The signs in this section are permitted in addition to the permitted signs in these regulations.
Additional projecting signs. Where a business or businesses are located above or below the first floor and the stairs to such business or businesses are directly at street level, only one projecting sign shall be permitted above the entry to the stair. Multiple-occupant buildings shall share such sign.
Second floor uses. Commercial uses on the second floor of multiple-story buildings may have window lettering signs. A maximum of one window lettering sign is permitted per window area on the second floor and shall consist of no more than two rows of lettering placed in the lower half of the window. The maximum height of lettering on window signs shall not exceed six inches. Second floor window signs shall be nonilluminated, and shall consist of paint, gold-leaf or vinyl on the glass surface. Window signs above the second floor shall not be permitted.
Drive-through restaurant menu boards. Two additional signs shall be permitted for the purpose of displaying the type and price of products sold on site to drive-through customers. Each sign shall not exceed 30 square feet in area and six feet in height. Illumination of menu boards shall be as permitted for freestanding signs in the zone in which the menu board is located.
Entrances for other than ground floor occupancies. Where a business or businesses are located above or below the first floor or businesses with an occupancy frontage less than 10 feet, the door to such business or businesses directly at street level shall be permitted to have window lettering complying with the appropriate section for the specified zone, and shall be installed on the window area of the door. Where a door contains less than twenty-five-percent window area, such door shall be considered as having twenty-five-percent window area for calculating permitted window lettering area.
Gasoline service station canopies. One line of lettering or graphics shall be permitted on one side of a gasoline service station canopy. Such lettering or graphics shall not exceed two feet high by eight feet in length. Square footage used on the canopy shall be deducted from the allowed facade square footage. Illumination of the canopy shall be as permitted for pole signs in the zone in which the canopy is located.