[Amended 10-16-2000 by Res. No. R-2000-2, approved 10-16-2000]
At the completion of the examination requirements set forth in Article
IV, written examination, oral examination, background investigation and physical fitness test, the Commission shall rank all passing applicants on a list, with the applicant receiving the highest score at the top of the list and the applicant receiving the lowest passing score at the bottom of the list. Applicants who qualify for veterans' preference points shall have those points added to their passing score prior to being ranked on the eligibility list. For promotional positions, fulfilling the performance requirement set forth in §
A131-21 is also required. In the case of tied scores, the tie will be broken by giving preference (listing higher on the list) to the applicant who submitted a final completed application first. If both tied applicants submitted their complete applications on the same day, then the applicants shall be ranked in alphabetical order by surname. The Commission may, at its sole discretion, void an eligibility list at any time for any reason, but in no case shall any eligible list remain in effect for a period of more than two years from the date of its preparation.
Whenever there are urgent reasons for the filling
of a vacancy in any position in the Police Department and there are
no names on the eligible list for such appointment, the Borough Council
may nominate a person to the Commission for noncompetitive examination,
and such nominee may be certified by the Commission as qualified after
such noncompetitive examination, and he may be appointed provisionally
to fill such vacancy. It shall thereupon become the duty of the Commission
within three weeks to hold a competitive examination and certify a
list of eligibles, and then a regular appointment shall be made from
the name or names submitted by the Commission, provided that nothing
within this section shall prevent the appointment, without examination,
of persons temporarily as police officers in cases of riot or other