[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Yeadon 6-17-2004 by Ord. No. 1304. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Floodplain management — See Ch. 164.
Nuisances — See Ch. 203.
Property maintenance and housing standards — See Ch. 220.
Stormwater management — See Ch. 264.
Zoning — See Ch. 300.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Borough of Yeadon Building Code" and/or the Pennsylvania "Uniform Construction Code."
In accordance with the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act, Act 45 of 1999, Chapter 5, Section 501(a)(1),[1] the Borough of Yeadon, situate in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, hereby elects to administer and enforce the Uniform Construction Code as their municipal building code and the International Fuel Gas Code for purposes described in Section 302(a) of said Act 45.[2]
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 7210.501(a)(a).
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 7210.302(a).
This adoption shall include all relative codes specifically provided for under said Act 45, to include but not limited to the International Building Code, the International Residential Code, the International Fire Code and all other referenced codes. As provided for under Act 45, Section 304, all subsequent editions or successor codes are hereby adopted. In addition, as provided for by the Building Code Official (BCO) Certification Course and Examination book, and subsequent ruling by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, the following appendixes of the following ICC codes are also adopted:
International Building Code 2003.
The following sections of Appendix B, titled "Board of Appeals," which outlines administrative processes and organization of the Board of Appeals, are hereby incorporated into the appeals provisions of Act 45, Section 403.121, with the following noted amendments, insertions and or deletions:
B101.1, titled "Application," which outlines a twenty-day time limit for an applicant to file an appeal, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
B101.2, titled "Membership of board," which establishes a five-member appeals board serving five-year terms, is hereby incorporated, but the language shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced to read:
"The Board of Appeals shall consist of five persons appointed by the Borough Council as follows:
One for five years, one for four years, one for three years; one for two years; thereafter, each new member shall serve for five years or until a successor has been appointed.
The Fire Chief of the Yeadon Fire Company shall also serve on the appeals board filing a one-year term and shall be reappointed by the Council on an annual basis.
The Building Official shall be an ex officio member of said board but shall have no vote on any matter before the Board."
B101.2.1, titled "Alternate members," which establishes the Council's ability to appoint two alternate members, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
B101.2.2, titled "Qualifications," which outlines the required credentials and experience of the appeals board shall be modified to read:
"The Board of Appeals shall consist of five individuals, one from each of the following professions or disciplines:
Registered design professional in Pennsylvania with at least 10 years of architectural or engineering experience.
General contractor, builder, or superintendent of building construction with at least 10 years of experience, five of which shall have been in responsible charge of work.
Electrical or plumbing contractor with a master electrical or plumbing license or a mechanical contractor. Such individual shall have at least 10 years of experience, five of which shall have been in responsible charge of work.
Historical property specialist with at least 10 years of experience in historical preservation of properties, five years of which shall have been in responsible charge of work.
Fire Chief of the Yeadon Fire Company."
B101.2.3, titled "Rules and procedures," which establishes ability of the appeals board to establish policies and procedures, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
B101.2.4, titled "Chairperson," which establishes the Board's ability to appoint a Chairperson, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
B101.2.6, titled "Secretary," which establishes the Board's ability to appoint a Secretary, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
B101.2.7, titled "Compensation of members," which establishes the Council's ability to provide compensation for board members if it so desires, is incorporated in its entirety.
B101.3.1, titled "Open hearing," which establishes the hearings to be open to the public, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
B101.3.2, titled "Procedure," which establishes that rules of procedures be made available to the public, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
B101.3.3, titled "Postponed hearing," which establishes the right of either the appellant or the appellant's representative to request a postponement of the hearing, as a result of the absence of one or more board members, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
B101.4.2, titled "Administration," which establishes the requirements for the Building Official to take immediate action in accordance with the decision of the Board, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
Appendix G, titled "Flood-Resistant Construction," which aims to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific flood hazard areas through the establishment of comprehensive regulations for management of flood hazard areas, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix I, titled "Patio Covers," which establishes recommended standards for the construction and installation of patio covers on non-one- and two-family dwellings, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix J, titled "Grading," which establishes the provisions and standards for grading, excavation and earthwork construction, including fills and embankments as they relate to new construction, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
International Residential Code 2003.
Appendix A, titled "Sizing and Capacities of Gas Piping," which establishes a recommended standard for determining fuel gas pipe sizes, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix B, titled "Sizing of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped with Draft Hoods, Category I Appliances, and Appliances Listed for Use and Type B Vents," which establishes a recommended standard for determining vent ducts and vent piping sizes, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix C, titled "Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct-Vent Venting Systems," which provides information, explanations, examples to illustrate and clarify the various requirements for the exterior termination of exhaust vents, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix D, titled "Recommended Procedure for Safety Inspection of an Existing Appliance Installation," which establishes a guide to aid in determining that an appliance is properly installed and is in a safe condition for containing use, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix F, titled "Radon Control Methods," which establishes the requirements for radon-resistant construction for new construction in Yeadon Borough, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
Appendix H, titled "Patio Covers," which establishes recommended standards for the construction and installation of patio covers on one- and two-family dwellings, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
International Fire Code 2003.
Appendix B, titled "Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings," which establishes a procedure for determining fire-flow requirements for buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix C, titled "Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution," which establishes the number and location of fire hydrants for the protection of buildings, or a portion of buildings hereafter constructed, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix D, titled "Fire Apparatus Roads," which establishes that facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus access road, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix E, titled "Hazard Categories," which provides information, explanations and examples to illustrate and clarify the hazard categories contained in Chapter 27 of the International Fire Code, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix F, titled "Hazard Rankings," which establishes levels of hazards to be applied to specific hazard classes as required by NFPA 704 and is referenced throughout the Fire Code, is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
Appendix G, titled "Cryogenic Fluids - Weight and Volume Equivalents," which provides a reference chart to convert volumes of cryogenic fluids into volumes of gas, and is hereby incorporated in its entirety.
