[Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Fox Crossing 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 200713-1.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.
Editor's Note: This chapter derives from § 5.06 of the former Municipal Code, amended 12-19-2005 and 7-10-2017 by Ord. No. 170626-1.
The provisions of this chapter set forth the responsibilities of the Fire Department as they relate to its response to hazardous materials incidents and the public's responsibility to prevent such an incident.
No person, firm or corporation shall discharge or cause to be discharged, leaked, leached, or spilled upon any public or private street, alley, public or private property, or onto the ground, surface waters, subsurface waters, or aquifers within the Village, except those areas specifically licensed for waste disposal or landfill activities and to receive such materials, any explosive, flammable or combustible solid, liquid or gas, any radioactive material at or above nuclear regulatory restriction levels, etiologic agents, or any solid, liquid or gas creating a hazard, potential hazard, or public nuisance or any solid, liquid or gas having a deleterious effect on the environment.
Any person, firm, or corporation in violation of § 228-2 shall, upon direction of any Fire Department officer, begin or shall contract to have the substance immediately contained, cleaned and removed to an approved depository and restore the site to its original condition, with the offending person, firm or corporation being responsible for all expenses incurred. Should any person, firm, or corporation fail to engage the necessary personnel and equipment to comply or to complete the requirements of this section, the local and/or county office of emergency management may order the required actions to be taken by public or private sources, and allow the recovery of any and all costs incurred by the Village of Fox Crossing as action imposed by § 228-4.
Emergency services response includes, but is not limited to, fire service, emergency medical services, and law enforcement. A person, firm, or corporation who possesses or controls a hazardous substance which is discharged or who causes the discharge of a hazardous substance shall be responsible for the reimbursement to the responding agencies for the actual and necessary expenses incurred in carrying out their duties under this chapter. Actual and necessary expenses may include, but not be limited to, replacement of equipment damaged by the hazardous material; cleaning, decontamination and maintenance of the equipment specific to the incident; costs incurred in the procurement and use of specialized equipment specific to the incident; specific laboratory expenses incurred in the recognition and identification of hazardous substances in the evaluation of response, decontamination, cleanup and medical surveillance; and incurred costs in future medical surveillance of response personnel as required by the responding agency's medical advisor.
Access to any site, public or private, where a prohibited discharge is indicated or suspected will be provided to Fire Department officers and staff, and to the Village of Fox Crossing Police Department personnel for the purpose of evaluating the threat to the public and monitoring containment, cleanup, and restoration activities.
Should any prohibited discharge occur which threatens the life, safety or health of the public at, near or around the site of a prohibited discharge, and the situation is so critical that immediate steps must be taken to protect life and limb, the Fire Chief, fire officers or the senior police official on the scene of the emergency may order an evacuation of the area or take appropriate steps for a period of time until the situation is deemed safe by the public safety officials in charge of the incident.
The Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, or any Fire Department officer, as well as the Fox Crossing police officers, shall have the authority to issue citations or complaints under this chapter.
Any person, firm, or corporation in violation of this chapter shall be liable to the Village of Fox Crossing for any expenses incurred by the Village or loss or damage sustained by the Village by reason of such violations.
See Chapter 218, Fires and Fire Prevention, § 218-51.
See Chapter 218, Fires and Fire Prevention, § 218-50.