The officers of this organization shall consist of a Chief, First Assistant Chief, Second Assistant Chief, two Captains, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, a Board of five Directors and two Chaplains.
The term of each officer, except members of the Board of Directors, shall be one year from the date of the annual meeting, but in the event of failure to fill an office at the annual meeting, the officer in office shall hold over until his successor is chosen. A vacancy in any office may be filled by election at any regular meeting. The term of any officer not elected at the annual meeting shall expire at the annual meeting succeeding his election.
The term of office for the Board of Directors shall be for five years, with one member being elected each year. The Chairman of the Board shall be the member whose term of office shall expire the coming year.
The election of officers of this Company shall be held at the meeting preceding the annual meeting, and shall be by ballot, with a majority ballot necessary to elect. The officers so chosen shall assume their office and duties when the annual meeting is called to order.
The President shall appoint a Chairman to preside at the election of officers. The Chairman, in turn, shall appoint two tellers who shall poll the votes. The Chairman shall announce the result of the vote.
Only active members in good standing and not in arrears for dues or fines shall be entitled to vote at any Company business.
Only active members who have taken and completed the full BIA course of the State Fire Training School and/or essentials of firemanship and hold state certificates shall be eligible to hold any of the line offices.