International Plumbing Code 2003.
Appendix B, titled "Rates of Rainfall for Various Cities," which establishes the average rate of rainfall for the Philadelphia area, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix D, titled "Degree Days and Design Temperatures," which establishes various average temperatures for the Philadelphia area, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix E, titled "Sizing of Water Piping Systems," which establishes two procedures for sizing a water piping system, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix F, titled "Structural Safety," which establishes a list of structural safety considerations that must be adhered to while running plumbing lines, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
International Mechanical Code 2003. Appendix B of the International Mechanical Code, titled "Combustion Air Openings and Chimney Connector Pass-Throughs," which establishes a guide and illustrations showing the proper installation of air intake and exhaust piping through attic, chimney and other concealed spaces, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
International Fuel Gas Code 2003.
Appendix A, titled "Sizing and Capacities of Gas Piping," which establishes a recommended standard for determining fuel gas pipe sizes, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix B, titled "Sizing of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped with Draft Hoods, Category I Appliances, and Appliances Listed for Use and Type B Vents," which establishes a recommended standard for determining vent ducts and vent piping sizes, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix C, titled "Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct-Vent Venting Systems," which provides information, explanations, examples to illustrate and clarify the various requirements for the exterior termination of exhaust vents, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix D, titled "Recommended Procedure for Safety Inspection of an Existing Appliance Installation," which establishes a guide to aid in determining that an appliance is properly installed and is in a safe condition for continuing use, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
International Existing Building Code 2003.
Appendix A, titled "Guidelines for the Seismic Retrofit of Existing Buildings," which establishes a minimum standard for reducing the risk of death or injury that may result from the effects of earthquakes on existing unreinforced masonry-bearing wall buildings, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix B, titled "Supplementary Accessibility Requirements for Existing Buildings and Facilities," which establishes recommended accessibility standards for existing buildings, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Resource A, titled "Guidelines on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and Assemblies," which establishes guidelines to determine the fire-resistance rating of the existing building elements as part of the overall evaluation for the assessment of the need for improvements, and is hereby adopted in its entirety.
International Energy Conservation Code 2003. The appendix of the International Energy Conservation Code, which provides construction details for concepts outlined in the actual code, is hereby adopted.
International Performance Code 2003.
Appendix A, titled "Risk Factors of Use and Occupancy Classifications," which establishes classifications of buildings, structures, and portions of buildings and structures by their primary use in order to facilitate design and construction in accordance with other provisions of this code, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix B, titled "Worksheet for Assigning Specific Structures to Performance Groups," which establishes a formula for evaluating the inherent risks and or hazards associated with a facility, building or portions thereof, in order to apply the appropriate code requirements of the ICC Performance Code, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix C, titled "Individually Substantiated Design Method," which establishes a guide for substantiating and approving building designs that are not based on authoritative documents or design guides, and is adopted in its entirety.
Appendix D, titled "Qualification Characteristics for Design and Review of Performance-Based Designs," which establishes a resource to anyone undertaking a performance-based design or review to assess qualifications of the participants performing the task, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Appendix E, titled "Use of Computer Models," which establishes a guide for allowing the use of computer models for determining a buildings compliance with this code, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
Successor codes and appendixes. Upon adoption by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of successor codes, those codes and the appendixes corresponding to those listed above are also hereby adopted.
Fees for building permits shall be in accordance with a schedule adopted by resolution of the Borough Council from time to time.
Administration and enforcement of the code within the Borough shall be undertaken in any of the following ways as determined by the governing body of the Borough from time to time by resolution:
By the designation of an employee of the Borough to serve as the municipal code official to act on behalf of the Borough.
By the retention of one or more construction code officials or third-party agencies to act on behalf of the Borough.
By agreement with one or more other municipalities for the joint administration and enforcement of this Act through an intermunicipal agreement.
By entering into a contract with another municipality for the administration and enforcement of this Act on behalf of the Borough.
By entering into an agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry for plan review, inspections, and enforcement of structures other than one-family or two-family dwelling units and utility and miscellaneous use structures.
All building code ordinances or portions of ordinances which were adopted by the Borough on or before July 1, 1999, and which equal or exceed the requirements of the code shall continue in full force and effect until such time as such provisions fail to equal or exceed the minimum requirements of the code, as modified from time to time. For the purposes of single-source code and requirement efforts, the following language, without limitation, from the Borough of Yeadon Codes, adopted prior to July 1, 1999 are hereby incorporated into this Borough of Yeadon Building Code. The exclusion of other code language shall not render such language unenforceable, unless such language contains requirements that are less stringent than the minimum requirements of the Code.
Language from Ordinance Number 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with applications for permits, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Applications and permits for repairs to buildings and structures as well as for the erection and alteration of buildings and structures."
Language from Ordinance Number 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with when a permit is required, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"A permit is required for all construction, alteration or repair to the structure of a building the driveways, the sidewalks or the areas surrounding the building."
Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with work exempt from permits, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Refinishing, painting, papering, carpeting, floor tiling and minor repairs not costing in excess of $500 and not structurally altering any walls, beams, means of ingress and egress, standpipes, water supply, sewers, drainage, drain leaders, gas soil waste vent or similar piping, electric wiring or mechanical or other work affecting public health and or general safety."
Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with the number of plans submitted with a permit, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"The application for permit shall be accompanied by not less than three sets of construction documents."
Prior notice. Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with prior notice of start of work, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"At least forty-eight-hour notice of start of work under a building permit shall be given to the code official."
Fees. Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with fees for professional services, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"All fees and cost related to the performance of professional services and incurred by the Borough shall be borne by the owner."
