[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Waterford 8-8-2011 by L.L. No. 4-2011. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes any person dealing in the purchase or sale of any secondhand radios, televisions, household appliances, either electric or mechanical, automobile accessories or parts, including tires, office furniture, business machines and secondhand articles of whatsoever nature, or dealing in the purchase or sale of any secondhand manufactured article composed wholly or in part of gold, silver, platinum or other metal, or in the purchase or sale of old gold, silver or platinum, or dealing in the purchase of articles or things comprised of gold, silver or platinum for the purpose of melting or refining, or engaged in melting precious metals for the purpose of selling, or in the purchase or sale of pawnbrokers' tickets or other evidence of pledged articles or, not being a pawnbroker, who deals in the redemption or sale of pledged articles. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to apply to household furniture and furnishings, pianos, books, magazines, tapestries, burlaps, paintings, drawings, etchings, engravings or automobiles; nor to exchanges, returns or credits of merchandise when the article or articles exchanged, returned or credited are accepted in full or part payment for new merchandise; nor to the first purchase or sale in the Village of any imported secondhand articles.
Includes one or more persons of either sex, natural persons, corporations, partnerships, associations, joint-stock companies and all other entities of any kind capable of being used.
Every dealer in secondhand articles shall keep in a substantial bound book in which shall be legibly written in ink and in English at the time of every purchase or sale a description of every article so purchased or sold, the number or numbers and any monograms, inscriptions or other marks of identification that may appear on the article, a description of the articles or pieces comprising old gold, silver, platinum or other metal, and any monograms, inscriptions or marks of identification thereon, the name, residence and general description of the person from whom such purchase was made or to whom sold, and the day and hour of the purchase or sale, including articles or things purchased or received for the purpose of refining or smelting by persons principally engaged in such business.
Such dealer shall require anyone offering for sale any articles or pieces comprising old gold, silver, platinum or other metal to produce a valid government-issued form of photo identification and shall take and record the information from such form of identification in the book required to be maintained by Subsection A of this section.
Every 48 hours such dealer shall deliver or send by facsimile to the Town of Waterford Police Department a copy of all records of purchase or sale made within the preceding 48 hours, including all of the information required to be recorded by Subsections A and B.
In the case of the purchase or sale of a pawnbroker ticket or other evidence of a pledged article, or a redemption or sale of a pledged article, there shall be written in such book at the time of such purchase, sale or redemption:
The name and address of the person who issued such ticket or other evidence.
The pledge number of such pawn ticket or other evidence.
The name and address of the pledger as it appears on such pawn ticket or other evidence.
The amount loaned or advanced as it appears on such pawn ticket or other evidence.
The day and hour of such purchase, sale or redemption, as the case may be.
The name, residence and general description of the person from whom or to whom the redeemed article is purchased or sold, as the case may be.
The sum paid or received from such pawn ticket or other evidence, or the sum paid or received for the redeemed article or pledge.
Such description of a pledged article as appears on such pawn ticket or other evidence and an accurate description of every redeemed pledged article.
Such book shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of any police officer, the Village Clerk, the Town Police Commissioner or any person duly authorized in writing for such purpose by the Village Clerk. No entry in such book shall be erased, obliterated, altered or defaced.
No dealer in secondhand articles shall purchase any secondhand goods, articles or things whatsoever from any person under the age of 18 years.
All secondhand articles or things purchased for the purpose of melting or refining by persons engaged in such business from persons not jewelers or dealers shall not be sold, refined, melted or disposed of until the expiration of 10 calendar days after such purchase, and no such dealer shall receive any article by way of pledge or pawn or employ any subterfuge for receiving goods as security for the advancement of money.
No dealer in secondhand articles shall be licensed as a pawnbroker or junk dealer or secondhand automobile dealer; nor shall any sign or other device or subterfuge be displayed, used or employed by any dealer in secondhand articles in or about the premises where such business is conducted which in anywise resembles the emblem or sign commonly used by pawnbrokers, or which is intended to give the appearance that the business conducted on such premises is, or is connected with, the business of a pawnbroker and calculated so to mislead; nor shall there be any sign displayed which is calculated to mislead.
A dealer in secondhand goods shall allow his place of business and all secondhand articles therein to be at all reasonable times examined by any member of the Town of Waterford Police Department.
Every dealer in secondhand articles shall at the time of making any purchase attach a properly numbered tag to, or otherwise legibly number, each article bought and shall make entry of such number in the book provided for in § 165-2A.
Every licensee shall post in a conspicuous place in his place of business a copy of this chapter to be furnished by the Village Clerk.
No licensee shall buy any secondhand article of any kind which is distinctly and plainly marked as being the property of any firm or corporation other than the person offering to sell the same unless the person offering to sell the same shall show satisfactory evidence in writing that he is the legal and lawful owner of such property. Such written evidence shall be pasted in the book provided for in § 165-2A.
In case any suspicious or known dishonest person shall offer for sale to any dealer in secondhand articles, his employee, agent or servant any article of value and he has reason to believe from any circumstance that the same has been stolen or acquired by dishonest means, it shall be his duty to report the same at once to the police.
If the Police Department shall notify a licensed dealer that any goods, articles or things have been lost or stolen, and if such goods, articles or things, or any such or part of such, answering to the description of the notice shall then be or shall thereafter come into the possession of any person covered under the terms of this chapter, he shall, upon receiving notice thereof, immediately thereafter report to the Town Police Department and give information in writing that certain goods, articles or things listed by the police are in his possession and shall not hereafter dispose of the same except upon written authority so to do from the Commissioner of Police. Every dealer in secondhand articles who shall have or receive any goods, articles or things lost or stolen, or alleged or supposed to have been lost or stolen, shall exhibit the same on demand to any police officer or any person duly authorized by the Police Commissioner in writing for such purpose who shall exhibit such written authority to the dealer.
Any person who, himself or by his Clerk, agent or employee, shall establish, engage in or carry on the business of dealer in secondhand articles without a license, or shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $200 or imprisonment for not more than six months, or to both such fine and imprisonment. Each day on which such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.