[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Fox Crossing 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 200713-1.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This chapter derives from §§ 1.06 and 1.08(8) of the former Municipal Code, adopted 7-24-1995 and amended 8-28-1995, 3-11-1996, 5-19-2003, 6-27-2005 and 3-8-2010.
The Village of Fox Crossing Park Commission shall consist of seven members. Commissioners shall be appointed by the Village President and confirmed by the Village Board. Commissioners shall serve a term of three years, with two Commissioners being appointed/reappointed in each calendar year, except that in every third year, three Commissioners shall be appointed/reappointed.
Terms shall commence on July 1 in the year appointed. Each Commissioner shall take an oath of office.
The Village Park Commission shall oversee and be responsible for the planning, physical development, operation, and maintenance of all recreational facilities within the Village of Fox Crossing, to include its parks, trails, conservancy areas, park shelters, and other associated facilities. The Park Commission shall also be responsible for the establishment and oversight of recreational programs offered by the Village, and the management of all trees located within Village parks, open spaces, and along the trails. To that end, the Park Commission shall be authorized and charged with the responsibility to perform the following duties:
Not later than August 15 of each year, the Park Commission shall develop annual operating and capital budget proposals for all projects and operations related to parks, recreation and forestry and submit the same to the Village Administrator and the Village Board for their consideration in development of the succeeding year's budget.
The Park Commission shall advise the Village Board as to recommended changes to ordinances governing the use and operation of parks and park facilities.
The Park Commission shall prepare for Village Board approval a Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP) which shall contain an inventory and analysis of existing Village parks and recreational facilities and make recommendations as to future park, conservancy, facility and cultural needs of the Village. The CORP shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Ch. NR 50, Wis. Adm. Code. The plan shall be updated as needed, but at least once every five years.
The following are powers delegated to the Park Commission which it may exercise independently of the Village Board. The Park Commission may:
Authorize the establishment of recreation programs based on assessment of community needs and establish a schedule of fees and charges pertaining thereto.
Establish rules and regulations governing park use and recreational programs, except that Village Board approval is required for any rule or regulation which involves a penalty or which requires creation and/or amendment of an ordinance.
Establish a schedule of rental fees for use of park shelters, ball diamonds, soccer fields, and other recreational facilities.
Accept cash and personal property donations made for purposes of contributing towards park projects, programs and memorials. The Commission shall deposit all cash donations with the Village Treasurer, who will deposit them into a segregated account designated for such donations.
Apply for and accept any grant which does not require the commitment of current, or future, public funds or personnel.
Name any park or park facility.
Create advisory subcommittees comprised of Park Commissioners, Village residents, or any combination of persons deemed qualified by the Park Commission to conduct studies or perform specific tasks under the authority and direction of the Commission.
The following are powers which may be exercised by the Park Commission with the approval of the Village Board. With Village Board approval, the Park Commission may:
Lay out and improve Village parks, to include determination of types of facilities required, specific design and location, and removal and/or relocation of existing facilities. Such improvements shall be limited to those for which funds have been appropriated in the annual budget.
Acquire land for park and conservancy use in the name of the Village by purchase, land contract, lease, condemnation, or otherwise. No land acquired by the Commission may be disposed of by the Village without the consent of the Commission. If the land is disposed of, all money received for the land shall be paid into a Village park fund.
Accept donations of land for park and conservancy use in the name of the Village.
Accept donations of cash or land made in return for naming rights, unless authorized in a previously approved project plan.
Apply for and accept any grant requiring commitment of current, or future, public funds or personnel.
Pursuant to current Wisconsin Statutes, the Village Planning Commission, being an advisory board under the provisions of "Smart Growth" legislation, shall consist of citizen members from the community at large, appointed by the Village President and confirmed by the Village Board. All appointments shall begin on May 1 and end on April 30, and shall initially serve staggered terms of one, two, and three years in order to properly transition the terms. Two appointees shall serve an initial term of three years, including the presiding officer (Chairperson of the Planning Commission). The presiding officer shall be selected by the Village President and confirmed by the Village Board. The Director of Community Development shall serve as the staff liaison to the Commission. Each Commissioner shall take and file the official oath.
The Village Planning Commission shall have all of the rights, duties and obligations established for it pursuant to § 62.23, Wis. Stats., as recently amended by the State of Wisconsin Legislators and signed into law by the Governor and shall operate within the rules of that statute and the interpretations thereof.
Duties and powers of the officers of the Planning Commission shall be as follows:
Preside at all meetings of the Commission
Call special meetings of the Commission in accordance with the bylaws.
Sign documents authorized by the Commission and the Village Board.
Conduct all Commission meetings in accordance with parliamentary law.