Incarceration. Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with incarceration in addition to citations, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
In addition to or in place of citations and fines, the person so charged may be "imprisoned not more than 10 days in the Borough lockup or not more than 30 days in the county jail or work house."
Building up of windows and doors. Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with the Boarding up of windows and doors, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"No building shall have the windows or doors blocked except to alleviate a dangerous condition which is of a temporary nature. A detailed description of the planned work, including the specifications of dangerous conditions and the period of time it will take to correct the condition, must be immediately submitted to the Building Inspector for approval."
Certificate of occupancy. Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with certificate of occupancy, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"No change in use or occupancy shall occur without the submission of an application for certificate of occupancy to the Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining approval of the same."
Electrical work.
Language from Ordinance No. 619, adopted 11-25-1975, dealing with the requirements for electrical plans and designs, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows
"Plans and specifications for the electrical work to be installed. Electrical drawings will be required for all new commercial, public and industrial buildings and apartments, signed by an architect or a professional electrical engineer qualified in the commonwealth to prepare such final drawings, plans and specifications, unless the estimated cost of electrical work is less than $2,500."
Language from Ordinance No. 619, adopted 11-25-1975, dealing with fees for professional services for electrical work, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows.
"Where applications for design are filed or the magnitude of construction is such that the Code Enforcement Officer determines that such applications require the performance of professional services by the Borough, all fees and costs related to the performance of those professional services and incurred by the Borough shall be borne by the owner."
Language from Ordinance No. 619, adopted 11-25-1975, dealing with the inspection and approval of electrical work, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Inspections and tests to determine whether or not the provisions of the National Electrical Code and this chapter have been complied with shall be made by the Code Enforcement Officer and an approved inspection agency. Upon completion of any electrical work, a certificate of inspection and approval issued by an approved inspection agency shall be furnished to the Code Enforcement Officer not later than 15 days after such completion. Schedules of the fees charged by each inspection agency shall at all times be kept on file in the office of the Code Enforcement Officer at the Borough Hall and be open to public inspection."
Language from Ordinance No. 619, adopted 11-25-1975, dealing with the code compliance verification of electrical work, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"All decisions as to whether or not electrical work complies with the provisions of the National Electrical Code and this chapter shall be made by the Code Enforcement Officer, who is hereby authorized to stop any electrical work in progress and order the removal thereof if he or she determines that such work is not being installed in conformity with the provisions of the National Electrical Code and this chapter."
Language from Ordinance No. 619, adopted 11-25-1975, dealing with the waiving of electrical inspections, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"The Code Enforcement Officer is hereby authorized to waive inspection of all or that portion of electrical work for which he or she has received a duplicate record of approval from an approved inspection agency certifying that such work complies with the provisions of the National Electrical Code and this chapter. Notice of such waiver of inspection shall be given to the applicant so that the approved work can thereafter be concealed."
Language from Ordinance No. 619, adopted 11-25-1975, dealing with the approval of third-party electrical inspection agencies, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"The Code Enforcement Officer shall not accept any certificate of inspection from an inspection agency that has not been approved by resolution of Council. Council shall investigate the qualifications, method of operation, completeness of inspection activity and type of report before approving such agency."
The following language from Ordinance No. 619, adopted 11-25-1975, dealing with the revocation of permits, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
The Code Enforcement Officer may revoke any permit when:
Any work for which a permit has been granted is done in violation of any of the provision of the National Electrical Code or this chapter or of the approved final drawings therefor or is otherwise done in an unsafe and dangerous manner;
Any condition of the permit is violated; or
Active work under the permit is not commenced within 90 days from the date of its issuance.
When the Code Enforcement Officer determines that grounds exist for the revocation of a permit, he or she shall serve notice upon the holder of such permit, stating the nature of the violation and stating that all requirements must be complied with within 30 days of receipt of such notice. The notice may also prescribe a course of remedial action. If at the expiration of the time allowed for compliance, the violation has not been corrected, the Code Enforcement Officer shall revoke the permit."
Language from Ordinance No. 619, adopted 11-25-1975, dealing with the abatement of electrical code violations, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Any electrical work performed contrary to the provisions of this chapter, including the provisions of the National Electrical Code adopted herein, is hereby declared to be a common or public nuisance and abatable as such."
Language from Ordinance No. 619, adopted 11-25-1975, dealing with the installation of emergency shutoff switches, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Whenever electrical work is to be performed in connection with a gas or oil burner installation in any existing building or structure or in the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair of a building or structure, there shall be installed an emergency shutoff switch with a red plate thereon marked "Oil Burner" or "Gas Burner," as the case may be, at the entrance of the basement or heating room. In cases where more than one entrance exists, such switch shall be located at the entrance which permit normal access to the living quarters. The height of such switch shall be six feet above the finished floor."
BOCA and NFPA Codes. Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with the adoption of BOCA and NFPA codes, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
There is hereby adopted by reference, as if the same were fully described herein, the BOCA National Fire Prevention Code, being particularly the 1996 edition thereof, prepared and promulgated by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., and the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, being particularly the 1997 edition thereof, prepared and promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association, except as modified in this chapter. Such codes shall be referred to as the 'Fire Prevention Code.'
As the BOCA National Fire Prevention Code and the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code set forth in Subsection (a) hereof are amended, supplemented or added to, such amendments, supplements or additions shall also be established as the law of the Borough. As any future amendments or editions of such codes described in Subsection (a) hereof are published, they shall also be adopted by the Borough."
Potential conflicts in codes and standards.
Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with the potential conflict in codes and standards, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"In the event of a conflict between a provision of the Fire Prevention Code adopted [Subsection A(8)(a) and (b) above] and a provision of any commonwealth statute, the more stringent provision shall prevail."
Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with the potential conflict in codes and standards, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Where provisions of the BOCA National Fire Prevention Code, as adopted [Subsection A(8)(a) and (b) above] and the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, as adopted [Subsection A(8)(a) and (b) above] overlap, the more stringent or construction requirement shall prevail."
