The purpose of this article is to prevent rabies. As used in such article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A dog or other mammal susceptible to rabies.
To keep, harbor or have control, charge or custody of an animal.
Any person who has the right of property in an animal, keeps or harbors an animal, has it in his or her care or allows it to remain on or about any premises occupied by him or her.
Inoculation with a rabies vaccine licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture.
A graduate of an accredited school of veterinary medicine who is licensed to practice in the state.
Any person having knowledge that an animal has bitten or injured any person in the Borough shall immediately report the facts, including the whereabouts of such animal (if known) to the Board of Health. The owner of such animal shall confine it immediately for 10 days as directed by the Board. The animal shall be examined within 48 hours by a veterinarian and a written report of such examination, on forms supplied by the Board, shall be submitted by the owner to the Board. If at any time during this ten-day confinement the animal becomes ill, escapes or dies, such fact shall be communicated immediately by the owner or veterinarian to the Board. The animal shall be moved immediately to a veterinary hospital or other approved location, as directed by the Board. At the end of the ten-day confinement, the animal shall be reexamined by a veterinarian and a written report of findings shall be submitted by the owner to the Board within 48 hours. If the reexamination reveals no symptoms of rabies, the animal may then be released from confinement.
Any person who has knowledge that an animal in the Borough has been bitten by, or otherwise exposed to, another animal infected, or suspected of being infected, with rabies, shall report the facts immediately, including the whereabouts of such animal (if known) to the Board of Health.
If the animal which was bitten, or otherwise exposed to rabies, has not been vaccinated in accordance with prescribed requirements, such animal shall be confined immediately and placed in a veterinary hospital or other approved location, under the supervision of a veterinarian, for a minimum of six months, or shall be immediately disposed of, as directed by the Board.
If the animal which was bitten, or otherwise exposed to rabies, has been vaccinated in accordance with prescribed requirements, the following actions may be taken:
Immediate revaccination of the bitten animal and confinement for 30 days following revaccination;
Confinement in strict isolation in an approved kennel or other approved place for six months under supervision of a veterinarian; or
If the action prescribed in Subsection C(1) or (2) hereof is not taken, then the bitten animal shall be disposed of as directed by the Board.
Any person who has knowledge that an animal in the Borough is infected with, or suspected of being infected with, rabies, shall report the facts immediately, including the whereabouts of such animal (if known) to the Board of Health. Any animal suspected of being infected with rabies shall be removed by the owner and confined immediately in a veterinary hospital or other approved location and such animal shall not be released therefrom without permission of the Board. An animal infected with rabies shall be disposed of as directed by the Board.
Each owner of an animal in the Borough shall arrange for a vaccination of such animal by a veterinarian. Young animals shall be vaccinated within 30 days after reaching the age of five months. Every animal shall be vaccinated following enactment of this article[1] as promptly as possible and shall be revaccinated at the interval of time and with the specific vaccine for a particular type of animal, using the specific vaccine licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture. Unvaccinated animals acquired or moved into the Borough shall be vaccinated within 30 days after purchase or arrival or, if under five months of age, shall be vaccinated within 30 days after reaching five months of age.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 584 was adopted December 21, 1972.
The owner of each unvaccinated animal temporarily brought into the Borough for any purpose shall arrange for a vaccination against rabies within 30 days of first entry at any point in the county.
Each veterinarian, at the time of vaccinating any animal, shall complete a certificate of rabies vaccination, in triplicate (supplied by the Board of Health), which shall include the following:
The owner's name and address;
The description of the animal (breed, sex, markings, age, name);
The date of vaccination;
The rabies vaccination tag number;
The type of vaccine administered;
The manufacturer's serial number of the vaccine; and
The due date for revaccination.
The original certificate of rabies vaccination shall be delivered to the Board, the first copy shall be delivered to the owner and the second copy shall be retained by the issuing veterinarian. The veterinarian shall furnish to the owner, together with a copy of the certificate, a metal or durable plastic tag stating the date of vaccination, the tag number and the veterinarian's name. A vaccination tag shall be affixed to the collar or harness and be worn by the animal.
For the purpose of control, in case an animal is suspected of being infected with rabies, or if one dies for any reason during quarantine and requires laboratory analysis, the owner or person designated to act for the owner shall engage a veterinarian to prepare the suspected animal for shipment to an approved laboratory for the purpose of determining rabies infection.
The cost of examination, vaccination, impounding and preparation of an animal for laboratory analysis shall be borne by the owner of such animal.
To enforce the provisions of §§ 80-1 through 80-7, authority for the control of rabies is hereby delegated to the Board of Health.
Effective January 1, 1973, all regulations pertaining to rabies control shall be enforced by the Board.