Editor's Note: Ord. No. 775 § II, adopted 5-9-1995, repealed R.O. 1991 Chapter 410, which originally derived from Ord. No. 525 §§ A – C, 3-5-1985. At the editor's discretion, Ord. No. 775 § III, Exhibit A, Division 5, was inserted as set out herein concerning subdivisions.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.010; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
The purpose of the regulations in this Chapter is to control the development of land within the planning jurisdiction of the City. "Development of land" means the extension or opening of streets (public or private), the extension or provision of utilities, the subdividing of land into lots and blocks, and the parceling of land for non-agricultural purposes resulting in the need for street access and public utilities.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.020; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
This Chapter is designed to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens, to ensure the development of the City and its environs in accordance with the plan or plans in effect, and to provide for an adequate street system for convenient and safe movement of traffic. This Chapter will assist in safeguarding owners, lessees, and tenants as to the proper location of property lines, building lines, and easements.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.030; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
This Chapter shall apply within the area planning jurisdiction as indicated on the planning area map, on which planning area boundaries have been filed with the City Clerk and the County Recorder.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.040; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
A minor public way used primarily for vehicular service access to the rear of property abutting a street.
A line parallel to the property line where the land between these two (2) lines is open and unobstructed by improvements.
A grant by the property owner for the use by the public, a corporation, or person, of a strip of land for specified purposes.
A portion of a subdivision, or any other parcel of land, intended as a unit of transfer of ownership or for development.
A map containing information necessary to transfer, to locate, and to survey property indicated thereon.
A major public way intended for vehicular traffic and providing the principal means of access to the abutting property.
Any person, estate, or trust, or any other group or combination acting as a unit who may desire to develop land within the purpose and intent of this Chapter.
The division of a parcel of land into two or more lots, or other divisions of land; it includes resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the land or territory subdivided.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.050; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
Before the City Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve a plat for record, the subdivider shall show the following information on his/her plat or plats:
Name of subdivision and its owner, the scale of the plat, points of the compass, and a small diagram showing the subdivision's general location.
The boundary lines of the proposed subdivision by accurate distances and bearings.
The lines of all proposed streets and alleys with their respective widths and names.
Accurate outlines of all such other parts of the property as shall be intended to be dedicated or granted for public use.
The angle of intersection of one (1) street with another.
Date, map, scale, and North arrow.
All lot lines, with all lots and blocks marked in a uniform manner for identification.
The respective locations of all building lines and the location and dimensions of every piece of ground in which an easement is granted for public use, services, or utilities.
All dimensions, both linear and angular necessary for locating the boundaries of the subdivision, lots, streets, alleys and easements and any other areas intended for public use or reserved for private use, such linear dimensions to be given to the nearest one hundredth (1/100th) of a foot.
The locations and descriptions of all survey monuments and bench marks.
Certificate of approval of the City Planning and Zoning Commission.
A certificate by the surveyor on whose survey the boundaries of the proposed subdivision and the lines, locations, and dimensions shown by the final plat are based. This certificate shall attest the accuracy of the survey and the correct showing thereof by such plat of the locations of all monuments, and shall give a true description of the boundaries of the subdivision. The certificate shall be in form and language substantially as follows:
I, ______________, County Surveyor of Audrain County, Missouri (or other proper designation if he/she be not said official surveyor), certify that on the _____ day of ______________, 20__, I surveyed the land that constitutes the proposed ______________ Subdivision that is shown by the plat on the paper on which this certificate is inscribed; that said survey was accurately made and is correctly represented by said plat; that the locations of all monuments shown on said plat are correctly shown; and that a true description of the boundaries of said subdivision is as follows:
"(description of tract boundary lines)"
I make this certificate on the ______ day of ___________, 20__.
An affidavit of ownership and a dedication deed by the owner, which instrument shall identify the plat and contain the owner's dedication of all streets and alleys and all parks and other open spaces shown thereon, to public use forever. The owner, by deed, shall grant also all easements required and noted on the plat. The affidavit and dedication deed shall be in form and language substantially as follows:
______________________ (name of owner) ______________________, of lawful age and first having been duly sworn, states on oath that he/she is the owner of the land described in the Surveyor's Certificate inscribed on this plat; that, to the affiant's best knowledge and belief, no other person and no corporate body or public agency has any right, or any title or mortgage interest, in said land; and that owner has caused said tract of land to be surveyed and divided into lots as shown on this plat, the name of said tract to be ______________________ Subdivision; and said owner hereby dedicates to the public use forever, as streets, the areas shown as such on said plat and grants to the City of Vandalia and future owners of lots in said subdivision perpetual easements in said land, as shown on said plat, for the construction and maintenance of utilities by said City for the benefit of present and future owners and residents of said lots.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said owners(s) subscribe(s) this instrument on the ______ day of ______, 20___.
) SS.
