In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1996 Code have been included in the 2019 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. IV.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title from 1996 Code
Location in 2019 Code
Adopting Ordinance
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. IV
Preliminary Unit
General Index
To be replaced with new comprehensive Index
Comparative Section Table
To be replaced with comprehensive Disposition List
Tables of Special Ordinances
To be replaced with comprehensive Disposition List
Table A, Franchises
Table B, Easements
Table C, Vacating streets
Table D, Dedication and Plat Approval
Table E, Acquisition and Disposal of Real Property
Table F, Lease of Real Property
Table G, Grade Levels and Change of Street Name
Table H, Annexation and Detachment of Territory
Table I, Zoning Map Changes
PART TWO — Administration Code
Title Two — General Provisions
Ch. 202, Codified Ordinances
Sections 202.01, 202.02, and 202.04 through 202-.06 (various provisions)
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. IV
Section 202.03, Definitions and interpretation
Ch. 1, Art. I
Section 202.99, General penalty
Ch. 1, Art. II
Ch. 204, Official Standards
Ch. 49
Ch. 206, Wards and Boundaries
Title Four — Legislation
Ch. 210, Council
Ch. 10
Section 210.01, Hearing fee
Ch. 212, Ordinances, resolutions and records
Section 212.01, Fee schedule for copies
Title Six — Administration
Ch. 220, Mayor
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 222, Manager
Ch. 29, Art. I
Ch. 224, Solicitor
Ch. 29, Art. II
Ch. 226, Independent Auditor
Ch. 29, Art. III
Ch. 228, Tax Collector
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 230, Treasurer
NI (reference statement only)
Section 230.01, Pennsylvania Local Government.Investment Trust
Ch. 23
Ch. 232, Secretary
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 234, Police Department
Section 234.01, Mutual aid agreement
Ch. 41, Art. I
Section 234.02, Fees for police reports
Ch. 236, Fire Company
Ch. 17
Ch. 238, Building Department
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 240, Highway Department
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 244, Zoning Officer
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 246, Engineer
Ch. 29, Art. IV
Ch. 248, Code Enforcement Officer
Ch. 110
Ch. 250, Health Services
Section 250.01, Health Officer
Ch. 29, Art. V
Title Eight — Boards, Commissions and Committees
Ch. 260, Civil Service Commission
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 262, Zoning Hearing Board
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 264, Community Relations Committee
Ch. 6, Art. I
Ch. 268, Recreation Board
Ch. 6, Art. III
Ch. 270, Library Board
Ch. 6, Art. II
Title Ten — Employment Benefits and Pension Funds
Ch. 280, Employees Generally
Section 280.01, Social Security coverage
Ch. 34, Art. I
Section 280.02, Hiring and recruitment
Ch. 37, Art. I
Ch. 282, Employees' Pension Plan
Ch. 34, Art. III (reference statement only)
Ch. 284, Police Pension Fund
Repealed by Ord. No. 1311; see Ch. 34, Art. II (reference statement only)
Title Twelve — Judicial
Ch. 290, District Justice of the Peace
NI (reference statement only)
PART FOUR — Traffic Code
Ch. 285
PART SIX — General Offenses Code
Ch. 606, Administration, Enforcement and Penalty
Section 606.99, General Code penalty
See Section 202.99
Ch. 614, Animals, except:
Ch. 80
Sections 614.10 and 614.11
Ch. 660, Peace Disturbances
Section 660.01, Disorderly conduct [with Section.660.99(a), Penalties]
Ch. 209, Art. I
Section 660.02, Curfew [with Section 660.99(b), Penalties]
Ch. 131
Section 660.03, Alcoholic beverage consumption [with Section 660.99(c), Penalties]
Ch. 72
Section 660.04, Moving of household furniture [with Section 660.99(d), Penalties]
Ch. 209, Art. II
Ch. 665, Noise Disturbances
Ch. 200
Ch. 670, Real Estate Sales
Ch. 231
Ch. 680, Safety, Sanitation and Health
