[R.O. 1991 § 405.110; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
Residential district "R" is intended to provide for residential development of moderately spacious character, together with such public buildings, schools, churches, public recreational facilities, and accessory uses as may be necessary or are normally compatible with residential surroundings.
[R.O. 1991 § 405.120; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 986 §§ I – II, 8-13-2002; Ord. No. 987 § I, 8-13-2002; Ord. No. 988 § I, 8-13-2002; Ord. No. 990 § I, 9-17-2002; Ord. No. 1009 §§ I – II, 11-18-2003; Ord. No. 1032 § I, 8-9-2005]
The principal permitted uses in the "R-1" Residential District shall be the following:
One-family dwellings.
Mobile homes shall be allowed and considered dwellings and homes and subject to the same regulations as normal dwellings in the City of Vandalia if they conform to the following specifications:
Not less than twenty-four (24) feet in width (front to back) with a roof pitch of three (3) feet by twelve (12) feet;
Have all wheels and tongues removed;
Be placed upon a permanent foundation, which shall be permanently fastened to the home and to the ground upon which it is sitting and shall surround the outside perimeter of said mobile home and shall conform with the outside walls of said mobile home and shall not be set in underneath said mobile home.
Churches and related buildings used for worship.
Schools and colleges.
Public administrative, recreation, or service buildings (not including repair or storage yards or garages).
Public utility structures.
Offices for doctors, dentists, lawyers, architects, and other professions where the principal user of the building resides therein, known as a "home occupation."
Temporary construction buildings.
Non-commercial nurseries, greenhouses, and gardens.
Public parks, playgrounds, community and recreational facilities.
The area requirements in the "R-1" Residential District shall be as follows:
Minimum Lot Area. Six thousand (6,000) square feet.
Lot Frontage. Sixty (60) feet.
Depth From Street Right-Of-Way (owner's property line).
Open unenclosed porches shall be allowed to encroach/project up to five (5) feet into the required front yard. "Open unenclosed porch" shall mean a covered entrance to a building which is open to the atmosphere on three (3) sides excluding handrails less than thirty-six (36) inches above flooring and supporting columns.
The average of the front yard setback placement of surrounding structures within three hundred (300) feet each direction. If fewer than three (3) structures exist, or if a building line average cannot be reasonably established, the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet. In no case shall the front yard be reduced to less than fifteen (15) feet.
Side Yard Depth. Five (5) feet from lot line.
Rear Yard Depth. Residential structure twenty (20) feet, from lot line, storage and outbuildings ten (10) feet from rear lot line or center of alley or utility easement, if applicable. Note: Outbuildings are prohibited from being placed in front yards.
Maximum Coverage. Thirty-five percent (35%).
When a lot is a corner lot, there shall be a front yard and a side yard equal in depth to the front yard provided that the buildable width of a lot of record on May 9, 1995 need not be reduced to less than thirty (30) feet, except where necessary to provide a yard along the side street with a depth not less than five (5) feet. No accessory building shall project beyond the front yard inner line on either street, and such front yard line shall be separately computed for accessory buildings, except that the buildable width for accessory buildings shall not be reduced to less than twenty-two (22) feet.
When a lot is a corner lot, there shall be a site vision radius of twenty-five (25) feet from the property line corner abutting the streets. Walls, fences, signs or other structures, or plant growth exceeding thirty-six (36) inches in height, measured from the adjoining street's surface, are not allowed within this radius.
Height — Principal Use Structure. Thirty-five (35) feet, measured from front yard grade. Height — accessory use structure. Eighteen (18) feet, measured from front yard grade, or seventy percent (70%) of the height of the main structure, whichever is greater; however, in no case can the accessory structure exceed the height of the principal structure.
Accessory buildings shall be limited in size to a maximum of seven hundred twenty (720) square feet and must be within three hundred (300) feet of the owner's primary residential structure. Measurement shall be taken from the existing structure's closest point to the proposed structure's closest point inclusive of streets, alleyways, easements and the like.
[R.O. 1991 § 405.130; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
The principal permitted uses in "R-2" Residential District shall be the following:
Two-family dwelling units.
The keeping of no more than three (3) roomers or boarders.
Customary home occupations such as babysitting of not more than six (6) children.
Private country clubs, golf courses, swimming pools.
Any use permitted in the "R-1" Residential District.
The area requirements in the "R-2" Residential District shall be the same as "R-1" District.
[R.O. 1991 § 405.140; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 811 § I, 1-9-1996]
The principal permitted uses in the "R-3" Residential District shall be the following:
Any use permitted in the "R-1" or "R-2" Districts.
Multi-family dwellings [more than two (2) units].
The keeping of not more than six (6) roomers or boarders.
Clubs, fraternities, and lodges.
Licensed daycare centers, rest homes, and nursing homes.
Beauty salons or barber shops which are not located within a primary residence, meet the area requirements as outlined in Section 405.210, consist of no more than seven hundred (700) square feet, provide a minimum of three (3) parking spaces, and contain no more than one (1) chair to be used for hair styling or cutting purposes.
The area requirements in the "R-3" Residential District shall be as follows:
Same as the "R-1" and "R-2" Districts.
Nursing homes, day care centers, and similar institutions must comply with all State and Federal regulations pertaining to minimum space per person cared for.
Minimum lot area shall be a minimum of three thousand (3,000) square feet per dwelling unit.
[R.O. 1991 § 405.150; Ord. No. 775 § III, 5-9-1995]
Off-street parking shall be provided in residential districts as follows:
Residential Districts. Two (2) parking spaces for each dwelling unit.
Places Of Assembly. One (1) parking space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area.