Fire prevention.
Language from Ordinance No. 1182 adopted 1-5-1989, dealing with fire protection and detection plans and specifications, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
Plans, specifications and engineering details. All cost for the preparation of plans, specifications and/or engineering details shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
Where applications for design are filed or the magnitude of construction is such that the Code Enforcement Officer determines that such applications require the performance of professional services, including, but not limited to, plan review or site inspection by the Borough, all fees and costs related to the performance of those professional services and incurred by the Borough shall be borne by the owner."
Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with fire lanes, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
All signs and markings required by the Fire Marshal on private property shall be installed by the property owner within 30 days of receipt of written notice by the Marshal.
The cost of all such signs and markings shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall not issue a certificate of occupancy for new construction, or renovations, until such signs and markings are in place.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall not issue a housing occupancy certificate until such signs and markings are in place.
No person shall obstruct or block any fire lane or fire zone, provided that such lane or zone has been designated by the Fire Marshal and is property posted."
Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with fire protection systems, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
Before a fire alarm, detection or fire suppression system is installed, enlarged or extended, a permit therefor shall be obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer.
Plans and specifications for such devices or systems shall be submitted to the Code Enforcement Officer for review prior to the issuance of the permit.
Single-family dwellings are exempt from this section, provided that such system is not connected by any means, including tape dialer, to an external monitoring source, including the County Emergency Communications Board."
Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with fire detectors, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
New construction. All new construction in the Borough, whether residential, commercial, institutional or industrial, shall be equipped with fire detectors of a type approved by the Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) and/or Factory Manual (FM.)
Existing structures.
An existing structure in the Borough, whether residential, commercial, institutional or industrial, shall comply with all provisions of this chapter prior to the transfer of title, at the time such property is offered for sale or, in the case of rental properties, prior to the time of occupancy by a new tenant. Institutional or commercial properties shall have three years in which to comply with this subsection, provided that such property has not been subject to transfer of title, sale or new occupancy prior to this time.
In the case of a transfer of title, it is the responsibility of the owner of record prior to the transfer of title to have such property comply with all provisions of the Fire Prevention Code adopted.
Fire detectors shall be of a type approved by the Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) and/or Factory Mutual (FM).
Placement and number of fire detectors.
Single-family dwellings shall have at least one fire detector for each floor.
Lodging or boarding homes shall have at least one fire detector for each room, including corridors or hallways, but excluding bathrooms and kitchens. Additional detectors may be required by the Fire Marshal.
Industrial and commercial properties shall have at least one fire detector for each 500 square feet of open floor space and one fire detector per office or room. Additional detectors may be required by the Fire Marshal.
Institutional properties shall have fire detectors installed as detailed in the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, as adopted in § 122-5A(8). Additional detectors may be required by the Fire Marshal.
Issuance of certificate. A certificate of occupancy or housing occupancy certificate shall not be issued unless fire detection equipment, as required in this section, is present and functional. This provision shall provide no legal liability to the Borough; the Borough shall only ensure that at the time of the initial inspection of premises, fire detection equipment was present and functional."
Language from Ordinance No. 1099, adopted 7-21-1983, dealing with the issuance of certificates of occupancy, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Issuance of certificate. A certificate of occupancy or housing occupancy certificate shall not be issued unless fire detection equipment, as required in this section, is present and functional. This provisions shall provide no legal liability to the Borough; the Borough shall only ensure that at the time of the initial inspection of premises, fire detection equipment was present and functional."
Language from Ordinance No. 1099, adopted 7-21-1983, dealing with the causing a fire hazard, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"No person who possesses, occupies or has control of any building or premises in the Borough shall permit or cause therein or thereon a fire hazard or any installation, construction, equipment, matter or thing which, by reason of not being installed, constructed or maintained according to recognized standards and practices for the prevention of fire, creates or produces danger to any person, animal or property from fire."
Language from Ordinance No. 1099, adopted 7-21-1983, dealing with dangerous accumulations, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Whenever the Fire Marshal finds that, in a building or upon any premises covered by the Fire Prevention Code adopted in § 122-5A(8), there is combustible or explosive matter, a dangerous accumulation of rubbish or an unnecessary accumulation of wastepaper, boxes, shavings or highly flammable materials so situated as to endanger property, or that there is an obstruction to or on a fire escape, stairway, passageway, door or window which is liable to interfere with the operation of the Fire Department or the egress of occupants in case of fire, he or she shall order the same to be removed or remedied."
Language from Ordinance No. 1099, adopted 7-21-1983, dealing with dilapidation or lack of equipment, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Whenever the Fire Marshal finds a building or other structure covered by the Fire Prevention Code adopted in § 122-5A(8) which, for want of repairs or the lack of sufficient fire escapes, automatic or other fire alarm apparatus or fire extinguishing equipment, or by reason of age, dilapidated condition or for any other reason, is especially liable to catch fire, and which is so situated as to endanger other property or the occupants thereof, and whenever such officer or his or her authorized representative finds, in a building covered by such Fire Prevention Code, combustible or explosive matter or flammable conditions dangerous to the safety of such building or the occupants thereof, he or she shall order such dangerous conditions or materials to be removed or to be remedied in accordance with this chapter. No person shall fail to comply with such order."
Language from Ordinance No. 1099, adopted 7-21-1983, dealing with the location of dumpsters, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Owners and occupants of commercial, industrial and institutional buildings and multifamily dwellings using dumpsters to accumulate trash, debris and combustible refuse shall located such dumpsters at least 15 feet from the nearest structure on a suitable area designated by the Fire Marshal or the Code Official appointed by Council."
