[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Fox Crossing 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 200713-1.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This chapter derives from Ch. 17 of the former Municipal Code, amended 3-1-1988, 12-22-1997, 7-24-1998, 7-24-2000, 5-5-2003, 10-27-2003, 11-28-2005, 11-6-2006, 3-12-2007, 11-9-2009, 12-12-2011, 12-21-2015 and 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 191125-1.
"Public parks," as that term is used in this chapter, shall include public parks owned or managed by the Village of Fox Crossing; the Community Center owned by the Village of Fox Crossing; sidewalks greater than eight feet consisting of asphalt, concrete, stone aggregate, and/or natural material located along road rights-of-way within the Village of Fox Crossing; transportation easements within the Village of Fox Crossing; and environmental corridors within the Village of Fox Crossing.
Public parks within the Village of Fox Crossing shall be governed by the following rules and regulations. In addition to the following rules and regulations, additional rules and regulations may be promulgated and posted by the Park Commission of the Village of Fox Crossing, and said rules shall be enforceable as expressly stated herein. Promulgation of said additional rules and regulations shall not require approval of the Village Board and shall become effective when posted by the Park Commission. Posting shall occur in any park where an additional rule or regulation is to be effective.
No person shall:
Alter or change, or cause to be altered or changed, any improvement within any public park or Community Center in the Village unless permitted to do so by the Park Commission.
Interfere with, break down, deface or remove, or cause to be interfered with, broken down, defaced or removed, any sign, guard, protection, and barrier or barricade placed in any public park of the Village.
Attach any rope, wire, chain, sign, or any other device whatsoever to any tree in any public park in the Village.
Operate a vehicle faster than 10 mph in any public park in the Village.
Operate a vehicle except on established roads or driveways within any public park in the Village.
Utilize Village sidewalks, as defined in § 294-1A, with an unleashed animal(s). A leash shall be no greater than six feet. Pet owners must adhere to § 154-10 of this Code in regards to the proper removal of animal excreta. Animals, leashed or unleashed, are not allowed in any public park except for sidewalks greater than eight feet consisting of asphalt, concrete, stone aggregate and/or natural material located along road rights-of-way and environmental corridors.
Hunt or trap within any public park in the Village. Permission may be granted for demonstration or animal control by the Park Commission.
Park a vehicle except in the designated areas in the public parks in the Village.
Build, or cause to be built, fires other than in established stationary fireplaces, fire rings and in stationary grills in public parks in the Village.
Leave unattended any legally permitted fire in any public park of the Village.
Distribute any circulars, pamphlets, handbills or notice of any kind within public parks in the Village unless permission is granted.
Climb on any buildings, fences, statues, or other structures in the public parks of the Village except properly designated recreational facilities.
Hit any type of golf ball in or into any public park of the Village.
Allow a horse to occupy any Village public park sidewalk, as defined in § 294-1A.
Violate any Village ordinance, including but not limited to, any state statute adopted by the Village of Fox Crossing within a public park of the Village.
Possess an open container containing any amount of fermented malt beverage or intoxicating liquor in any public park of the Village between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., except in those areas otherwise posted or except by permit from the Park Commission.
Camp overnight in any public park of the Village, unless otherwise permitted by the Park Commission.
Consume any alcohol beverages at the Community Center.
Possess any glass container of any kind in a public park of the Village.
The Village of Fox Crossing Park Commission shall have the authority to regulate the use of "rental facilities," defined as park pavilions and the Community Center, during certain hours in order to facilitate persons, groups, or others in such a manner as to make the most efficient use of the parks and Community Center on behalf of Village residents. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall have the authority to close the park or Community Center, or any portion thereof, in order to maintain public peace and to regulate the use of areas where the health and safety of users is of concern or in danger of being damaged.
No group, association, gathering, or other assembly of persons in excess of 15 in number shall make use of the park pavilion facilities without first obtaining a permit.
Pavilion and Community Center fees/rules regarding the Park Commission's issuance of such permits include the following:
Park pavilion or Community Center rentals shall be issued on a first-come, first-served basis no earlier than 11 months prior to rental date.
The rental fee schedules can be obtained from the Parks and Recreation Department upon request, or viewed in the Village Fee Schedule as referenced by this Code section.
Nonprofit organizations will be charged half of the regular facility fee, and the reservation/damage deposit shall be waived for rental Monday through Thursday. The full facility fees shall be charged Friday through Sunday. Any additional cleanup or damage will be charged to the organization.
