[Adopted 12-7-1995 by Ord. No. 1245 as Ch. 270 of the 1995 Code]
The Borough agrees to maintain the Yeadon Borough Library Building in accordance with the provisions of Section 401 of the Library Code, being the Act of June 14, 1961 (P.L. 324), as amended,[1] and at a level of financial support that will assure that the Library will be able to qualify annually for state financial aid in accordance with Section 303(1) of the Library Code.
Editor's Note: See now the Public Library Code, Act 210 of 2012, 24 Pa.C.S.A. § 9301 et seq.
[Amended 2-15-2007 by Ord. No. 1332]
Council shall appoint nine people to serve as its representatives on the Board of Directors of the Library; each representative shall serve three years, the terms to expire in different years. Subsequent vacancies are to be filled by persons appointed by Council.
In accordance with Section 412 of the Library Code, the Treasurer of the Board of Directors shall give bond to the municipality, for satisfactory surety, in such amount as the Board of Directors may determine.
In accordance with Section 413 of the Library Code, the Board of Directors of the Library shall present a financial report to Council by November 1 of each year and Council shall arrange to have the account of the Treasurer of the Board audited annually as in the case of other municipal expenditures.
The Board of Directors of the Library shall prepare and present to Council by November 1 of each year a budget for the following year and such reports as are required by Section 414 of the Library Code and shall give free library service to the residents and taxpayers as provided in Section 415 of the Library Code.