Recording Secretary - Planning Coordinator.
Keep the minutes of all meetings of the Commission in an appropriate minute book.
Give or serve all notices required by law or by the bylaws.
Prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Commission.
Be custodian of Commission records.
Inform the Commission of correspondence relating to business of the Commission and distribute such correspondence.
Handle funds allocated to the Commission in accordance with its directives, the law, and Village regulations.
Cosign official documents as required by the Commission and the Village Board.
The annual Board of Review shall be composed and governed by §§ 70.46 and 70.47, Wis. Stats., and shall consist of the Village Board members.
No Board of Review may be constituted unless it includes one voting member who, within two years of the Board's first meeting, has attended a training session under § 73.03(55), Wis. Stats., and unless that member is the municipality's chief executive officer or that officer's designee. The Municipal Clerk shall provide an affidavit to the Department of Revenue, stating whether the requirement under this subsection has been fulfilled. This affidavit shall be sent before the Board of Review convenes. This is a mandatory filing by statute. If the document is not filed with the Department of Revenue, Bureau of Assessment Practices - BOR, PO Box 8933, Madison WI, 53708-8933, the Board of Review may be invalid.
In those years wherein the Village is not being reassessed to 100% of market value, the Board shall be in session at least one day for two hours.
Information to be confidential.
If a property owner objects to the amount of a valuation pursuant to § 70.47, Wis. Stats., and discloses income and expenses to the Assessor, such information shall be confidential, except under the following circumstances:
A person will use the information in the discharge of duties imposed by law;
An officer will use the information in the discharge of duties imposed by his/her office; or
A court order authorizes the disclosure of the information.
Information disclosed to the Assessor as described in Subsection D(1) is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under § 19.35(1), Wis. Stats., unless a court determines the information is inaccurate.
The Police and Fire Commission shall consist of five persons, three of whom shall constitute a quorum. The Village President shall annually, between the last Monday of April and the first Monday of May, appoint, in writing, to be filed with the Secretary of the Commission, one member for a term of five years, subject to confirmation by the Village Board. No appointment shall be made which will result in more than three members of the Commission belonging to the same political party. The Commission shall keep a record of its proceedings. The Police and Fire Commission shall have the power and authority prescribed under § 62.13(2) to (5) and (7) to (12), Wis. Stats. Specifically excluded are the provisions of § 62.13(6) (Optional powers of board).
The Police and Fire Commission shall appoint the Police and Fire Chiefs. The salary of the Police and Fire Chiefs shall be recommended by the Village Manager and approved by the Village Board in accordance with the Administrative Salary Plan.
The Police and Fire Commission shall have authority over sworn officers of the Police Department and chief officers and full-time firefighters of the Fire Department.
The Police and Fire Commission shall adopt all current Police and Fire Department policies, procedures, rules and regulations, and standard operating guidelines.
The provisions of this section, so far as practicable, shall be construed in conjunction with and in furtherance of the provisions of § 61.65, Wis. Stats., which is construed as an enactment of statewide concern for the purpose of providing a uniform regulation of police and fire departments.
Any and all other committees, boards, and commissions which may be contained in the Village of Fox Crossing Municipal Code are hereby incorporated by reference as though specifically set forth here.
Officially authorized committees shall only be created by the Village Board to augment and facilitate the Village Board in serving the citizens of the Village of Fox Crossing. This section applies to any and all committees, whether internal or external in nature.
To create a committee, a written statement of purpose must be prepared for approval by the Village Board. This statement shall include: purpose of the committee, definable goals for the committee, time line for accomplishing goals, schedule for reporting to the Village Board, clearly define the intended life of the committee, and composition of membership.
Citizen member appointments shall be made by the Village Board, and citizen members shall hold office for a two-year term (or according to Wisconsin Statutes). Appointments shall be staggered so that approximately half of the committee is appointed each year. Appointments shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of each year, depending upon the term.
Committees shall hold at least two meetings per year.
Committees shall submit an annual report of accomplishments for the year to the Village Manager.
Committees that fail to meet the requirements of Subsection C and D shall be placed on the Village Board regular meeting agenda by the Village President to be considered for dissolution.
The Village Board shall prepare a resolution providing for the method of selection for permanent or ad hoc committee appointments. This method may vary for different committees.
The Village President shall advance a resolution of appointment(s) for confirmation of the Village Board.
All members of Village commissions, boards, and committees shall be residents of the Village of Fox Crossing and shall resign when moving from the Village of Fox Crossing with or without such notification to the Village.
In some situations, a multijurisdictional or multifaceted commission, board, or committee must be established to address a specific need which may require specialized expertise; the residency requirement may be waived to obtain the required expertise.