[Adopted 12-7-1995 by Ord. No. 1245 as Ch. 264 of the 1995 Code]
There is hereby established a committee to be known as the "Community Relations Committee." Such Committee shall consist of seven members to be appointed by Council. The terms of office of the members of the Committee shall commence on the date of appointment, with three members serving until December 31, 1992, three members serving until December 31, 1991, and one member serving until December 31, 1990. Thereafter, whenever a vacancy occurs or is about to occur by the reason of the expiration of the term of any member, Council shall appoint a member of the Committee for a term of three years from the date of expiration of the prior term to succeed the member whose term is expired or is about to expire.
If a vacancy occurs by reason of the death, disqualification, resignation or removal of a member of the Community Relations Committee, Council shall appoint a successor to fill his or her unexpired term.
Ex officio members of the Community Relations Committee shall be the Chairman of the Council Recreation Committee and a member of the Police Department.
The Community Relations Committee shall fix a date for organization, shall elect a Chairman and a Secretary and shall hold meetings at such time and place as the Committee determines.
The Community Relations Committee shall have the following purposes:
To serve as a liaison between Council and Borough residents in matters pertaining to interracial, recreational and cultural problems;
To hold meetings for the purpose of formulating means and methods whereby the residents of the Borough would enjoy an atmosphere of understanding and meaningful relationship;
To meet with the young men and/or young women involved and their parents when incidents of an interracial nature occur;
To discuss and present to Council plans and programs which would involve the youth of the Borough;
To hold meetings to which the residents of the Borough would be invited for the purpose of discussing matters that would concern the common good of the community; and
To address, when requested by Council or the Mayor, neighborhood disputes and, if possible, resolve such disputes.