[Adopted 6-18-1997 by Ord. No. 387]
The purpose of this article is to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Borough of Parkside.
Within any residential zoning district of the Borough of Parkside, there shall be no off-street parking or storage of any commercial vehicle, nonpassenger vehicle or truck, as more particularly described in the following § 176-17 of this article, except that any single such vehicle which does not have more than four wheels and which does not exceed a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or is greater than 84 inches in height may be stored or parked, per residential lot, in the following instances:
[Amended 3-28-2018 by Ord. No. 549]
When construction or other work is being done on the premises and the parking or storage is of a temporary nature. (For the purpose of this section, "storage or parking" shall be defined as the leaving of such vehicle or truck unattended for a period in excess of two hours.);
The vehicle is parked completely within a garage; or
The vehicle is parked behind the front building line of the residence of the premises.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no private driveway or off-street parking area shall be used for the storage or parking of any vehicle on which ladders, racks or other equipment or materials are stored which exceed eight inches from the roof of the vehicle or protrude from the front, rear or side of the vehicle, nor shall ladders be stacked upon one another on the roof or roof rack of said vehicle. In addition thereto, notwithstanding the exceptions noted herein, no more than one such vehicle shall be permitted to be stored or parked on any residential lot.
[Amended 3-28-2018 by Ord. No. 549]
Vehicles which are the subject of the parking restrictions shall include any vehicle used as a commercial vehicle in connection with a commercial enterprise, trade, profession or industry by the owners or users of said vehicle and which may or may not bear any sign, lettering or commercial advertising or ostensibly display items such as ladder racks, tool racks and the like which would indicate a commercial, trade, professional or industrial use or capability; any vehicle other than a personal or recreational vehicle (as defined herein) which exceeds a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or is greater than 84 inches in height, whether or not engaged in a commercial enterprise, trade, profession or industry, and which may or may not bear commercial aspects such as signs or attached ladder or tool racks; and vehicles or trailers used to transport other vehicles, whether or not used in connection with a leisure-time or recreational pursuit, and which are not defined as a recreational vehicle, as provided in this section. A vehicle not considered to be included by the definitions of this section is a personal vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of less than 10,000 pounds and less than 84 inches in height operated solely for the pleasure of the owner or user and not bearing any signs, lettering or commercial advertising of any nature, nor ostensibly displaying items such as ladder racks, tool racks and the like which lend themselves to a commercial vehicle.
Between the street line and the front building line of any property, and between the street line and the side building line of any corner property, there shall be no vehicles parked or stored which are inoperable, wracked, without a current license and/or registration and/or without a current inspection.
Any person who is the owner, tenant, lessee or occupant of any property upon which such a vehicle is improperly parked and any person who is the owner, renter, lessee, possessor or driver of any such vehicle improperly parked shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000 for each and every day in which a violation of this article occurs.