County of Audrain )
On this _____ day of _________, 20___, before me personally appeared _______ (and his wife, ________, both) known to me to be the person(s) described in, and who signed, the foregoing instrument, and declared on his or her oath that ___________ (name of owner) is (are) the owner(s) of the land described in the Surveyor's Certificate inscribed in this plat and that, to _____________ best knowledge and belief, no other person and no corporate body or public agency has any right, or any title or mortgage interest, in said land. Said person(s) so appeared before me also acknowledged that __________ executed said instrument as ___ free act and deed.
My Commission extends to _______________________________.
Notary Public for said
County of Said State.
If such affidavit and deed are being made on behalf of a corporation, they and the certificate of acknowledgement shall be in form and language appropriate for such purpose.
A prepared certificate for the City Clerk to sign after approval of the final plat by the Board of Aldermen, to attest such approval and the date and manner thereof. Such certificate shall be in form and language substantially as follows:
I, ______________________, City Clerk of the City of Vandalia, Missouri, certify that the ______________________ Subdivision plat on the paper on which this certificate is inscribed was examined by the Board of Aldermen of said City and thereafter was approved by Ordinance No. _____________ on the _________ day of _____________________, 20___.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I subscribe this certificate and affix thereto the official seal of the City on the _____ day of _____, 20_____.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.060; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
Plats shall be prepared on sheets no larger than twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inches and no smaller than twelve (12) by eighteen (18) inches at a scale of not more than one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet on linen or other suitable drafting medium. When more than one (1) sheet is needed, an index or a key sheet shall be provided.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.070; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
All boundary corners of a proposed subdivision and all corners of all street intersections shall be marked by permanent monuments. These monuments shall be constructed of concrete, with a steel pipe imbedded in the center of said concrete, with sides each at least four (4) inches wide, and shall extend down below the frost line of the ground; or such a monument may consist of a steel pipe at least one (1) inch in diameter and firmly imbedded in concrete that extends below the frost line. Should local conditions make it impracticable to place such a marker on the line that is being marked, an offset markings shall be permitted, in which case the exact offset course and distance shall be shown on the subdivision plat.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.080; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
The subdivision plat shall conform to all official plans currently in effect.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.090; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
The character and location of all streets shall conform with official plans including minimum width of rights-of-way fifty (50) feet. The City Planning and Zoning Commission may permit adjustments in the location of major streets due to topographical conditions and public convenience and safety.
For streets not indicated on official plans, the arrangement of streets in the subdivision may provide for the continuation of appropriate projection of existing principal streets in surrounding area except where topographical or other conditions make continuance or conformance to existing streets impractical.
The location and alignment of local service streets should be such that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
Street intersections should be, insofar as practical, at right angles.
Street jogs and centerline offsets of less than one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet should be avoided.
Street grades should be of sufficient slope to ensure drainage of storm or surface water into natural or man-made ditches.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.100; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
Where public water is available to the subdivision, each lot in the subdivision shall be provided water in accordance with the policies and standards established by City Code.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.110; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
Where sanitary sewers are available to the subdivision, each lot in the subdivision shall be provided sanitary sewers in accordance with the policies and standards established by City Code.
When the subdivision cannot be served by an existing sanitary sewer, the disposal of sewage shall be provided in accordance with the policies and standards established by City Code.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.120; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
Streets shall be improved by the subdivider in accordance with the policies and standards established by the City as being minimum for acceptance of dedication and maintenance of streets.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.130; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
The subdivider shall provide one (1) of the following in respect to any improvement or improvements required:
Evidence of installation of improvements in the form of a certificate containing the signatures of the City Administrator or other designated representative.
A performance bond based on equal value of the City Engineer's estimated cost of the improvements.
A deposit with the City of a sum equal to the City Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. The developer may be permitted to draw on his/her deposit upon satisfactory completion of various stages of his/her improvements.
The City Administrator shall designate the official or officials who shall be responsible for certifying proper installation of required improvements.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.140; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
The City Planning and Zoning Commission shall require the following of the developer for plat approval:
The preparation of an official plat or map, suitable for filing, containing the data required by Sections 410.050 and 410.060 of this Chapter.
If only a portion of the land is intended for immediate development, at minimum, a plan layout for the entire area shall be supplied to City Officials to ensure that the purposes and intent of these regulations are complied with.
Evidence of installation of improvements where required.
Conformance with all other provisions of this Chapter.
[R.O. 1991 § 410.150; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
No plat shall be accepted for record until reviewed by City staff, reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and approved by the Board of Aldermen.
No publicly or privately owned utility shall extend its facilities to service an area within the City limits unless one of the following applies:
The extension is to an area where a subdivision plat of record existed prior to May 9, 1995.
The extension is to an area where a plat of record has been approved by the City Planning and Zoning Commission.
Installation of utilities, or acceptance of a performance bond in the amount of the City Engineer's estimated cost of the utilities, is required before the plat can receive approval for filing of record. In the event, the City Planning and Zoning Commission will grant the utilities permission to extend facilities in accordance with specified plans; however, no building permit will be provided until all utilities are installed and accepted.
No deed shall be accepted for record by the County Recorder pertaining to land within the corporate area unless such deed is referenced to a plat of record. This provision shall not prohibit the sale of land of record as of May 9, 1995.