There shall be a Department of Public Safety which shall consist of subdepartments to be known as:
Police Department.
Fire Department.
Health Officer.
The City Manager, without additional compensation, shall serve as the Director of Public Safety. The City Manager may designate a Clerk of the Department of Public Safety regarding matters pertaining to the Department of Public Safety.
[Amended 6-22-1998 by L.L. No. 14-1998]
All contracts for public work and all purchase contracts awarded by the Director of Public Safety for purposes of the Department of Public Safety shall be subject to the provisions of § 103 of the General Municipal Law.
All claims against the Department of Public Safety shall be first audited by the Director of Public Safety. Claims deemed valid shall be turned over to the City Council for final acceptance or rejection and, if approved, for payment in accordance with established procedures.
The title to all property, real and personal, in the custody of the Director of Public Safety shall be vested in the City of Corning. The Director of Public Safety shall, upon approval of the City Council, from time to time sell and dispose of personal property not needed by the departments and shall remit the proceeds to the City Finance Director.
[Amended 1-2-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
The Director of Public Safety, for purposes of the Department of Public Safety, shall create no debts and incur no liabilities in excess of the limits of the budget approved by the City Council.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 11.1.5, regarding monthly reports from certain officers, which immediately followed this subsection, was deleted 6-22-1998 by L.L. No. 15-1998. Said local law also provided for the renumbering of the remaining subsection.
The Director of Public Safety shall examine the monthly reports as submitted by the various department heads and subsequently deliver said reports to the City Council.
The Police Department of the City of Corning shall be under the general control and management of the Director of Public Safety.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Safety to ensure that the Police Department of the City of Corning preserves peace and good order; enforces the ordinances, rules and regulations of the city; and performs such other duties as the City Manager may prescribe.
The Director of Public Safety shall see that the Police Department is maintained at the numerical strength specified by a majority vote of the whole number of the City Council. Should the number of police officers remain below the authorized level for a period of 10 days, the Director of Public Safety shall make a report of this fact and a recommendation to the City Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
To maintain this authorized strength, it shall be the duty of the Director of Public Safety, after consultation with Police Chief, to select appointees from the appropriate eligibility list, pursuant to the Civil Service Law and Rules. Each police officer so chosen will be issued a Certificate of Appointment, which shall be the Officers Commission, stating the date of appointment and bearing the signature of the Director of Public Safety. The City Clerk shall then affix the seal of the city to this Certificate and administer and file the prescribed oath of office.
The Director of Public Safety, with the consultation of the Chief of Police, shall establish, promulgate and enforce proper rules, regulations and orders for the good government and discipline of the whole Police Department, which shall be implemented under the direction of the Chief of Police. Such rules, regulations and orders may not conflict with any provision of this Charter, the collective bargaining agreement, or with the laws or Constitution of the State of New York. The Director of Public Safety shall provide to the City Council a copy of the same and furnish a suitable number of copies for the use of the Police Department.
The Chief of Police shall be appointed, with the approval of the City Council, by the Director of Public Safety from the appropriate eligibility list, pursuant to the applicable Civil Service Law and Rules. Prior to the appointment, the Director of Public Safety shall be satisfied that the appointee possesses the training, education and experience necessary to perform the duties of the position. The salary of the Chief of Police shall be determined by the Director of Public Safety. The appointed Chief of Police will be issued a certificate of appointment and, if necessary, take the appropriate oath.
[Amended 6-22-1998 by L.L. No. 16-1998]
The Chief of Police shall serve during good behavior or until suspended or dismissed from duty, in accordance with the Civil Service Law and Rules. Such suspension or dismissal shall be for incompetence or misconduct and shall be by the Director of Public Safety.
The Chief of Police shall have the immediate direction and control of the Police Department, subject to the rules, regulations and orders previously established by the Board of Police Commissioners and as hereafter established by the Director of Public Safety.
The Chief of Police shall have immediate direction and control of any temporary special police officers appointed by the City Manager in case of a riot or other public emergency requiring such an appointment.
The Chief of Police shall perform all the duties and assignments as outlined in the job description maintained by the Office of the Director of Public Safety.
The Chief of Police shall enforce through department personnel, the laws and ordinances adopted by the City Council and applicable state and federal statutes.
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, at the direction of the Director of Public Safety, to schedule a public auction at least once each calendar year to dispose of all goods, wares and merchandise remaining unclaimed in the Police Department for a period of one year in accordance with the General Municipal Law and the Personal Property Law of the State of New York. The proceeds shall be paid to the City Finance Director.
[Amended 1-2-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996; 4-3-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000]
The Police Department shall include, in addition to a Chief of Police, such other ranks within the department as now exist or as the Director of Public Safety may hereafter abolish or create with the approval of the City Council.
