The Mayor and the Committee in City Hall are herewith authorized and instructed to arrange and contract with the District Commissioners of the Second Taxing District for the use, without rent, but at the expense of the City for fuel, light and the services of a janitor, of so much of the City Hall and the rooms thereof as may be available for town and City officers.
All town and City offices for which rooms and accommodations shall be provided in the City Hall shall be located therein, and the officers of such town and City shall transact the business of their respective departments in the offices so provided.
[Amended 2-27-2024]
All sales, conveyances and transfers of real property and personal property of an estimated value at an amount greater than $50,000 or as recommended by the Purchasing Agent owned by the City shall be made and issued in the name and on behalf of the City after notice and public hearing, and after a resolution providing for such sale, conveyance and transfer shall have been passed in due form by the Council of the City. Instruments of conveyance shall be signed and executed by the Mayor on behalf of the City and shall have the Seal of the City affixed thereto.
Reference: The notice and public hearing requirements are identified in CGS § 7-163e, as amended.
The City hereby accepts, subject to referendum, the provisions of Sections 885 to 903 of the General Statutes, and all amendments thereto, relative to the retirement of municipal employees, with respect to custodians employed in the school system of the city.[1]
Editor's Note: As to the pension plan for City employees, see Appendix, Part II.