The purpose of this section and the standards established herein
are to govern the use, construction, and siting of wireless communications
so as:
A. To accommodate the need for wireless communications facilities while
regulating their location and number in the Borough and to ensure
compliance with all applicable governmental regulations.
B. To minimize any adverse visual effects of wireless communications
facilities, antennas, and antenna support structures through proper
design, siting, and screening.
C. To ensure the structural integrity of the antenna support structure
through compliance with applicable industry standards and regulations.
D. To encourage the joint use of antenna support structures to reduce
the number of such structures now.
E. To promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the
All applicants seeking to construct, erect, relocate, or alter
a wireless communications facility shall comply with this article
and shall demonstrate to the Borough Council and Borough Planning
Commission the following:
A. The applicant shall demonstrate, using accepted technological and
documentary evidence, that the antenna and/or antenna support structure
must be located where proposed in order to satisfy its function within
the applicant's regional plan or grid system. An accurate description
of each relevant "area of service" shall be included in such evidence.
B. Antenna height.
(1) The applicant shall demonstrate that the antenna(s) and antenna support
structure must be at the height proposed in order to satisfy their
function in the applicant's regional plan or grid system. The applicant
shall also demonstrate that the antenna height requested is not in
excess of the minimum required to function satisfactorily.
(2) An antenna that is attached to a support structure such as a telephone,
electric, or utility pole, existing wireless communications, cellular
communications or personal communications services tower, smokestack,
water tower, or other similar tall structure, together with any antenna
support structure, shall not exceed the height of the existing structure
by more than 10 feet.
(3) The maximum height of any communications tower shall be 100 feet.
C. Setbacks from the base of the antenna support structure.
(1) The minimum distance between the base of any antenna support structure
and any property line or right-of-way line shall be the largest of
the following:
The minimum yard setback in the underlying zoning district;
One hundred percent of the proposed antenna support structure
height from occupied buildings.
(2) The minimum distance between the base of any guy wire anchors and
any property line or right-of-way line shall equal 40% of the proposed
antenna support structure height.
D. Antenna support structure safety.
(1) The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed antenna(s) and
antenna support structure are designed and constructed in accordance
with all applicable national building standards for such facilities
and structures, including, but not limited to, the standards developed
by the Electronics Industry Association, Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Telecommunications Industry Association, American
National Standards Institute, and Electrical Industry Association.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed wireless communications
facility is designed in such a manner so that no part of the facility
will attract/deflect lightning onto adjacent properties.
(2) When an antenna(s) is to be located on an existing structure and
the general public has access to that structure, the applicant shall
provide engineering details showing what steps have been taken to
prevent microwave binding to wiring, pipes, or other metals.
E. The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed antenna(s) and
antenna support structure and the entire wireless communication facility
are safe and are in accordance with applicable Borough codes, and
the surrounding properties will not be negatively affected by antenna
support structure failure, falling ice, or other debris. All antenna
support structures shall be fitted with anti-climbing devices to comply
with industry standards.
F. A security fence shall be required around the antenna support structure
and other equipment, unless the antenna(s) is mounted on an existing
structure. The security fence shall be a maximum of eight feet in
height and maintained in proper condition. No barbed wire or razor
wire fencing will be permitted, without obtaining the appropriate
permit from the Borough Building Inspector.
G. If the applicant is a commercial wireless communications company,
it must demonstrate that it is licensed by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) and provide the applicable Borough designate with
copies of all FCC applications, permits, approvals, licenses, and
site inspection records. All such information shall be accompanied
by a certification signed by two officers of the applicant, providing
that, after due inquiry, the information being supplied is true and
correct to the best of their knowledge, information, and belief. The
applicant shall also provide the applicable Borough designate with
copies of all applicable federal regulations with which it is required
to comply and a schedule of estimated FCC inspections.