Language from Ordinance No. 1099, adopted 7-21-1983, dealing with hydrant placement at high hazard locations, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Owners of new or existing ship yards, oil storage plants, lumber yards, amusement or exhibition parks, educational or institutional complexes and similar occupancies and uses which involve high fire or life hazards, which are located more than 150 feet from a public street or which require quantities of water beyond the capabilities of the public water distribution system, shall provide property placed fire hydrants. Such fire hydrants shall be capable of supplying fire flows as required by the Fire Marshal, shall be connected to a water system in accordance with the approved rules and may require the establishment of a trained fire brigade when the hazard involved requires such measures. No such private hydrant shall be placed into or removed from service until approved by the Fire Marshal."
Language from Ordinance No. 1099, adopted 7-21-1983, dealing with the proper maintenance and replacement of defective fire hydrants, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"No person shall obstruct, remove, tamper with or otherwise disturb a fire hydrant or fire appliance required to be installed or maintained under the Fire Prevention Code adopted, except for the purposes of extinguishing fire, training or testing, recharging or making necessary repairs or when permitted by the Fire Marshal. Whenever a fire appliance is removed as permitted in this section, it shall be replaced or reinstalled as soon as the purpose for which it was removed has been accomplished. Defective and nonapproved fire appliances or equipment shall be replaced or repaired as directed by the Fire Marshal."
Language from Ordinance No. 1099, adopted 7-21-1983, dealing with fire inspections, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon. Building Code as follows:
"Inspections shall be performed by the Fire Marshal at least once per year, except that health institutions and lodging and boarding homes shall be inspected quarterly."
Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with fire detectors, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Signal alarms for certain tanks. All two-hundred-seventy-five-gallon fuel oil tanks shall be provided with signal alarms to prevent overfilling."
Language from Ordinance No. 1245, adopted 12-7-1995, dealing with fire detectors, shall be incorporated into the Borough of Yeadon Building Code as follows:
"Valves on supply and overflow lines. All fuel oil tanks buried in the ground shall have manually operated valves on supply lines and on overflow lines, which valves shall not be more than two feet from the burners and shall be accessible."
All building code ordinances or portions of ordinances which are in effect as of the effective date of this chapter and whose requirements are less than the minimum requirements of the code are hereby modified to conform with the comparable provisions of the code.
All relevant ordinances, regulations and policies of the Borough not governed by the code shall remain in full force and effect.
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.42, titled "Permit requirements and exemptions as they pertain to commercial properties," are hereby modified as follows:
Section 403.42(b), which establishes the permit requirements for emergency repairs, shall be modified to read:
"Emergency repairs or replacement of equipment may be made without first applying for a permit if the applicant calls the Code Office prior to the start of work and secures a permit within 24 hours or the next Borough business day."
Section 403.42(c), which establishes a list of items that are exempt from permit requirements, shall have the following items modified or deleted from such list as indicated:
Section 403.42(c)(1)(i), which nullifies permit requirements for fences not over six feet in height, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.42(c)(1)(ii), which nullifies permit requirements for oil derricks, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.42(c)(1)(iii), which nullifies permit requirements for retaining walls which are not over four feet in height, shall be modified to require permits for such items over 24 inches in height.
Section 403.42(c)(1)(iv), which nullifies permit requirements for water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two to one, shall be modified by replacing the one occurrences of "5,000 gallons" with "500 gallons."
Section 403.42(c)(1)(v), which nullifies permit requirements for sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and that are not located over a basement or story below it and which are not part of an accessible route, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.42(c)(1)(vi), which nullifies permit requirements for painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finishing work, shall be modified to read:
"Painting, papering, carpeting, counter top replacements, trim and similar finishing work, not to include flooring, or the installation of two or more kitchen or bathroom cabinets or new counter top assemblies."
Section 403.42(c)(1)(vii), which nullifies permit requirements for temporary motion picture, television, and theater stage sets and scenery, shall be modified to add additional language at the end of the sentence before the period to read: "that are prefabricated and come with manufacture's specifications to include approved engineer's or equivalent stamp."
Section 403.42(c)(1)(viii), which nullifies permit requirements for prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R-3 occupancy which are less than 24 inches deep, do not exceed 5,000 gallons and are installed entirely aboveground, shall be modified to read:
"Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R-3 occupancy which are less than 24 inches deep, unless they have some type of motorized pump or recirculation equipment and are installed entirely above ground."
Section 403.42(c)(1)(ix), which nullifies permit requirements for shade cloth structures constructed for nursery or agricultural purposes that do not include service systems, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.42(c)(1) (xiii), which nullifies permit requirements for window replacement without structural change, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
As provided for under Act 45 Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.42a, titled "Permit application, as they pertain to commercial properties," are hereby modified as follows:
Section 403.42a(b), which establishes permit application requirements and support information, shall be modified by adding the following language before the period at the end of the paragraph to read: "and three sets if reviewed by the Borough of Yeadon."
Section 403.42a(c), which establishes the requirements for a licensed architect or engineer to prepare all necessary design documents, shall be modified by deleting the last sentence, and thereby not allowing a nonlicensed person to prepare design documents.
Section 403.42a(h), which establishes the details required on a site plan, shall be modified to add new Subsection (7) to read:
"Location of closest fire hydrant to include distance in feet from the main entrance of each and every building, by way of paved surface suitable for fire apparatus; and all on-site fire lanes and fire department connections."
Section 403.43(a) of the Act, which establishes the time period in which the code officer must either approve or deny a building permit, shall be modified by deleting the last sentence in its entirety and replacing it to read:
"A building code official shall grant or deny a permit application in an historic district, in whole or in part, within 90 days of the filing date."
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.43, titled "Grant denial and effect of permits as they pertain to commercial properties," are hereby modified as follows:
Section 403.43(c), which requires the code official to place a stamp on each page of a submitted print, shall be modified by deleting the first sentence in its entirety and replacing it to read:
"A building code official shall stamp or place a notation on the cover sheet of the set of reviewed construction documents that the documents were reviewed and approved for the Uniform Construction Code compliance before the permit is issued."
