[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Floral Park 7-19-2011 by L.L. No. 4-2011. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Former Ch. 37, Environmental Quality Review, adopted 3-22-1977 by L.L. No. 4-1997, was repealed 11-1-1988 by L.L. No. 2-1998.
No person shall, within the limits of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park, engage in, carry on or work at the business of home improvement and/or plumbing without first having obtained and paid for, and having in full force and effect, a license as herein provided.
All persons seeking a plumbing license shall file the following with the Building Department:
Plumbing license application, fully completed, signed and notarized;
Current certificate of workers' compensation insurance or an affidavit of no help in a form acceptable to the Building Department;
Certificate of liability insurance naming the Incorporated Village of Floral Park as an additional insured with limits of no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence;
A copy of a current plumbers' license issued by either the Town of Hempstead, the Town of North Hempstead or the Town of Oyster Bay;
With respect to new licenses, a copy of a certificate of competency;
Affidavit of excavator or demolition fully completed, executed and notarized;
A check in the amount of the fee required by § 37-4 of the Code; and
A self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Upon the filing of the items as required herein, and the payment to the Village of the license fee herein provided, the Building Department shall, except as herein provided, issue to the applicant a license to engage in or perform the work provided in § 37-1. All licenses shall be numbered in the order in which they are issued and shall state clearly the name and address of the licensee and the fee paid.
Every plumber shall pay an initial license fee and yearly renewal fee as provided by resolution of the Board of Trustees. All licenses shall be issued as of January 2 and shall continue in force for up to two years, unless sooner revoked by the Building Department. No license or certificate shall be used by any person other than the original licensee or person to whom it was issued, and any holder of such license or certificate who permits it to be used by any other person, and any person who uses such license or certificate granted to any other person, shall each be guilty of a violation of this ordinance. Whenever a license shall be lost or destroyed without fault upon the part of the holder, a duplicate license in lieu thereof under the original application shall be issued by the Building Department, upon filing with the Building Department an affidavit by the licensee, setting forth the circumstances of the loss and what, if any, search has been made for its recovery.
Before a license shall be issued or renewed, every plumber shall make, execute and deliver to the Village Clerk a certificate of insurance naming the Incorporated Village of Floral Park as an additional insured on a general liability policy with coverage limits, as provided in § 37-2 insuring against damages imposed by law from insurance companies authorized to do such business in the State of New York. Such insurance shall protect the Village against all loss or damage occasioned by the negligence of plumber or his agents, servants, employees or representatives in failing to execute properly and protect all work done by him or his agents, servants, employees or representatives or under his direction or supervision and from all loss or damage occasioned by or arising in any manner from any such work done, which is not caused by the negligence of such Village or its agents or employees. This certificate of insurance shall provide that the policies shall not be changed or canceled until 30 days' written notice has been given to the Village.
Any license may be revoked at any time by the Building Department if the licensee or any person performing any work under his jurisdiction willfully violates any ordinance or law relating to plumbing or is responsible for any plumbing installation which is a hazard to life or property. Whenever any license shall be so revoked, no refund of any unearned portion of the fee for said license shall be made. No license shall be granted to a person whose license has been revoked within a period of 30 days from the date of such revocation. Notice of such revocation and the reason or reasons therefor, in writing, shall be served by the Building Department upon the person named in the application and a copy shall be filed with the Village Clerk.
No person shall carry on the business at or from any other place in the Village than the one designated in the license therefor without first having notified the Building Department of the change and having had the same endorsed on the license; nor shall he continue to carry on or work at such business after the license has been revoked or has expired.
No license shall be granted to a person under 21 years of age.
Any person who himself or itself or by his or its clerk, agent or employee shall engage in or work at the business of installing or making repairs, alterations, additions or changes to plumbing systems or apparatus without a license, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or any rule or regulation made pursuant thereto, or who, having had his license revoked, shall continue to engage in or work at such business, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine as provided in § 32-14 of Chapter 32 hereof, and each day on which such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to the penalty imposed, the license of the person violating the same may be revoked and the bond upon such license forfeited in the discretion of the Building Department.