A refundable reservation/damage deposit set forth in the Village Fee Schedule, reference this Code section, is required to reserve a rental facility on any given date. The rental facility reservation form must be completed and the deposit must be paid in order to secure the rental date. The balance of the rental fees is due when picking up the keys. Failure to comply will result in the cancellation and forfeiture of reservation/damage deposit.
Renters must be 21 years of age or older to rent facilities. If renters are planning an event that is designed for children, proper supervision must be secured. Events for children ages 14 and below must be supervised at a ratio of one to 15. Events for young adults age 15 to 21 must provide supervision at a ratio of one to 25. At the time of rental confirmation, names and ages must be provided of those supervising an event for minors.
Cancellation of reservations must be done two weeks in advance of rental by notifying the parks and recreation office and receiving confirmation of cancellation. An administrative cancellation fee as set in the Village Fee Schedule will apply. Failure to cancel at least two weeks in advance will result in forfeiture of the reservation/damage deposit.
Reservation/damage deposit refunds are processed during the week following the event or after return of rental equipment/key. If substantial cleanup or damage occurs, these costs will be deducted from the reservation/damage refund. A letter itemizing the deductions will be sent to the renter.
A park pavilion permit is for use of the pavilion only. Park pavilion fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable in the case of bad weather conditions or change of plans.
The Park Commission reserves the right to refuse a permit to any group or persons making application for such permit when it reasonably believes any of the following may result or occur from the stated park or Community Center use:
Substantial disturbance would be caused to residents and/or other park users.
The purpose of the gathering is solely for the consumption of alcohol beverages allowed in the parks, and the Commission reasonably believes the gathering could end with disturbances and damages to the park. Consumption of alcohol beverages is not allowed at the Community Center.
Where previous uses by the renter applying for the permit have resulted in disturbances of any nature such as is outlined above.
During the months of June, July, and August, when the parks and athletic fields are being used by organized summer programs, no permits for picnics shall be available until after the hour of 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The Park Commission has granted permission for the use of the parks to baseball and soccer leagues, which have the first priority to use the baseball and/or soccer fields at O'Hauser, Palisades, and Wittmann Parks.
Sales of fermented malt beverages or intoxicating liquors cannot be made on Village of Fox Crossing park property without first obtaining written permission from the Park Commission and thereafter applying for an application from the Village Clerk and approval granted by the Village Board at least six weeks prior to the rental.
No person shall establish, erect or use any temporary structures, such as tents, covers, or other temporary structures, in any Village park, unless previous written permission is given by the Park Commission.
No person shall establish any carnival rides, whether miniature or otherwise, or conduct any business for entertainment in the parks without first obtaining written permission from the Village Park Commission and securing necessary permits from the Village Clerk.
The Park Commission may require a bond to be filed by the applicant to indemnify the Village for damages, actions for liability against the Village, and damage to Village property. The Park Commission may establish additional rules for the use of the permit.
Sale of concessions and all other goods on or about the park property is prohibited without first obtaining written permission from the Park Commission and securing necessary permits from the Village Clerk.
Inflatable bouncy toys will be permitted with proof of insurance naming the Village of Fox Crossing as an additional insured. Renters will be responsible for properly staking per manufacturers' specifications, diggers hotline, and all related costs.
Dunk tanks will be permitted with proof of insurance naming the Village of Fox Crossing as an additional insured. Renters will be charged for water and staff hours needed to fill the tank.
No person shall possess or operate any sound-amplification equipment on park property, including but not limited to loudspeakers and amplifiers, whether such equipment consists of self-contained units or is incorporated into sound systems used in automobiles, radio receivers, or any other sound-reproduction components, subject to the exceptions set out below:
It shall not be a violation of this chapter if the person possessing or using sound-amplification equipment on park property has first obtained consent from the Director of Parks and Recreation or designee with a request specifying the date, time, and purpose for which sound-amplification equipment will be used.
From an automobile, it shall not be a violation of this chapter for any person to project any type of sound if the sounds are inaudible beyond a twenty-foot radius.
No organized gathering shall be permitted at the Fritse Park Comfort Station without written permission from the Director of Parks and Recreation or designee. A user fee set forth in the Village Fee Schedule may apply.