Section 403.43(g), which establishes a one-hundred-eighty-day time limit for the commencement of work, and a five-year time limit for the completion of a project, shall be modified by replacing the two occurrences of "180 days" with "90 days" and replacing the single occurrence of "five years" with "two years."
Section 403.43(h), which requires the permit applicant to have a copy of the approved permit on site, shall be modified to read:
"The permit holder shall both keep and post a copy of the approved permit to include all conditions on the work site until completion of the construction. Such posting shall be in a conspicuous location."
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.46, titled "Certificate of occupancy," as they pertain to commercial properties, are hereby modified as follows:
Section 403.46(b), which establishes a time limit for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, shall be modified by deleting the first sentence in its entirety and replacing it to read:
"Upon request by the permit applicant or property owner and the completion of a final inspection report that indicates compliance with the Uniform Construction Code, the building code official shall issue a certificate of occupancy within 10 business days."
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.62, titled "Permit requirements and exemptions," as they pertain to residential properties, shall be modified as follows:
Section 403.62(b), which establishes the permit requirements for emergency repairs, shall be modified to read:
"Emergency repairs or replacement of equipment may be made without first applying for a permit if the applicant calls the Code Office prior to the start of work and secures a permit within 24 hours or the next Borough business day."
Section 403.62(c), which establishes a list of items that are exempt from permit requirements, shall have the following items modified or deleted from such list as indicated:
Section 403.62(c)(1)(i), which nullifies permit requirements for fences not over six feet in height, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(1)(ii), which nullifies permit requirements for retaining walls which are not over four feet in height, shall be modified to require permits for such items over 24 inches in height.
Section 403.62(c)(1)(iii), which nullifies permit requirements for water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two to one, shall be modified by replacing the one occurrences of "5,000 gallons" with "500 gallons."
Section 403.62(c)(1)(iv), which nullifies permit requirements for sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and that are not located over a basement or story below it and which are not part of an accessible route, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(1)(v), which nullifies permit requirements for painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finishing work, shall be modified to read:
"Painting papering, carpeting, counter top replacements, trim and similar finishing work, not to include flooring, or the installation of two or more kitchen or bathroom cabinets or new counter top assemblies."
Section 403.62(c)(1)(vi), which nullifies permit requirements for prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R-3 occupancy which are less than 24 inches deep, do not exceed 5,000 gallons and are installed entirely aboveground, shall be modified to read:
"Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R-3 occupancy which are less than 24 inches deep, unless they have some type of motorized pump or recirculation equipment and are installed entirely above ground."
Section 403.62(c)(1)(ix), which nullifies permit requirements for any glass in windows and doors, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced to read:
"Replacement of glass in any window or door except glass that is required to have tempered or impact-load resistance under the International Residential Code. All replacement glass shall comply with the minimum requirements of the International Residential Code."
Section 403.62(c)(1)(x), which nullifies permit requirements for the installation and replacement of a window, door, garage door, storm window and storm door in the same opening if the dimensions or framing of the original opening are not altered, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced to read:
"Installation and replacement of storm windows and storm doors in the same opening, if the dimensions or framing of the original opening is not altered. At the discretion of the Construction Code Official, the installation of means of egress and emergency escape windows may be made in the same opening without altering the dimensions or framing of the original opening if the required height, width or net clear opening of the previous window or door assembly is not reduced."
Section 403.62(c)(1)(xi), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of existing roof material that does not exceed 25% of the total roof area performed within any twelve-month period, shall be modified to read:
"Repair and replacement of roof materials that do not exceed 50 square feet of net roof area."
Section 403.62(c)(1)(xiii), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of existing siding, shall be modified to read:
"Repair and replacement of siding or other exterior wall materials that do not exceed 100 square feet of net wall area."
Section 403.62(c)(1)(xiv), which nullifies permit requirements for the repair or replacement of any part of a porch or stoop which does not structurally support a roof located above the porch or stoop, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(1)(xv), which nullifies permit requirements for the installation of additional roll or batt insulation, shall be modified to read:
"Installation of new or additional roll or batt insulation covering an area of less than 300 square feet, not to include any insulation that is blown in."
Section 403.62(c)(1)(xvi), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of exterior rain water gutters and leaders, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(1)(xvii), which nullifies permit requirements for the installation of an uncovered deck where the floor of the deck is no more than 30 inches above grade, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(2)(ii), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of a receptacle, switch or lighting fixture rated at 20 amps or less and operating at less than 150 volts to ground with a like or similar item, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(2)(iii), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of installed electrically operated equipment such as doorbells, communication systems and any motor-operated device, shall be modified to read:
"Replacement of installed electrically operated equipment such as doorbells and communication systems."
Section 403.62(c)(2)(v), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of electrically powered dishwashers, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(2)(vi), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of electrically powered kitchen range hoods, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(2)(vii), which nullifies permit requirements for the installation of battery-powered smoke detectors, shall be modified by adding the following language before the period at the end of the sentence to read: "that are not connected to the house electrical system."
Section 403.62(c)(5)(i), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of hose bib valves, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(5)(iii), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of ball cocks, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(5)(iv), which nullifies permit requirements for the repair of leaks in a plumbing system, shall be modified by adding the following language before the period at the end of the sentence to read: "that do not include the replacement or removal of pipes and or valves."
Section 403.62(c)(5)(vii), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of valves in a plumbing system other than shower or combination shower-bath valves, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(5)(viii), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of traps in a plumbing system, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(5)(ix), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of a water closet, lavatory or kitchen sink, shall be modified by adding the following language before the period at the end of the sentence to read: "that do not include the installation of new pipes and or valves."
