In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and parts of the 1993 Code of Ordinances of the Borough of West Reading have been included in the 2018 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1993 Code
Location in 2018 Code
Ch. I, Administration and Government
Part 1, Elected Officers
Ch. 97, Art. I
Part 2, Manager
Ch. 65, Art. I
Part 3, Code Enforcement
Ch. 188, Art. I
Part 4, Building Officer
Ch. 65, Art. II
Part 5, Authorities
A. West Reading School Authority
B. The Joint Municipal Authority of Wyomissing Valley, Berks County
Ch. 12, Art. I
C. Western Berks Refuse Authority
Ch. 12, Art. II
D. Western Berks Water Authority
Ch. 12, Art. III
E. The West Reading Main Street Authority
Ch. 12, Art. IV
Part 6, Boards and Commissions
A. Planning Commission
Ch. 78
B. Recreation
Ch. 92
Part 7, Firemen's Relief
Ch. 44
Part 8, Pensions, Retirement and Social Security
A. Police Pensions
Ch. 72, Art. I
B. Retirement for Employees Other than Police Officers
C. Social Security for Borough Officers and Employees
Part 9, Appointed Auditor
Ch. 7
Part 10, Tax Collector
A. Tax Collector Compensation
Ch. 97, Art. II
B. Delinquent Tax Collector
Part 11, Collection of Attorneys Fees, Charges and Expenses
Ch. 281
Part 12, Local Taxpayers Bill of Rights
Ch. 410, Art. II
Part 13, Infrastructure Committee
Ch. 51
Part 14, West Side Regional Emergency Management Agency
Ch. 26
Part 15, Police Jurisdiction and Mutual Aid
Ch. 83, Art. I
Part 16, Berks County Emergency Response Team
Ch. 30
Ch. II, Animals
Part 1, Keeping of Certain Animals
Repealed by Ord. No. 1043; see now Ch. 152, Art. I
Part 2, Keeping of Pigeons
Repealed by Ord. No. 1043; see now Ch. 152, Art. I
Part 3, Pit Bulls
Repealed by Ord. No. 1009
Ch. III, Bicycles
Ch. 159
Ch. IV, Buildings
Part 1, Uniform Construction Codes
Ch. 188, Art. II
Part 2, Flood Plain Building Regulations
Superseded by Ord. No. 1013; see now Ch. 235
Part 3, Tenant Registration
Part 4, Property Maintenance Code
Ch. 341, Art. II
Part 5, Dangerous Structures
Part 6, Graffiti
Ch. 249
Ch. V, Conduct
§ 101, Use of Firearms Restricted
Ch. 216
§§ 102 through 107, Tampering With Public Property and Equipment
Ch. 347, Art. I
Ch. VI, Curfew
Part 1, Curfew for Minors
Ch. 194, Art. I
Part 2, Bottle Club Curfew
Ch. 144, Art. I
Ch. VII, Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
Part 1, Fire Prevention
Ch. 228, Art. I
Part 2, Fire Protection
Ch. 39
Ch. VIII, Franchises
Part 1, Gas
Ch. A470
Part 2, Pipe Lines and Overhead Bridges
Part 3, Telephone and Telegraph
Ch. A475
Part 4 (Reserved)
Part 5, Water
Ch. 441, Art. I
Ch. IX, Garbage, Refuse and Recycling
Ch. 385
Ch. X, Health, Safety and Sanitation
Part 1, Pest Control
Ch. 312
Part 2, Removal of Nuisances
Ch. 287
Part 3, Property Maintenance
Ch. 341, Art. I
Part 4, Removal, Repair or Securing of Damaged Buildings
Ch. 222
Part 5, Key Safes
Ch. 228, Art. II
Part 6, Air Pollution Control
Ch. 131
Ch. XI, Housing
Part 1, Rental Housing Registration
Ch. 355, Art. I
Ch. XII, Land Subdivision and Land Development
Superseded by Ord. No. 1059; see Ch. 400
Ch. XIII, Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Part 1, Advertising Matter
Ch. 125
Part 2, Amusements
A. Amusements for which an Admission Fee is Charged
Ch. 148, Art. I
B. Coin Operated Games of Amusement
Ch. 148, Art. II
Part 3, Junk Yards
Part 4, Poles
Part 5, Street Parades and Meetings
Ch. 296
Part 6, Transient Retail Business
Ch. 418
Part 7, Alarm Devices
Ch. 140
Part 8, Sidewalk Cafes
Ch. 368
Part 9, Garage and Yard Sale Permits
Ch. 243
Part 10, Temporary Political Signs
Ch. XIV, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 430
Ch. XV, Parks and Recreation
Ch. 303
Ch. XVI, Plumbing
Part 1 (Reserved)
Part 2, Administration and Enforcement
Ch. XVII (Reserved)
Ch. XVIII, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Part 1, Sewer Connections
Ch. 363, Art. I
Part 2, Sewer Rentals
Ch. 363, Art. II
Part 3, Sewer System Rules and Regulations
Ch. 363, Art. III
Ch. XIX, Stormwater - Schuylkill River Watershed Stormwater Management
Ch. 390, Part 1
Ch. XX, Streets and Sidewalks
Part 1, Streets
A. Name of Streets
B. Street Obstructions and Uses
Ch. 396, Art. II
C. Street Openings
Ch. 396, Art. IV
D. Plowing and Removal of Snow and Ice
Ch. 396, Art. V
E. Storage of Building Materials on Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 396, Art. VI
Part 2, Sidewalks, Curbs and Driveways
A. Sidewalk, Curb and Driveway Construction and Repair
Ch. 396, Art. VII
B. Driveways Crossing Sidewalks
C. Sidewalk Sales, Obstructions and Encroachments
Ch. 396, Art. VIII
D. Snow and Ice Removal from Sidewalks
Ch. 396, Art. I
Part 3, Use of Streets and Sidewalks
A. Pumps and Tanks Along Street or Sidewalk
Ch. 396, Art. III
B. Sledding on Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. XXI, Taxation, Special
Part 1, Local Services Tax
Ch. 410, Art. IV
Part 2 (Reserved)
Part 3, Realty Transfer Tax
Ch. 410, Art. III
Part 4, Earned Income Tax
Repealed by Ord. No. 1006
Part 5, Business Privilege Tax
Ch. 410, Art. I
Ch. XXII, Trailers and Trailer Parks (Reserved)
Ch. XXIII, Trees
Part 1, Shade Tree Commission
Ch. 103
Part 2, Shade Tree Rules and Regulations
Ch. 424, Art. I
Ch. XXIV, Water
Part 1, Rates, Rules and Regulations
Ch. 441, Art. II
Part 2, Connections
Ch. 441, Art. III
Ch. XXV, Zoning
Repealed by Ord. No. 1017; see now Ch. 455
Ch. XXVI, Airport Zoning
Superseded by Ord. No. 996; see now Ch. 136
I. Administration and Government
II. Agreements and Contracts
III. Appropriations
IV. Bond Issues and Loans
V. Bridges
VI. Driveways
VII. Public Property
VIII, Sewers
IX, Sidewalks
X, Street Lighting
XI, Streets
XII, Taxation
XIII, Water