[R.O. 1991 § 235.010; CC 1978 § 65.010 Ord. No. 513 § I, 7-3-1984; Ord. No. 1001 §§ I – II, 7-8-2003]
Any weeds and/or grass that is caused, allowed or permitted to become matted or matured or to exceed eight (8) inches in height.
[R.O. 1991 § 235.020; Ord. No. 513 § III, 7-3-1984]
Weeds and/or grass which are caused, allowed or permitted to become an unreasonable growth on any lot within the City limits of Vandalia are hereby declared to be a nuisance and subject to summary abatement by said City.
[R.O. 1991 § 235.025; Ord. No. 657 § II, 5-12-1992; Ord. No. 1001 §§ I, III, 7-8-2003]
The City Administrator or his/her designee shall be the designated City Official for the purposes noted in this Chapter.
[R.O. 1991 § 235.030; Ord. No. 657 §§ I – II, 5-12-1992]
Whenever weeds and/or grass are allowed to grow to a height in violation of ordinances of this Chapter, said designated official shall serve notice of hearing to the owner or owners of said property thereof, either by United States mail or by posting said notice on the premises. Said notice shall indicate that a hearing will be held on the 11th calendar day from the date of said notice, the time and place of said hearing specified; at which time said weeds and/or grass may be declared a nuisance. Said notice shall also state that in the event said weed and/or grass growth is declared a nuisance, same will be ordered cut down and removed within five (5) days, after which time the designated official shall cause same to be cut down and removed.
[R.O. 1991 § 235.040; Ord. No. 657 § III, 5-12-1992]
The designated official shall certify costs of said abatement to the City Clerk who shall cause a special tax bill therefor to be prepared for collection with other taxes assessed against the property, and the tax bill from the date of its issuance shall be a first lien on the property until paid, and shall be prima facie evidence of the recitals therein and of its validity. Each special tax bill shall be issued by the City Clerk, and such tax bill if not paid when due, shall bear interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum.
[R.O. 1991 § 235.050; Ord. No. 513 § IV, 7-3-1984]
The costs for abating such nuisance shall be in sufficient amounts of money to include the costs of all labor and equipment used by the City, and said property owner shall be billed for such reasonable costs for necessary labor and equipment used.