Section 680.01, Distribution of advertising.materials [with Section 680.99(a), Penalty]
Ch. 61
Section 680.02, Undesirable accumulations; dumping on private property
Section 680.03, Use of chemicals; dumping on public ways
Section 680.04, Snow and ice removal
Section 680.05, Abandoned vehicles on private property
Section 680.06, Chemicals for lawn care
Section 680.07, Outdoor clothes drying prohibited
Ch. 685, Smoking in Public Buildings
Ch. 255
Ch. 690, Weapons and Explosives
Sections 690.01, Fireworks and firearms and.690.99, Penalty
Ch. 160, Art. I
Ch. 694, Weeds and Grass
PART EIGHT — Business Regulation and Taxation Code
Title Two — Business Regulation
Ch. 804, Adult Business and Entertainment Uses
Ch. 58
Ch. 810, Carnivals
Ch. 101
Ch. 820, Junk Dealers
Ch. 182
Ch. 826, Mechanical and/or Electronic Amusement Devices
Ch. 76
Ch. 834, Private Communications Systems
Ch. 115
Ch. 836, Public Eating and Drinking Places
Ch. 142
Ch. 850, Transient Retail Businesses
Ch. 213, Art. I
Title Four — Taxation
Ch. 880, Realty Transfer Tax
Ch. 273, Art. I
Ch. 882, Occupational Privilege Tax
Ch. 273, Art. II
PART TEN — Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code
Title Two — Street and Sidewalk Areas
Ch. 1020, Improvements
Ch. 266, Art. I
Ch. 1024, Excavations
Ch. 266, Art. II
Ch. 1028, Shade Trees
Ch. 280, Art. I
Ch. 1032, Sidewalks
Title Four — Utilities
Ch. 1040, Sewers Generally
Ch. 246, Art. I
Ch. 1042, International Private Sewage Disposal Code
Ch. 246, Art. II
Ch. 1044, Water
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 1048, Gas
NI (reference statement only)
Ch. 1052, Electricity
NI (reference statement only)
Title Six — Other Public Services
Ch. 1060, Garbage and Rubbish Collection and Disposal, except:
Ch. 261, Art. I
Section 1060.07, Containers used by participants in the refuse collection system, Section 1060.08, Containers used by nonparticipants in the refuse collection system, Section 1060.09, Overflowing containers prohibited, Section 1060.11, Open burning prohibited, Section 1060.12, Trees, clippings and brush; bundling required
Ch. 1062, County-Wide Solid Waste Management Plan
Ch. 261, Art. II
Ch. 1064, Recycling
Ch. 261, Art. III
Ch. 1066, Cemeteries
Ch. 105
Ch. 1068, Automatic Protection Devices
Ch. 68
Ch. 1070, Use of Borough Buildings and Grounds
Ch. 224
PART TWELVE — Planning and Zoning Code
Title Two — Planning
Ch. 1210, Comprehensive Plan
Title Four — Zoning
Ch. 300
PART FOURTEEN — Building and Housing Code
Title Two — Building
Ch. 1420, BOCA National Building Code
Repealed by Ord. No. 1304; see Ch. 122
Ch. 1424, Electrical Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 1304; see Ch. 122
Ch. 1428, Plumbing Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 1304; see Ch. 122
Ch. 1430, International Mechanical Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 1304; see Ch. 122
Ch. 1432, International Energy Conservation Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 1304; see Ch. 122
Title Four — Miscellaneous Building Regulations
Ch. 1440, Building Setback Lines
Ch. 93
Ch. 1444, Flood and Mudslide Hazards
Superseded by Ord. No. 1365; see Ch. 164
Ch. 1448, Licensing of Contractors
Ch. 127
Ch. 1450, Overhead Signs and Banners
Ch. 250
Ch. 1452, Permit Fees
Ch. 1456, Smoke Detection Equipment
Ch. 156, Art. I
Ch. 1458, Swimming Pools
Ch. 270
Ch. 1459, Security Gates
Ch. 242
Title Six — Housing and Property Maintenance Code
Ch. 1460, Minimum Housing Standards
Repealed by Ord. No. 1315; see Ch. 220
Ch. 1461, Rental and Leased Properties
Repealed by Ord. No. 1297; see Ch. 235, Art. I
Ch. 1462, International Property Maintenance Code
Repealed by Ord. No. 1315; see Ch. 220
Ch. 1464, Abatement of Nuisances
Ch. 203, Art. I
Ch. 1466, Water Conservation
Ch. 292, Art. I
PART SIXTEEN — Fire Prevention Code
Ch. 1610, Fire Prevention Code
Ch. 156, Art. II
Section 1610.35, Fire insurance claims
Ch. 177, Art. I