[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Fox Crossing 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 200713-1.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This chapter derives from §§ 3.01 to 3.03 and 3.06 of the former Municipal Code, amended 11-10-1997, 12-8-1997, 8-5-1998, 6-20-1999, 11-28-2005 and 3-8-2010.
The Village Board has established a Police Department and Police and Fire Commission and has adopted by reference all of the provisions of § 62.13(2) to (5) and (7) to (12), Wis. Stats.
The Police and Fire Commission shall have the power and authority prescribed under § 62.13(2), Wis. Stats., as applicable to villages. Excluded is the provision of § 62.13(6) (Optional powers of board). This section does not grant to the Police and Fire Commission powers greater than bestowed upon it statutorily.
The Police and Fire Commission shall appoint a person in charge of the Police Department, hereinafter referred to as "Chief of Police."
The Chief of Police shall appoint subordinates subject to approval of the Police and Fire Commission.
All sworn Police Department employees, prior to assuming their positions, shall take and subsequently abide by an oath of office to enforce the laws and uphold the constitution of the United States, the State of Wisconsin and Municipal Code of the Village of Fox Crossing.
The Chief of Police shall have command of the police force of the Village under the direction of the Police and Fire Commission and Village Board. The Chief shall obey all lawful written orders of the Police and Fire Commission, Village Manager, or Village Board. The Chief and each police officer shall possess the powers, enjoy the privileges and be subject to the liabilities conferred and imposed by law upon constables, and be taken as included in all writs and papers addressed to constables, and shall arrest with or without process and with reasonable diligence take before the Municipal Judge or other proper court every person found in the Village engaged in any disturbance of the peace or violating any law of the state or ordinance of the Village and may command all persons present in that case to assist, and if any person, being so commanded, refuses or neglects to render assistance he/she shall forfeit not exceeding an amount set forth in Chapter A450, Fines and Penalties, reference this Code section. They shall collect the same fees prescribed for sheriffs in § 814.70, Wis. Stats., for similar services, unless a higher fee is applicable under § 814.705(2), Wis. Stats.
Sworn police officers shall remit fees collected in the line of duty to the Treasurer of the Village of Fox Crossing.
Sworn police officers shall not become bail for any person arrested and shall in no case become bail for any person.
Sworn police officers shall assist the Fire Department at fire scenes or other emergencies.
Sworn police officers shall see that the necessary permits and licenses issued by the proper authority of the state or Village are in the possession of or properly displayed by any person engaged in an activity or business within the Village for which such permit or license is required and that the terms of such permits or licenses are complied with.
The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the following tasks not enumerated by Wisconsin Statutes:
Abide by the provisions specified within the Chief of Police position description.
Develop, prepare and submit an annual operational and capital outlay budget.
Develop, prepare and submit an annual Police Department report.
Provide for or conduct regular training for all Police Department employees.
Maintain a current inventory of Police Department equipment, vehicles, and furnishings.
The Chief of Police shall not be absent from work without first reporting to the Village Manager or, in the Manager's absence, the Village President or Trustee available.
The Chief of Police will notify ranking police personnel when leaving the community or being unavailable.
Department Standard Operating Guidelines. The Police Chief shall develop and maintain Police Department Standard Operating Guidelines regarding the operation of the Department which shall be reviewed by the Village Manager. All members of the Department shall have access to the Standard Operating Guidelines.
The Village shall dispose of abandoned property pursuant to the provision set out in § 66.0139, Wis. Stats.
The penalty for a violation of §§ 108-1 and 108-2 shall be as follows:
Any person upon proof and conviction thereof shall forfeit not less than an amount set forth in Chapter A450, Fines and Penalties, reference this Code section, together with the costs of prosecution, or either of them, and such convicted person shall be confined to the county jail of Winnebago County until such fine and costs are paid but not to exceed 30 days.
The penalty for violation of § 108-1, as relates to the Traffic Code and Snowmobile Code of the Village of Fox Crossing, Chapter 364, Article I, of this Code, shall be as provided in Chapter 364, Article I, being the penalty provisions of said Traffic Code and Snowmobile Code.