Section 403.62(c)(5)(x), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of a domestic clothes washer and dishwashers, shall be modified by adding the following language before the period at the end of the sentence to read: "that do not include the installation of new pipes and or valves."
Section 403.62(c)(6)(ii), which nullifies permit requirements for the repair and replacement of heating, supply and return piping and radiation elements which do not require rearrangement of the piping system, shall be modified by adding the following language before the period at the end of the sentence to read: "that does not exceed more than 20 linear feet of piping or the replacement of less than two radiator units."
Section 403.62(c)(6)(iii), which nullifies the permit requirements for the repair and replacement of duct work and shall be modified by adding the following language before the period at the end of the sentence to read: "that does not exceed 10 linear feet of duct work, nor any repair or replacement of exhaust or intake ducts."
Section 403.62(c)(6)(iv), which nullifies permit requirements for the repair and replacement of air-conditioning equipment and systems, is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 403.62(c)(6)(vi), which nullifies permit requirements for the replacement of kitchen range hoods, and shall be modified to read:
"Replacement of self or nonventing kitchen range hoods."
Section 403.62(d)(1), which nullifies permit requirements for ordinary repairs, and defines what an ordinary repair is in relation to removal or cutting away of walls, partitions or portions of a wall, shall be modified to add the following language before the period at the end of the sentence to read: "or exposing the structural framing of a wall, not to include minor repairs of holes or punctures in the wall covering."
Section 403.62(d)(2), which nullifies permit requirements for ordinary repairs, and defines what an ordinary repair is in relation to removal or cutting away of any structural beam or load-bearing support, shall be modified to add the following language before the period at the end of the sentence to read: "or installation of any wall openings requiring the configuration of the structural framing."
Section 403.62(e), which nullifies permit requirements for the installation, alteration or repair of generation, transmission, distribution, metering or other related equipment under the control of a public utility, shall be modified to add the following language before the period at the end of the sentence, to read: "not to include the installation of any structures required to house the equipment or any alteration of the structure as required to house the equipment."
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.63, titled "Grant, denial and effect of permits," as they pertain to residential properties, are hereby modified as follows:
Section 403.63(c), which requires the code official to place a stamp on each page of a submitted print, shall be modified by deleting the first sentence in its entirety and replacing it to read:
"A building code official shall stamp or place a notation on the cover sheet of the set of reviewed construction documents that the document were reviewed and approved for the Uniform Construction Code compliance before the permit is issued."
Section 403.63(g), which establishes a one-hundred-eight-day time limit for the commencement of work, and a five-year time limit for the completion of a project, shall be modified by replacing the two occurrences of "180 days" with "90 days" and replacing the single occurrence of "five years" with "two years."
Section 403.63(h), which requires the permit applicant to have a copy of the approved permit on site, shall be modified to read:
"The permit holder shall both keep and post a copy of the approved permit to include all conditions on the work site until completion of the construction. Such posting shall be in a conspicuous location."
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.65, titled "Certificate of occupancy," as they pertain to residential properties, shall be modified as follows:
Section 403.65(b), which establishes a time limit for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, shall be modified by deleting the first sentence in its entirety and replacing it to read:
"Upon request by the permit applicant or property owner and the completion of a final inspection report that indicates compliance with the Uniform Construction Code, the building code official shall issue a certificate of occupancy within 10 business days."
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.81, titled "Stop-work orders," shall be modified as follows:
Section 403.81(b), which establishes the code officers right to issue a stop-work order on projects that are in violation of this code, shall be modified by adding the following language before the period at the end of the sentence, to read: "or by posting the property in a conspicuous location."
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.82, titled "Notice of Violations," which outlines the proper steps for notifying a permit holder or responsible agent thereof of violations of this Act, shall be modified as follows:
Section 403.82(1), which specifies that the code official shall discuss the results of any inspection, shall be modified by adding the following language before the period at the end of the sentence, to read: "if the permit owner or agent thereof is present for the inspection."
Section 403.82(4) shall be newly created and shall read:
"Any work that is concealed and not made available for inspection by the Code Official or agent thereof, as specified in Sections 403.45 and 403.64, shall be a violation of this Act and may result in the immediate issuance of citations and fines in accordance to Section 903 of the Act."
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.83, titled "Order to show cause/order to vacate," shall be modified as follows:
Section 403.83(b), which establishes a time line for the permit applicant to respond within 30 days of a notice to vacate, shall be modified by replacing the one occurrence of "30 days" with "10 days."
Section 403.83(c), which establishes a time line for the permit applicant to respond within 30 days of a notice to vacate and to require the code officer to contact the Boroughs appeals board and/or the departments within five days of any variances of the accessibility requirements, shall be modified by replacing the one occurrence of "30 days" with "10 days" and the two occurrences of "five days" with "10 days."
As provided for under Act 45, Section 403.102(1), the following sections of the administrative regulations of Chapter 403.84, titled "Unsafe building, structure or equipment," shall be modified as follows:
Section 403.84(c), which establishes the procedures for notifying the responsible persons about an unsafe structure or equipments, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced to read:
"If an unsafe condition is found, the building code official shall serve on the owner, agent or person in control of the structure, a written notice that describes the condition deemed unsafe and specifies the required repairs or improvements to be made to abate the unsafe condition, or that requires the unsafe structure to be demolished within a stipulated time. Such notice shall contain notification that the owner or owner's agent shall submit a written answer and or file an appeal as per Section 403.83."
In accordance to the structure and organization of the ICC codes, insertions are hereby incorporated where called out by each particular code as follows:
As provided for in the actual language of the International Building Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
Section 1612.3: Modify the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
Section 1612.3: Modify the one occurrence of "[INSERT DATE OF ISSUANCE]" by inserting "as specified in the Yeadon Borough Code."
Section 3410.2: Modify the one occurrence of "[DATE TO BE INSERTED BY JURISDICTION]" by inserting "as specified in the Yeadon Borough Code."