H. The owner of an antenna support structure shall submit to the Borough
Engineer proof of the annual inspection of the antenna support structure
and antenna(s) by an independent professional engineer as required
by the ANSI/EIA/TIA-222-E Code. Based upon the results of such an
inspection, Borough Council may require removal or repair of the structure.
I. A structural engineer registered in Pennsylvania shall attest to the proposed antenna support structure's ability to meet the structural standards of Subsection
D preceding herein, or those offered by either the Electronic Industries Association or the Telecommunication Industry Association and certify the proper attachment of antenna(s) and proper construction of the foundation and the erection of the antenna support structure.
J. The wireless communications facility shall be fully automated and
not require any maintenance workers to be present on a full-time basis.
Adequate parking shall be required for all maintenance workers, with
a minimum of two spaces provided. All parking spaces shall be constructed
to conform to applicable stormwater management regulations.
K. A full site plan shall be required for all wireless communications
facilities showing all existing and proposed structures and improvements,
including, but not limited to, the antenna(s), antenna support structure,
building, fencing, landscape, buffering, and ingress and egress and
all necessary elevations and photo-overlays demonstrating the illustrated
appearance of all facilities against actual photographic backgrounds
in each of the four directions. The plan shall comply with the latest
adopted County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
L. No sign or other structure shall be mounted on the wireless communications
facility, except as may be required by the FCC, FAA (Federal Aviation
Administration), or other governmental agencies.
M. Antenna support structures shall meet all FAA regulations. No antenna
support structure may be artificially lighted except when required
by the FAA or other governmental authority. When lighting is required
by the FAA or other governmental authority, it shall be oriented inward
so as not to project onto surrounding properties. The applicant shall
immediately report any outage or malfunction of FAA-mandated lighting
to the appropriate governmental authorities.
N. In the case of a newly constructed antenna support structure, a soil
report complying with the standards of Geotechnical Investigations,
ANSI/EIA-222E, as amended, shall be submitted to the Borough Engineer
to document and verify the design specifications of the foundation
for the antenna support structure and anchors for the guy wires, if
O. All wireless communications equipment buildings and other accessory
facilities shall be aesthetically and architecturally compatible with
the surrounding environment and shall maximize the use of like facades
to blend with the existing surroundings and neighboring buildings
to the greatest extent possible.
P. Additional development regulations.
(1) A wireless communications facility is permitted as a sole use on
a lot, subject to the minimum lot area and yards complying with the
requirements for the applicable zoning district, except as modified
(2) A wireless communications facility may be permitted on a property
with an existing use or on a vacant parcel in combination with another
municipal or other institutional use, subject to the following conditions:
The existing use on the property must be a permitted use in
the applicable district or any lawful nonconforming use and need not
be affiliated with the wireless communications facility.
The minimum lot area for a land site shall be 3,600 square feet.
Where the wireless communications facility is located on a property
with another principal use, vehicular access to the wireless communications
facility shall, whenever feasible, be provided along the circulation
driveways of the existing use. The applicant shall present documentation
that the owner of the property has granted an easement for the proposed
(3) An antenna(s) may be attached to an existing structure or building,
subject to the conditions that vehicular access to the wireless communications
facility shall not interfere with the parking or vehicular circulation
on the site for the principal use.
(4) Verify structural integrity of existing building.
Q. The wireless communications facility shall be maintained and kept
in good repair as required by Federal Law H.R. 6180/S. 2882, the Telecommunications
Authorization Act of 1992, including amendments to Sections 303(q)
and 503(b)(5) of the Communications Act of 1934 and all Borough ordinances
not inconsistent therewith. Every year, the facility owner shall certify
to the Borough the structural integrity of the wireless communications
R. The following landscaping shall be required to screen as much of
a newly constructed antenna support structure, the fence surrounding
the newly constructed antenna support structure, and any other newly
constructed ground-level features (such as a building) as possible
and, in general, soften the appearance of the wireless communications
(1) The disturbance of the existing topography shall be minimized, unless
such disturbance would result in less visual impact of the facility
on the surrounding area.
