[R.O. 1991 § 525.010; Ord. No. 458 § 7, 10-7-1980]
The Board of Aldermen, upon the petition of any ten (10) citizens of a nine-square block area of the described tract of ground of said petition shall have the power to make contracts for the construction of sidewalks, including grading therefor, with or without curbing, along any street, avenue or other public highway or any part thereof. Such contract shall be let to the lowest and best bidder upon plans and specifications filed therefor by the City official designated by the Board of Aldermen with the City Clerk, not less than one (1) week advertisement for bids thereupon being made in a newspaper published in the City of Vandalia.
[R.O. 1991 § 525.020; CC 1978 § 63.020]
Whenever the City shall advertise for bids for the construction of any new sidewalks of any kind and shall receive no bids therefor, the City may proceed to construct or reconstruct any such sidewalks at its own expense, and shall keep an accurate account of the amount expended for labor and material, including grading and filling, opposite each lot or piece of ground, and present the same to the Board of Aldermen for assessment, and each lot or piece of ground abutting on the sidewalk constructed or reconstructed shall be liable for the cost thereof as reported to the Board of Aldermen by the officer or committee having charge of the matter, and a special tax bill or bills shall be issued for the amount thereof. The assessment hereunder shall be levied by ordinance, in which ordinance there shall be set out separately:
The number, if any, and title of the ordinance under authority of which the work is done.
A separate description of each lot, tract or parcel of ground assessed.
The name of the owner thereof.
The number of front feet therein abutting on said improvement.
The separate items or cost of said improvement.
The total cost thereof.
Said assessment ordinance shall further provide for the making out of a special tax bill or bills by the City Engineer or other person therein designated in evidence of said assessment, payable to the City or the contractor or to any person for and to the use of said City as the Board of Aldermen may direct, and shall be collected as other tax bills.
[R.O. 1991 § 525.030; CC 1978 § 63.030]
A separate tax bill shall be issued against each lot, tract or parcel of ground against which a special assessment has been made, and shall state therein:
A brief general statement of the facts authorizing its issue.
The amount for which it is issued.
A description of the land against which it is issued.
The name of the contractor to whom it is issued.
The rate of interest which it bears, and when it begins to bear interest.
That it is a special lien against the land therein described.
The time that the lien continues.
Said tax bill or bills shall be due and payable in sixty (60) days from the date of issue thereof, and shall be and become a lien upon the property charged therewith from the date of issue of such bills, and shall be prima facie evidence of the liability of the property charged therewith to the extent and amount therein specified, and if said tax bills be not paid on or before the sixty (60) days from the date of issue thereof, they shall bear interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum from such sixty (60) days from the date of issue. Said special tax bill may be paid in ten (10) annual installments, as provided in Section 88.816, RSMo. Said lien shall continue for a period of three (3) years from and after sixty (60) days from the date of issue of such bills or until final determination of any legal proceeding to collect the same. Said tax bills shall be assignable by the City or any other owner thereof as any other evidence of debt, and the assignee thereof shall succeed to all the rights and privileges herein given to the original holder.
[R.O. 1991 § 525.040; CC 1978 § 63.040]
On any suit or proceeding to enforce collection of any special tax bill issued as herein provided, it shall be only necessary for the owner thereof to charge in a petition that such an amount is due from the defendant to the plaintiff for the building of such sidewalk made by virtue of said ordinances, giving their title and date of adoption, provided that nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent any defendant from pleading and proving in contesting any bill any mistakes or error in the amount thereof or that the work mentioned was not done in a good and workmanlike manner, and further if it be pleaded and proved on trial that the work for which the bill was issued was not done according to the terms of the contract made by the contractor with the City, then the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall recover thereon only the actual value of the work done, with interest at six percent (6%) from date, if of any value; and if not of any value, the judgment shall be for the defendant. No suit for the collection of any tax bill shall be defeated or effected by any irregularity effecting other bills invalid in whole or in part, and provided further that if at any time it is found there has been error in the issue of any tax bill or any assessment, or error made in the mode or manner of making any assessment, the same shall be corrected and reassessment made, if necessary to correct the mistake, by the proper officials, and said assessment shall be as binding and in all respects the same as if no previous assessment had been made or tax bills issued.
[R.O. 1991 § 525.050; Ord. No. 458 § 7, 10-7-1980; Ord. No. 13-1132 §§ I – –II, 10-10-2013]
Any property owner who is placing sidewalks on a City right-of-way shall first obtain a building permit, obtained at City Hall and approved by normal building permit procedures. No construction shall begin until said permit has been approved and the owner notified.
Residential Specifications.
All sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete, a minimum of forty-eight (48) inches in width, a minimum of four (4) inches thick and shall contain reinforcing mesh or other approved reinforcement. All sidewalks shall also be constructed with a minimum of two (2) inches of compacted base gravel or other approved base material.
All sidewalks shall be broom finished, and meet ADA requirements.
Commercial Specifications.
All sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete, a minimum of seventy-two (72) inches in width, a minimum of four (4) inches thick and shall contain reinforcing mesh or other approved reinforcement. All sidewalks shall also be constructed with a minimum of two (2) inches of compacted base gravel or other approved base material.
All sidewalks shall be broom finished, and meet ADA requirements and match existing sidewalks in the block.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 1008 § I, adopted 10-14-2003, repealed R.O. 1991 Ch. 525, Art. II, Sidewalk Replacement Incentive Program, and Sections 525.060 – 525.120 in their entirety. Former Sections 525.060 – 525.120 derived from Ord. No. 611 §§ I, III – VI, 11-13-1990; Ord. No. 625 § II, 5-14-1991; Ord. No. 910 §§ I – II, 8-11-1998. At the editor's discretion, these sections have been reserved for the City's future use.