As provided for in the actual language of the International Electrical Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
Section 404.2: Modify the one occurrence of "[JURISDICTION TO INSERT APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE]" by inserting "See fee schedule adopted by Yeadon Borough Council from time to time."
As provided for in the actual language of the International Energy Conservation Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
As provided for in the actual language of the International Fire Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
Section 109.3: Modify the one occurrence of "[OFFENSE]" by inserting "Summary offense and the violation shall be deemed a strict liability offense."
Section 109.3: Modify the one occurrence of "[DOLLAR AMOUNT]" by inserting "a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000."
Section 109.3: Modify the one occurrence of "[NUMBER OF DAYS]" by inserting "30 days in the county jail."
Section 111.4: Modify the one occurrence of "[DOLLAR AMOUNT]" by inserting "$100."
Section 111.4: Modify the second occurrence of "[DOLLAR AMOUNT]" by inserting "$100."
Section 3204.3.1.1: Insert to read: "the storage of flammable cryogenic fluids in stationary containers is prohibited in any residential districts. All other areas must be approved by the Borough Council."
Section 3404. Insert to read: "the storage of Class I and Class II liquids in aboveground tanks outside of buildings is prohibited in any residential districts. All other areas must be approved by the Borough Council."
Section 3406.2.4.4: Insert to read: "the storage of Class I and Class II liquids in aboveground tanks is prohibited in any residential district. All other areas must be approved by the Borough Council."
As provided for in the actual language of the International Fuel Gas Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
Section 106.5.2: Modify the one occurrence of "[APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE]" by inserting "See fee schedule adopted by Yeadon Borough Council from time to time."
Section 106.5.3: Modify by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing it to read: "Refunds for work not started or completed shall be as per the fee schedule as adopted by the Yeadon Borough Council from time to time."
Section 108.4: Modify the one occurrence of "[SPECIFY OFFENSE] by inserting "Summary offense and the violation shall be deemed a strict liability offense."
Section 108.4: Modify the one occurrence of "[AMOUNT] by inserting "a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000."
Section 108.4: Modify the one occurrence of "[NUMBER OF DAYS]" by inserting "30 days in the county jail."
Section 108.5: Modify the first occurrence of "[AMOUNT]" by inserting "$100."
Section 108.5: Modify the second occurrence of "[AMOUNT]" by inserting "$1,000."
As provided for in the actual language of the International Mechanical Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
Section 106.5.2: Modify the one occurrence of "[APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE]" by inserting "See fee schedule adopted by Yeadon Borough Council from time to time."
Section 106.5.3: Modify by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing it to read: "Refunds for work not started or completed shall be as per the fee schedule as adopted by the Yeadon Borough Council from time to time."
Section 108.4: Modify the one occurrence of "[SPECIFY OFFENSE] by inserting "Summary offense and the violation shall be deemed a strict liability offense."
Section 108.4: Modify the one occurrence of "[AMOUNT] by inserting "a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000."
Section 108.4: Modify the one occurrence of "[NUMBER OF DAYS]" by inserting "30 days in the county jail."
Section 108.5: Modify the first occurrence of "[AMOUNT]" by inserting "$100."
Section 108.5: Modify by replacing the second occurrence of "[AMOUNT]" by inserting "$1,000."
As provided for in the actual language of the International Plumbing Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
Section 106.6.2: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE]" by inserting "See fee schedule adopted by Yeadon Borough Council from time to time."
Section 106.6.3: Modify by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing it to read: "Refunds for work not started or completed shall be as per the fee schedule as adopted by the Yeadon Borough Council from time to time."
Section 108.4: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[SPECIFY OFFENSE] by inserting "Summary offense and the violation shall be deemed a strict liability offense."
Section 108.4: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[AMOUNT] by inserting "a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000."
Section 108.4: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[NUMBER OF DAYS]" by inserting "30 days in the county jail."
Section 108.5: Modify by replacing the first occurrence of "[AMOUNT]" by inserting "$100."
Section 108.5: Modify by replacing the second occurrence of "[AMOUNT]" by inserting "$1,000."
Section 305.6.1: Modify by replacing the two occurrence of "[NUMBER OF INCHES IN TWO LOCATIONS]" by inserting "36 inches."
Section 904.1: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[NUMBER OF INCHES]" by inserting "12 inches."
As provided for in the actual language of the International Residential Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
Table R301.2(1). The "[APPROPRIATE DESIGN CRITERIA]" shall be as follows:
Ground snow load = 30 pounds per square foot.
Wind speed = 90 mph.
Seismic design category = C.
Weathering = severe.
Frost line depth = 36 inches.
Termite = moderate to severe.
Decay = slight to moderate.
Winter design temperature = 14°.
Ice shield underlayment required = yes.
Floor hazards = dates as specified in the Yeadon Borough Code.
Air freezing index = 1,500.
Mean annual temperature = 53°.
Section P2603.6.1.9: Modify by replacing the two occurrences of "[NUMBER OF INCHES]" by inserting "36 inches."
Section P3103.1: Modify by replacing the two occurrences of "[NUMBER OF INCHES]" by inserting "12 inches."
As provided for in the actual language of the International Existing Building Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
Section 1201.2: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[DATE]" by inserting "as specified in the Yeadon Borough Code."
As provided for in the actual language of the International Urban Wildland Interface Code 2003, the following general information items are inserted where required:
Section 101.1: Modify by replacing the one occurrence of "[INSERT NAME OF JURISDICTION]" by inserting "Borough of Yeadon."
A Board of Appeals shall be established by resolution of the governing body of this municipality in conformity with the requirements of the relevant provisions of the code, as modified from time to time, and for the purposes set forth therein. If at any time, enforcement and administration is undertaken jointly with one or more other municipalities, the Board of Appeals shall be established by joint action of the participating municipalities.