[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Waterford 4-1-1985 by L.L. No. 2-1985. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Property maintenance — See Ch. 158.
Zoning — See Ch. 205.
Pursuant to the provisions of § 96-a of the General Municipal Law, it is hereby declared that the protection, enhancement and perpetuation of places, district sites, buildings, structures and other objects having a special character or special historical or aesthetic interest or value are a public purpose in the Village of Waterford, New York, and furthermore, in accordance with the provisions of said § 96-a by which the Board of Trustees is empowered to provide by regulations, special conditions and restrictions for the protection, enhancement and perpetuation of private property within public view, the purpose of this chapter is to:
Safeguard the heritage of the Village of Waterford by preserving a district in the village which reflects elements of its cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history;
Stabilize and improve property values;
Foster civic beauty;
Strengthen the local economy; and
Promote the use of the Historic District for the education, pleasure and welfare of the citizens of the Village of Waterford.
Pursuant to this purpose there shall be created in the Village of Waterford a district known as the "Historic District."
The Historic District shall be the area shown and bounded as such on the map titled "Waterford Village Historic District" as accepted and placed upon the National Register of Historic Sites, as amended to date, bounded and described as follows:
Starting at the Hudson River, the southern boundary runs west along the north side of South Street as far as Second Street, thence southwards to meet the north side of the Barge Canal. It continues westwards to a point just west of Numbers 7 and 9 Eighth Street. It then runs eastward to 7th Street, south on Pine and north behind buildings on the west side of 6th Street to meet the D & H Railroad tracks, east along the tracks to the Old Champlain Canal and south along the canal to Division Street. The boundary proceeds eastward along Division to the alleyway behind structures facing on Third Street, north along the alley to State and east to the Hudson River. The east boundary follows the west shore of the Hudson River to the point of origin but excludes the block bounded by the river, Columbia Street, Second Street and Hudson.
The Historic District regulations as provided herein for said district are intended to preserve and protect the historic or architecturally worthy buildings, structures, sites, monuments, streetscapes, squares and neighborhoods of the Historic District. In all zoning districts lying within the boundaries of the Historic District, the regulations for both the zoning district and the Historic District shall apply. Whenever there is conflict between the regulations of the Zoning District and the regulations of the Historic District, the more restrictive shall apply.
No building or structure situate within the Historic District shall be demolished, in whole or part, unless the owner thereof first obtains a certificate of appropriateness therefor from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Written application for such certificate shall be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals and shall set forth such information concerning the structure to be razed, including but not limited to its ownership, use and condition and, in the case of rental property, its income and operating revenues and expenses, in such form and detail, as the Board may reasonably require.
The Board of Appeals may in appropriate cases endeavor to develop with the owner an economically feasible plan for the preservation of such structure.
Unless the Board of Appeals is satisfied after public hearing that the retention of such structure constitutes a hazard to public safety, which hazard cannot be eliminated by reasonably economic means; or that the structure has no historic, architectural or aesthetic interest or value in and of itself and that its demolition would have no adverse impact upon the integrity of the historic district nor any adverse impact upon any adjoining or neighboring structures having themselves historic, architectural or aesthetic interest or value; or that there is no present reasonable economic use of the structure and no reasonable alternative economic use of the structure possible, the Board of Appeals shall reject such application.
In the absence of a change in such structure arising from casualty, no new application for demolition shall be filed within one year from such rejection.
Any person or persons or corporation or corporations, whether as owner, lessee, architect or builder, or the agents or employees of any of them, who or which violates or is accessory to the violation of any provision of this chapter or any regulation made under the authority conferred by this chapter, or who or which shall demolish, in whole or part, any building or structure without a certificate of appropriateness, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding, in the case of any one violation, $250, and, in addition, any such violation shall constitute a violation pursuant to the Penal Law. Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate offense.
The Zoning Inspector, upon his becoming aware thereof, shall serve notice of any violation of this chapter on the person or entity committing or permitting the same. The affixing of a prominent written notice of such violation upon the building or structure concerned shall be deemed good and sufficient service of such notice, provided that a copy of the same is mailed by certified mail to the owner of said building or structure, as shown upon the latest assessment roll of the Village of Waterford, within 48 hours of the affixing of said notice.
In addition to, and not in lieu of, the penalties imposed by Subsection A of this section, any person or persons or corporation or corporations, whether as owner, lessee, architects, builder or contractor, or the agents or employees of any of them, who or which violates or is accessory to the violation of any provision of this chapter or any regulation made under the authority confirmed by this chapter, or who or which shall demolish, in whole or part, any building or structure without a certificate of appropriateness, shall be jointly and severally required to restore the building or structure and its site to its appearance prior to the violation. Any action for an injunction to enforce this subsection shall be brought by the Village Attorney.