The purpose of this chapter is to formally state the policies
of the Village of Fox Crossing (hereinafter referred to as "Village")
on the issues of general employment, equal employment opportunity,
affirmative action, and sexual harassment; to outline the procedures
for the development, implementation, and review of the Village's Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO)/Affirmative Action Plan (AAP); and to
set forth the procedures for resolving alleged acts of employment
The general employment policy of the Village shall be to identify
and employ well-qualified individuals to perform the tasks and functions
of the Village to the greatest benefit of the Village.
The Village will monitor regularly the composition of its work
force and its service population area to determine if there exists
a disparity between the representation of minorities or women in the
work force in relationship to their representation in the service
population area. The term affirmative action shall mean those actions
appropriate to overcome the effects of past or present practices or
other barriers to equal employment opportunity.