraph examination with a new tester; if he or she fails the second test, he or she may be given a third test with the prior approval of the Commission.
Applicants for the position of patrolman who have successfully passed the written and oral examination and have acquired a score of 70% or more may receive 10 additional points added to their total score if he or she is currently employed by the Borough as a part-time patrolman and has been employed in that position for at least six months. The part-time patrolman must have received a satisfactory or better score on the most recent performance rating administered by the Chief of Police and not have received the mandatory 10 points given to a veteran under these rules in order to be qualified for the additional 10 points.
[Added 3-16-1998 by Res. No. 98-R-9, approved 3-16-1998]
The examination for the positions of Corporal, Sergeant and Lieutenant shall include a written and an oral examination, which will be graded on a one-hundred-point scale, with the written examination representing 70% of the final score and the oral examination representing 30% of the final score.
In addition, each applicant will undergo a physical fitness test which will be graded on a pass/fail basis for every applicant. After an applicant has been extended an offer of promotion, the final appointment to the promotional position shall be contingent upon the applicant passing a physical and psychological examination.
The Commission shall appoint a written examination administrator, an oral examination administrator, a physical fitness examiner, a medical examiner and a psychological examiner to conduct the appropriate examinations required by these rules and regulations.
The Commission may designate the Department of Community Affairs, Municipal Consulting Services Division, the Institute of Urban Police and Administration of the University of Pittsburgh, Harrisburg Area Community College, the State Civil Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any other recognized examining agency to act as examiner for the written examinations. The Commission shall reserve the right to accept or reject, in whole or in part, the recommendations of the regularly appointed examining agency. The evaluation of the service or performance record of any applicant shall be the responsibility of the Commission; provided, however, that the Commission may designate, from time to time, such persons qualified to evaluate performance or service records as are considered necessary to assist in such examinations and evaluations.
Model resolutions of appointment for the appointment of each of these examiners are attached as Appendixes B-1 through B-5, respectively, and model notices of appointment of these examiners are attached as Appendixes C-1 through C-4, respectively,[1] and all are incorporated into these rules and regulations.
Editor's Note: Appendixes B-1 through B-5 and C-1 through C-4 are included as attachments to this chapter.
The written examination shall be graded on a one-hundred-point scale, and an applicant must score 70% or higher in order to continue in the application process. Applicants scoring less than 70% shall be rejected. Within 30 days after the administration of the written examination, all applicants shall be given written notice of their test results, and passing applicants shall be scheduled for an oral examination appointment. A model letter informing a passing applicant of his written score and date for an oral examination is attached as Appendix A-4,[1] and a model letter for a failing applicant is attached as Appendix A-5,[2] and both are incorporated into these rules and regulations.
Editor's Note: Appendix A-4 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix A-5 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Every applicant who scored 70% or higher in the written examination shall be given an oral examination, which will be graded on a one-hundred-point scale, with a score of 70% or higher necessary for passing. The oral examination shall involve questioning the applicant on how he would handle situations relevant to police work. Within 30 days after the applicant's oral examination, he shall be informed of his score in his oral examination and total overall score, and a passing applicant shall be informed of the date for the physical fitness testing. A model letter informing a passing applicant of his oral score and the date for his physical fitness testing is attached as Appendix A-6,[1] and a model letter for a failing applicant is attached as Appendix A-7,[2] and both are incorporated into these rules and regulations.
Editor's Note: Appendix A-6 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix A-7 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Pursuant to the Veterans' Preference Act,[1] any applicant for the position of patrol officer who qualifies as a soldier under this Act shall receive an additional 10 points on top of his total score if the applicant has received passing scores under §§ A131-27, A131-30 and A131-31.
Editor's Note: See 51 Pa.C.S.A. § 7101 et seq.
[Amended 8-17-1998 by Res. No. 98-R-30, approved 8-17-1998]
An applicant for the position of police officer must meet the following requirements:
Harvard step test. Applicant steps up and down, using both feet, on a twenty-inch bench/chair for a rate of 30 steps per minute. The event is five minutes in duration, after which the applicant is allowed to sit and rest for one minute. The examiner then counts the subject's heart rate (for 30 seconds) and multiplies the pulse rate times two to determine whether the applicant meets the required score. Score: Applicant's heart rate no greater than 120 beats per minute.
Dummy drag. Applicant starts behind a line on a level surface. Applicant takes hold of a one-hundred-fifty-pound dummy and, on command, drags the dummy 50 feet. Some part of the dummy must stay in contact with the floor. Score: Applicant must drag dummy 50 feet in less than 20 seconds.
Run and tremor test. Applicant runs 1/4 mile on a level surface then immediately picks up duty-type shotgun. The barrel must be held inside a three-inch loop for a minimum of 15 seconds. Score: Applicant must complete in 120 seconds or less. The applicant cannot touch the circle more than twice with the barrel.
Illinois agility test. Applicant assumes a prone position, push-up position, behind a line. On command the applicant jumps to his/her feet and sprints 30 feet to a figure-eight course and continues the sprint through the course. (See attached chart.) Score: Male, 17.9 seconds; female, 19.7 seconds.
Six-foot wall surmount. The applicant will start 15 feet from a six-foot wall. He/she will climb the wall without assistance or equipment. Applicant must climb completely over the wall. Applicant may attempt the climb as many times as possible within time limit. Score: Applicant must climb the wall within 12 seconds.
Firearms handling. Applicant will pick up a double-action nonfunctional revolver or pistol with his/her strong hand and hold it at arms' length. The applicant will squeeze the trigger as rapidly and as many times as possible within 30 seconds. The test is repeated with the weak hand. Score: Applicant must pull the trigger 15 times within the 30 seconds for each hand.
[Amended 10-16-2000 by Res. No. R-2000-2, approved 10-16-2000]
Applicant must agree to execute any physical agility test waiver document which is required by the Physical Fitness Examiner or examining agency appointed by the Commission to perform the physical fitness exam.
A model letter informing the applicant that he or she has passed the physical agility test is attached as Appendix A-8[1] and a model letter informing an applicant that he or she has failed the physical agility test is attached as Appendix A-9.[2]
Editor's Note: Said Appendix A-8 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Said Appendix A-9 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The Commission shall request the Chief of Police or his designee to conduct a background investigation on each applicant.
The background investigation shall include interviews with the applicant's family, acquaintances, current and former employers, current and former neighbors, references and current and former teachers and school officials.
In addition, the applicant's credit history and record of criminal convictions should be investigated. The applicant may be interviewed directly when the information collected during the background investigation requires clarification or explanation.
After the background investigation is completed, the Chief or his designee shall make a written recommendation to the Commission on whether the applicant is appropriate for consideration for appointment as a police officer.
Appropriateness of the applicant shall be based on the criteria set forth in § A131-21 of these rules and regulations. This recommendation shall be in writing, and if the recommendation is to disqualify, then a detailed written explanation of the reasons for disqualification must be included. The Commission shall make the final determination on whether the information collected during the background investigation warrants rejection of the candidate.
Within 30 days after the Commission considers the recommendation of the Chief of Police or his designee, the applicant will be informed of whether he has passed the background investigation. A model letter informing an applicant that a background investigation has been successfully completed is attached as Appendix A-10,[1] and a model letter informing an applicant that he has failed the background investigation is attached as Appendix A-11,[2] and both are incorporated into these rules and regulations.
Editor's Note: Appendix A-10 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix A-11 is included as an attachment to this chapter.