(2) Existing vegetation on and around the land site shall be preserved
to the greatest extent possible. Any tree or vegetative element which
dies must be replaced within one month, ground permitting.
(3) An evergreen screen shall be required to surround the antenna support
structure. The screen can be either a hedge (planted three feet on
center, maximum) or a row of evergreen trees (planted 10 feet on center,
maximum). The evergreen screen shall be a minimum height of six feet
at planting and shall grow to a minimum of 15 feet at maturity.
(4) Where the wireless communications facility abuts residentially developed
land, a residential zoning district, public land, or streets, the
land site perimeter shall be landscaped with at least one row of deciduous
trees not less than 3 1/2 inches in caliper, spaced not more
than 30 feet apart on center, and within 25 feet of the land site
boundary, as well as at least one row of evergreen trees or shrubs,
at least 14 feet high when planted and spaced not more than 15 feet
apart and within 40 feet of the land site boundary.
S. All applicants seeking to construct, erect, relocate, or alter a
wireless communications facility shall demonstrate that all property
owners within a two-hundred-foot radius of the proposed structure
have been provided written notice of the applicant's intent to construct,
erect, relocate, or alter a wireless communications facility. Such
notice shall also contain the date and time of the hearing before
the Parkside Borough Planning Commission where the applicant will
appear and demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this article.
T. In the event that the wireless communications facility causes interference
with the radio or television reception of any Borough resident for
a period of three continuous days, the resident shall notify the operator
of the facility of such interference and the applicant, at the operator's
sole expense, shall thereafter ensure that any interference problems
are promptly corrected.
U. It being the legislative finding of Borough Council of the Borough
of Parkside that wireless communications facilities which have been
abandoned present a danger to the health, safety, and welfare of the
general public, all abandoned structures shall be removed no more
than 90 days after abandonment. The owner shall be responsible for
any demolition costs related to the facilities. If, in the future,
technology is developed that the state of the art for such facilities
permits antennas of a lesser height, the facility's owner shall be
required to reduce the height of its antenna to the lower height that
new technology permits within one year of written notification from
the Borough.
V. In January of each year, the owner of any wireless communications
facility shall pay the registration fee established from time to time
by resolution of the Borough Council and shall provide the applicable
Borough designate with the following information:
(1) The name and address of the owner of the wireless communications
facility and telephone number of the appropriate contact person in
case of emergency.
(2) The name and address of the property owner on which the wireless
communications facility is located.
(3) The location of the wireless communications facility by geographic
coordinates, indicating the latitude and longitude.
(4) Output frequency of the transmitter.
(5) The type of modulation, digital format, and class of service.
(7) The certified and effective radiated power of the antenna(s).
(8) The number of transmitters, channels, and antenna(s).
(9) A copy of the owner's or operator's FCC authorization.
Power input to the antenna(s).
Distance to the nearest base station.
A certification signed by two officers of the applicant that
the wireless communications facility is continuing to comply with
this article and all applicable governmental regulations.
W. The applicant shall submit a copy of its current Federal Communications
Commission license; the name, address, and emergency telephone number
for the operator of the wireless communications facility; and a certificate
of insurance evidencing general liability coverage in the minimum
amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence covering the communications tower
and communications antenna.
All plans for the erection of wireless communications facilities
shall be submitted to and reviewed by the Parkside Borough Planning
Commission for compliance with any applicable Subdivision and Land
Development Ordinance, with the exception of new antenna(s) attached
to existing municipal use sites. The Borough Engineer and Solicitor
shall review the submission of plans for compliance with this article
and any other applicable local regulations and evidence of review
and approval of other agencies with jurisdiction over such facilities.
The cost of review fees shall be reimbursed to the Borough by the
owner. These fees shall be in addition to any applicable Borough building
permit fees.