From the appropriate eligibility list, pursuant to the Civil Service Law and Rules, the Police Chief shall make appointments, with approval of the Director of Public Safety, to such other ranks as deemed necessary.
All members of the Police Department shall serve during good behavior or until suspended or dismissed from duty in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement and/or the Civil Service Law and Rules. A suspension may be imposed for incompetence or misconduct by the Chief of Police or by the Director of Public Safety pending a hearing as provided in the collective bargaining agreement and/or the Civil Service Law and Rules.
Police officers of the City of Corning shall have all the powers, authority and duties conferred on them by the laws of New York State.
All members of the Police Department shall have power and authority to:
Arrest any person or persons observed by them to be in violation of any of the penal ordinances or laws of the City of Corning or the laws of New York State and to take such person or persons before the City Judge to be dealt with as if such person or persons had been arrested upon warrant issued by the City Judge.
Serve criminal process pursuant to law.
Execute orders and commitments of the City Court.
Have all the city law and statutory powers of Constables, except that they may serve civil process only on behalf of the City or any department or officer thereof.
The Fire Department of the City of Corning shall be under the general control and management of the Director of Public Safety.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Safety to authorize and ensure that the Fire Department of the City of Corning takes proper care and control of all property, real and personal, in its custody, including any fire alarm system(s).
The Director of Public Safety with the consultation of the Fire Chief shall establish, promulgate and enforce proper rules, regulations and orders for the good government and discipline of the whole Fire Department which shall be implemented under the direction of the Fire Chief. Such rules, regulations and orders shall not conflict with any provisions of this Charter, the collective bargaining agreement, or with the laws or Constitution of the State of New York. The Director of Public Safety shall provide to the City Council a copy of the same and furnish a suitable number of copies for the use of the Fire Department.
For the purpose of providing a permanent and effective Fire Department, it shall be the duty of the Director of Public Safety, after consultation with the Fire Chief, to select appointees from the appropriate eligibility list, pursuant to the Civil Service Law and Rules.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Safety to ensure that the applicable provisions of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code are implemented in the City of Corning, including the appointment of a Fire Marshal. Any member of the Fire Department may serve as Fire Marshal, if qualified.
The City Council shall have the power to fix and define fire limit areas within which special provisions of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code apply to permissible construction.
The Director of Public Safety may administer oaths and issue subpoenas compelling attendance of witnesses in all cases of investigation which shall be carried on by the Director of Public Safety.
[Amended 1-2-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
The City Finance Director shall credit all moneys paid to him/her by foreign insurance companies not licensed in the State of New York as a trust fund for the benefit of members of the Fire Department. Use of these funds shall be determined by the City Manager pursuant to any court or arbitration decisions.
The Fire Chief shall be appointed, with the approval of the City Council, by the Director of Public Safety from the appropriate eligibility list, pursuant to the applicable Civil Service Law and Rules. Prior to the appointment, the City Manager shall be satisfied that the appointee possesses the training, education and experience necessary to perform the duties of the position. The salary of the Fire Chief shall be determined by the Director of Public Safety.
[Amended 6-22-1998 by L.L. No. 17-1998]
The Fire Chief shall serve during good behavior or until suspended or dismissed from duty, in accordance with the Civil Service Law and Rules. Such suspension or dismissal shall be for incompetence or misconduct and shall be by the Director of Public Safety.
The Fire Chief shall have the immediate direction and control of the Fire Department, subject to the rules, regulations and orders previously established by the Board of Fire Commissioners and as hereafter established by the Director of Public Safety.
The Fire Department shall include, in addition to a Fire Chief, such other ranks within the Department as now exist or as the Director of Public Safety may hereafter abolish or create with the approval of the City Council.
The Director of Public Safety shall make appointments, after consultation with the Fire Chief, to such other ranks as deemed necessary from the appropriate eligibility list, pursuant to the applicable Civil Service Law and Rules.
All officers and members of the Fire Department shall serve during good behavior or until suspended or dismissed from duty in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement and the Civil Service Law and Rules. A suspension may be imposed, for incompetence or misconduct, by the Fire Chief or the Director of Public Safety, pending a hearing as provided in the collective bargaining agreement and/or the Civil Service Law and Rules.
The Fire Department, under the direction of the Fire Chief, shall fight and control fires; enforce the ordinances, rules and regulations of the city; and perform such other duties as the Director of Public Safety may prescribe pursuant to departmental job descriptions, collective bargaining agreements and/or Civil Service Laws and Rules.
The Health Officer(s) shall perform such duties as may be required by the provisions of the Public Health Law of the State of New York and the ordinances of the City of Corning.