[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Fox Crossing 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 200713-1.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This chapter derives from Ch. 19 of the former Municipal Code, amended 1-27-1997, 11-28-2005, 4-11-2016, 6-11-2018 by Ord. No. 180611-1 and 9-24-2018 by Ord. No. 180910-1.
Office created. Pursuant to § 755.01, Wis. Stats., there is created the office of Municipal Judge for the Village of Fox Crossing.
Election; term. The Municipal Judge shall be elected at large in odd years at the spring election for a term of two years, beginning in the 2019 spring election, with said term commencing on May 1 next succeeding his/her election.[1] A permanent vacancy in the office of Municipal Judge may be filled in accordance with § 8.50, Wis. Stats., as hereafter amended.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 5, Administration of Government, § 5-6, Municipal Judge.
Salary. The Municipal Judge shall receive a salary fixed by the governing body. No salary shall be paid to a Judge for any time during his term for which he has not executed and filed his official bond and oath as required by Subsection D of this section. The salary may be increased by the governing body before the start of the second or a subsequent year of service of the term of the Judge, but shall not be decreased during a term. The salary of a Municipal Judge who is designated or appointed under § 8.50(4)(fm) or 800.06, Wis. Stats., shall be determined by contract between the municipality and the Judge. The Judge may not serve until the contract is entered into. The salary may be paid annually or in equal installments as determined by the Village Board.
Bond; oath.
The Municipal Judge shall execute and file with the Village Clerk the oath prescribed by § 757.02, Wis. Stats., and a bond in the penal sum set forth in the Village Fee Schedule, reference this Code section.
The Municipal Judge shall not be qualified to act until a certified copy of the bond is filed with the Village Clerk and a certified copy of the oath is filed with the office of the Director of State Courts as required by § 755.03, Wis. Stats.
Jurisdiction. The Municipal Judge shall have jurisdiction as provided by law and § 755.045, Wis. Stats., and exclusive jurisdiction of violations of Village ordinances, resolutions and bylaws.
Court established. A Municipal Court for the Village of Fox Crossing is established pursuant to Ch. 755, Wis. Stats.
Said Municipal Court shall be designated the "Municipal Court for the Village of Fox Crossing."
Said Municipal Court shall be a coequal branch of the municipal government, subject to the superintending authority of the Supreme Court, through the Chief Judge of the Judicial Administrative District.
Hours. The Municipal Court for the Village of Fox Crossing shall be open as determined by order of the Municipal Judge and approved by the Village Board.
Location. The Municipal Judge shall keep his office and hold court in the Municipal Complex. Office space for the Municipal Judge shall be assigned by the Village Manager.
Procedure. The procedure in Municipal Court for the Village shall be as provided by this chapter and state law, including, without limitation because of enumeration, Chapters 755 and 800 and §§ 23.66 to 23.99, 778.14, 778.15, 778.18 and 345.20 to 345.53, Wis. Stats.
Collection and return of forfeitures. The Municipal Judge shall collect all forfeitures, penalty assessments, fees and taxable costs in any action or proceeding before him and shall pay over such monies to the Village Treasurer within 30 days of collection. At such time the Municipal Judge shall also report to the Village Treasurer the title, nature of offenses and total amount of judgments imposed in actions and proceedings in which such monies were collected.
Contempt of court. The Municipal Court contempt procedure shall be as prescribed by § 800.12, Wis. Stats., which is adopted and incorporated herein by reference.
Stipulation and deposit in lieu of court appearance. Persons cited for violations of Village ordinances, resolutions or bylaws for which a deposit has been established under this section shall be permitted to make a stipulation of no contest and a deposit in lieu of court appearance as provided in Ch. 800, Wis. Stats.
Traffic and boating deposits. The deposit schedule established by the Wisconsin Judicial Conference and the procedures set forth in Chs. 23 and 345, Wis. Stats., shall apply to stipulations and deposits for violations of traffic regulations enacted in accordance with § 345.27, Wis. Stats., and boating regulations enacted in accordance with § 30.77, Wis. Stats.
When not permitted. Stipulations and deposits shall not be permitted after initial appearance or in cases of contempt under § 26-2F.
For a juvenile adjudged to have violated an ordinance, the Court is authorized to impose any of the dispositions listed in §§ 938.343 and 938.344, Wis. Stats., in accordance with the provisions of those statutes.
For a juvenile adjudged to have violated an ordinance who violated a condition of a dispositional order of the court under § 938.343 or 938.344, Wis. Stats., the Municipal Court is authorized to impose any of the sanctions listed in § 938.355(6)(d), Wis. Stats., in accordance with the provision of those statutes.
This section is enacted under the authority of § 938.17(2)(cm), Wis. Stats.