The use of Village park property for private gain is prohibited unless the Village and the person(s) or entity desiring to use the Village park property for private gain enter into a contractual agreement, which use is consistent with the quiet, orderly and suitable use and enjoyment thereof by all who wish to use Village park property.
All persons renting any park and/or the Community Center shall abide by all rules and regulations.
The penalty for a violation of either Subsection D or E of this section shall be as indicated in § 294-7.
No person shall park a boat trailer, whether attached to or detached from a vehicle, in the Fritse Park boat trailer parking lot or in the Fritse Park overflow parking lot without displaying an annual or daily boat trailer permit.
An annual permit shall be valid from January 1 through December 31 of the year of issuance. Annual permits shall be sold through the parks and recreation office in person. Annual permits shall be prominently displayed on the left side rear of the trailer.
Daily permits may be purchased through a self-registration facility located at Fritse Park. Daily permits shall only be valid during the same day of purchase. Daily permits shall be prominently displayed on the inside of the upper-left rear window of vehicle or on the front dash of vehicle.
[Amended 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 230612-1]
Boat trailer parking fees shall be established and reviewed annually by the Park Commission. The boat trailer parking fee schedule can be obtained from the Parks and Recreation Department upon request or viewed in the Village Fee Schedule as referenced by this Code section.
Permit revenue resulting from the sale of annual and daily permits minus the cost of administration and operation shall be placed in a nonlapsing fund established for the long-term maintenance and improvement of the Fritse Park marina.
Pursuant to its authority under § 61.34, Wis. Stats., which confers the power to act for the government and good order of the Village, for its commercial benefit and for the health, safety, welfare and convenience of the public, the Village Board has found that in the Village of Fox Crossing the proper utilization of Village parks affects the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the community. Therefore, the Village Board finds that the establishment and enforcement of disc golf fees at O'Hauser Park is necessary to preserve both private and public interests with the overall purpose to benefit the health, safety, welfare and convenience of the public.
No person shall play a round of disc golf or be on the course with discs without displaying a valid disc golf course permit.
Annual course permits shall be valid from January 1 through December 31 of the year of issuance. Annual course permits shall be sold through the parks and recreation office in person. Annual course permits shall be carried and prominently displayed on person during time on the disc golf course.
Daily course permits may be purchased through a self-registration facility or through the approved disc golf vendor located at the O'Hauser South Pavilion. Daily course permits shall only be valid during the same day of purchase. Daily course permits shall be carried and prominently displayed on person throughout time on the disc golf course.
O'Hauser disc golf annual and daily fees shall be established and reviewed annually by the Park Commission. The O'Hauser disc golf annual and daily course fee schedule can be obtained from the Parks and Recreation Department upon request or viewed in the Village Fee Schedule as referenced by this Code section.
Permit revenue resulting from the sale of annual and daily course permits minus the cost of administration and operation shall be placed in a nonlapsing fund established for the long-term maintenance and improvement of the O'Hauser Disc Golf Course. The Park Commission shall budget annually for administration, operational, or capital expenditures and offset with nonlapsing funds.
The Director of Parks and Recreation or designee(s) shall have the authority to enforce and issue citations for failure to pay and/or provide annual course or daily course permit when requested. The penalty for a violation of this section shall be as indicated in § 294-7.
The public parks shall be open from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., and park rental facilities shall be open from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. The Community Center rental facility shall be open from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. All parks and rental facilities in the Village of Fox Crossing shall be regulated in such manner that any person found upon these premises after 10:00 p.m. or before 6:00 a.m. shall be deemed guilty of violating the regulation with regard to hours herein. This rule shall not apply to Village sidewalks, which may be used anytime.
No person shall leave unattended any motor vehicle, minibike, snowmobile or other motorized vehicle, whether designed for on- or off-highway travel, and no person shall leave unattended or abandon any item of personal property on the premises of any park after 10:00 p.m. The police may remove any property or vehicle so left in the park or Community Center pursuant to the rules and regulations under § 364-4 of this Code.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall, upon due conviction thereof, forfeit an amount set forth in Chapter A450, Fines and Penalties, reference this Code section, for each such offense, together with the costs of prosecution, and, in default of the payment of such forfeiture and costs, shall be imprisoned in the county jail until said forfeiture and costs of prosecution are paid, but not to exceed 30 days. Violation of the above rules and regulations may also result in expulsion from all Village parks or the Community Center for a period of up to one year, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.