Any member who shall neglect or refuse to obey the command of the Chief, First or Second Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, Captain, Lieutenant or any acting line officer, or refuse to comply with the regulation of the Company, shall be liable to expulsion from the Company by a two-thirds vote of the active members present at the next regular meeting.
Any active member who has not attended at least three of the regular meetings during the year, beginning with the annual meeting, shall be dropped from the rolls; except if he be made a member on or after the sixth month from the annual meeting, then this section shall not apply until the following annual meeting. If he be excused after the first six regular meetings, he must have attended three of the six or be expelled. A member working a shift that prevents him from attending meetings shall present this excuse, in writing, to the Secretary, and at such time as he is again able to attend meetings shall so notify the Secretary in writing. Written excuses shall be renewed each year.