[R.O. 1991 § 520.010; CC 1978 § 69.010; Ord. No. 09-1083 §§ I – II, 1-13-2009]
The City Administrator of the City of Vandalia, or his/her designee, is hereby fully authorized and directed to carry out any and all provisions of this Chapter with full and complete jurisdiction over the matters herein set out.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.020; CC 1978 § 69.015; Ord. No. 526 § I, 3-5-1985; Ord. No. 09-1083 §§ I – II, 1-13-2009]
Any proprietor proposing the development of contiguous parcels of property within the City limits that are described individually by metes and bounds rather than as parts of a subdivision shall comply with all regulations in Chapter 410, Subdivision Regulations. If in street rights-of-way previously dedicated to the City of Vandalia but never opened for public use any roadway construction are subsequently authorized, it shall be in accordance with Ch. 410.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.030; CC 1978 § 69.020; Ord. No. 09-1083 §§ I – II, 1-13-2009]
No person, partnership, firm, association or corporation shall plant, transplant, prune or remove any trees or shrubbery on City property outside the property lines and within the public streets of said City without first securing permission to do so from the Enforcement Authority.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.035; Ord. No. 09-1083 § II, 1-13-2009]
In addition to the regulations established in this Chapter, the City may adopt a Tree Management Policy which may address trees and vegetation; trimming and removal; and protection of public infrastructure.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.040; Ord. No. 501 § I, 8-9-1983; Ord. No. 09-1083 §§ I – II, 1-13-2009]
No person, partnership, firm, association, corporation or departments of the City shall make any excavation or dig or open any trench or ditch on, within or across any public street, alley or easement for the purpose of connecting private property with a water, sewer, electrical, natural gas or cable television line located in said public street, alley or easement without first securing a work permit from the Enforcement Authority. Typically, no entity (other than those already permitted through franchise) shall be granted a permit. Insurance requirements of the City's liability carrier shall apply to any permittee.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.050; Ord. No. 501 § I, 8-9-1983; Ord. No. 09-1083 §§ I – II, 1-13-2009]
Any permitted entity shall be fully responsible for backfill and site restoration in a manner prescribed by and to the satisfaction of the Enforcement Authority.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.055; Ord. No. 1024 § I, 9-21-2004; Ord. No. 09-1083 §§ I – II, 1-13-2009]
Obstructions in streets and street rights-of-way prohibited:
No person, firm or corporation shall obstruct in any manner whatsoever the free passage or use of any street, sidewalk, alley or other public way or erect, construct, place or maintain any speed bumps, ridges, depressions, fences, gates, pipes, chains, bars, basketball hoops, hockey nets, skate ramps or any other type of structure or obstruction in, on or across the paved portion of any public street or roadway within the City.
No person, firm or corporation shall erect, construct, place or maintain anything within the unpaved portion of any right-of-way owned by the City except as follows:
Mailboxes as authorized or required by postal authorities.
City or public utility lines and equipment, including, but not limited to, street lights, cable television installations and utility poles, provided that appropriate permits are obtained.
Private driveways and sidewalks, provided that appropriate permission is obtained.
Directional or informational signs as may be approved by the Street Department. However, political, derogatory or obscene signage shall not be approved and shall be removed by the City upon discovery.
Events in which the City has given expressed permission to close streets for a certain period of time.
Planter boxes in commercial areas upon approval of the Street Department.
State Law Reference: Encroachments and obstructions, § 79.410, RSMo.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.060; Ord. No. 462 § 69.040, 1-6-1981; Ord. No. 09-1083 §§ I – II, 1-13-2009]
The City and franchised/authorized utility companies are hereby vested with full power and authority to transplant, prune or remove any trees, shrubbery or other obstructions of any kind whatsoever on or over City property interfering with sidewalks, electric distribution, water, gas, telephone or sewer lines of said City or utility company.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 09-1083 § I, adopted 1-13-2009, repealed R.O. 1991 Section 520.070, Street Excavations — Protection Of Public, in its entirety. Former Section 520.070 derived from CC 1978 § 75.520. At the editor's discretion, this section has been reserved for the City's future use.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.080; Ord. No. 462 § 69.050, 1-6-1981; Ord. No. 09-1083 §§ I – II, 1-13-2009]
For purposes of this Chapter, the Enforcement Authority is designated as the City Forester. He/she shall have the power to condemn any tree or trees located upon public lands, streets, highways, easements and avenues that are dead or dangerous or upon private property if they are diseased or dangerous. Within thirty (30) days after formal notice has been given by the City Forester to the property owner stating that the tree or trees are condemned, they must be removed. In the event the property owner does not comply with the notice of the City Forester, the City has full authority to remove said tree or trees and all expenses shall be borne by the property owner. In the event the property owner refuses to comply with these provisions, action may be brought to collect said expenses.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.120; CC 1978 § 46.040]
Houses and buildings in the City of Vandalia shall be numbered in the manner hereinafter provided.
For the purpose of numbering the houses and buildings in the City of Vandalia, Main Street shall be the base for numbers running east and west, and the railroad shall be the base for numbers running north and south therefrom. The numbers shall begin at number one hundred (100) at such base lines or streets and run therefrom east, west, north and south as the case may be. The odd numbers shall apply to the north and west sides of the streets, and the even numbers shall apply to the south and east sides of the streets, increasing at the rate of one hundred (100) numbers to each and every block or distance between two (2) streets; this rule shall apply to both sides of such streets, whether the intersecting street crosses the same or not and said numbers shall progress at the rate of one (1) number for each twenty-five (25) feet front on any such street.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.130; CC 1978 § 46.050]
The names of the various streets in the City of Vandalia shall be as now platted and dedicated or established by ordinance or as may be hereafter platted and dedicated or established by ordinance or condemnation; Provided, that in platting any addition within the City of Vandalia or addition to the City of Vandalia the extension of all streets now existing by reason of laying out any such addition, shall be known by the name of the street of which the same forms an extension.
[R.O. 1991 § 520.140; CC 1978 § 46.070]
Whenever it is deemed necessary by the Board of Aldermen to change the name of any street or avenue, the Board of Aldermen shall by resolution declare such proposed change of name necessary to be made and shall cause such resolution to be published at least once a week in some newspaper published in this City; and if within four (4) weeks after such publication, a majority of the resident owners along the line of such street or avenue, do not file with the City Clerk their written protest against such proposed change, then the Board of Aldermen shall by ordinance change the name of such street or avenue according to the terms of such resolution; upon the passage and approval of such ordinance, the City Clerk shall file with the Recorder of Deeds of Audrain County, Missouri, a certified copy of such ordinance and such Recorder shall record the same upon the records of the County.