[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Waterford as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 8-14-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985]
The purpose of this article is to establish the position(s) of Fire Prevention and Building Inspector for the Village of Waterford and establish the powers and duties of such officer to assure compliance by the Village with the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
The Mayor of the Village of Waterford shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Village Board, not more than two persons to the position of Fire Prevention and Building Inspector who shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor for a term of one year.
Such Inspector(s) shall satisfactorily complete all necessary training prescribed by Part 434 of Title 19 of the NYCRR.
The Fire Prevention and Building Inspector(s) of the Village of Waterford appointed pursuant to this article shall have the primary responsibility for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code in the Village of Waterford.
The Fire Prevention and Building Inspector(s) shall have, in addition to all other powers and duties conferred by the provisions of § 382 of Article 18 of the Executive Law of the State of New York, as the same may from time to time be amended, the State Uniform Code and other general law the following specific powers and duties:
To review all applications for building permits and certificates of occupancy submitted to the Zoning Inspector and make all necessary construction and other inspections in connection with such applications and the issuance of such permits and certificates to assure compliance with the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code in all cases where a building permit and certificate of occupancy are required under the provisions of Chapter 205, Zoning, of this Code.
To conduct fire safety inspections of all areas of public assembly defined in Part 606 of Title 9 NYCRR at least once per year.
To establish a systematic plan and schedule for, and conduct, fire safety inspections of all vacant buildings, multiple dwellings and all nonresidential occupancies at intervals consistent with local conditions.
To inspect and investigate all buildings or structures damaged by fire and other casualty.
To conduct inspections in response to bona fide complaints regarding conditions or activities allegedly failing to comply with the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
To order in writing served either personally or by registered mail the remedying of any conditions found to exist in, on or about any building in violation of the Uniform Fire and Prevention Code and to issue appearance tickets for violations of the Uniform Code and/or Chapter 205, Zoning, of this Code.
To establish and maintain a system of records of all activities and duties performed pursuant to this article.
[Adopted 4-22-2003 by L.L. No. 4-2003]
There is hereby created the position of Director of Public Works of the Village of Waterford, Saratoga County, New York.
The duties of the director of Public Works shall be to:
Supervise and inspect the cleaning and maintenance of streets and storm systems;
Have charge of the maintenance and repair of public sidewalks, curbs and Village parks;
Have responsibility for the maintenance of all mobile and nonmobile equipment used by the village;
Investigate when complaints are made regarding matters within his or her jurisdiction;
Prepare requisitions for supplies and equipment and directly purchase minor items of supply;
Confer with the Village Board on budgetary matters and needs of the Village; and
Make periodic reports to the Village Board regarding his or her activities.
The Director of Public Works shall be appointed by the Village Board on recommendation of the Mayor.
The Village Board shall set the hours of employment and compensation for the position by resolution and change the hours and compensation from time to time, as necessary, by resolution.