[Added 7-9-1997 by L.L. No. 6-1997[1]]
Editor's Note: Local Law No. 23-1998 provided for the renumbering of this article from Article XIV to Article XIII.
There shall be a department of Planning and Economic Development, the head of which shall be the Director of Planning and Economic Development. He/she shall be under the general control and management of the City Manager.
The Director of Planning and Economic Development shall be appointed by the City Manager, with the approval of the City Council, from a list of qualified candidates and shall be under the direction and supervision of the City Manager. Prior to appointment, the City Manager shall be satisfied that the Director of Planning and Economic Development possesses the training, education and experience necessary to perform the duties of the position.
The salary for the Director of Planning and Economic Development shall be determined by the City Manager.
[Amended 6-22-1998 by L.L. No. 21-1998]
The Director of Planning and Economic Development Department shall be subject to removal by action of the City Manager for incompetence or misconduct pursuant to the applicable Civil Service Laws and Rules.
He/she shall be responsible for planning and implementing the activities of the Community Development Block Grant Program, economic and housing programs, the direction and activities of the Code Enforcement Officer(s), and any other duties/responsibilities that the City Manager so directs.
[Amended 6-22-1998 by L.L. No. 22-1998]
He/she shall serve as staff to the Planning Commission and be responsible to carry out a variety of complex data gathering, research and technical activities in the area of planning and community and economic development.
The Director must independently initiate and oversee the application of policies that require a high degree of professional judgment and that work is carried out in accordance with procedures prescribed by federal, state and local laws and policy and with the assistance of federal, state and local funds.
He/she shall directs the clearance, reconstruction, renewal, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration or improvement for the arrest, prevention and elimination of substandard and unsanitary areas.
He/she shall promote the economic health of the city and cultivate economic opportunities by using its resources to establish or expand commercial and industrial businesses. He/she shall research opportunities for the creation and preservation of employment in cooperation or partnership with local regional, state and federal private and public entities.
He/she shall supervise and coordinate the expenditure of department related funds and is responsible for the public relations for the department.
He/she shall coordinate capital improvement programs and preparation of progress and financial reports on all aspects of the Department as required by federal, state and local laws.
Negotiates consultant contracts and establishes long- and short-term community development projects.
Conducts public hearings and community informational meetings, as appropriate, to assure that the community is aware of the programs funded or contemplated for funding.
Coordinate and supervise all other duties pertaining to the department as the City Manager shall prescribe.