The provisions of this article address specific amendments to the International Fire Code for use as the Fox Crossing Fire Prevention Code.
The following amendments to the International Fire Code (IFC) are hereby adopted as part of the Fox Crossing Fire Prevention Code:
Chapter 1, Scope and Administration. This chapter applies to all public buildings and places of employment.
This chapter does not apply to buildings or situations listed under the exclusions in § 101.01(11) and (12), Wis. Stats., or under the exemptions in § 101.05, Wis. Stats.
Section 105 Permits, shall have the meaning of Chapter 218, Article III, of the Fox Crossing Code.
This chapter does not apply to the types of buildings, structures or situations identified in § SPS 314.01(1)(c)8, Wis. Adm. Code.
Section 108 Board of Appeals, is not adopted as part of this code. Appeals to any safety order written as condition of this code may be done, in writing, to the Fire Chief within 15 days of receipt of same.
Chapter 2, Definitions, Section 202.
Add: "Department" means the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
Add: "Code Official" means the Fire Chief or his designee.
Add: "Family" means two or more individuals who are related to each other by blood, marriage, adoption or legal guardianship. For purposes of this code, a group of not more than four persons not necessarily related by blood or marriage, living together in a single living unit, will be considered equivalent to a single family.
Add: "Multifamily Dwelling" has the meaning defined in § 101.01(8m), Wis. Stats.
Add: "Municipality" means a city, village or town.
Add: "One- and two-family dwelling" has the meaning as defined for "dwelling" in § 101.61(1), Wis. Stats.
Substitute: "False Alarm" is defined as any activation of an alarm system because of human, mechanical, lack of maintenance, negligent or electrical error.
Add: "Place of Employment" has the meaning as defined in § 101.01(11), Wis. Stats.
Add: "Public Building" has the meaning as defined in § 101.01(12), Wis. Stats.
Add: "User" is defined as the owner and/or occupants of any building.
Substitute: "Automatic sprinkler system" or "Automatic fire sprinkler system" has the meaning given in § 145.01(2), Wis. Stats.
Add: A "sky lantern," also known as "Kongming lantern" or "Chinese lantern," is a small hot air balloon made of paper, with an opening at the bottom where a small fire is suspended. It can be viewed as an airborne version of the paper lantern.
Chapter 3, General Requirements.
Section 301.1 Scope:
Add: Cleanliness. Every public building and place of employment, including connecting yards, courts, passages, areas or alleys, shall be kept clean and orderly, and shall be kept free from any accumulation of dirt, filth, rubbish, garbage or other matter.
Add: Matches. The manufacture, storage and distribution of matches shall comply with § 167.07, Wis. Stats.
Substitute: Section 301.2 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in Chapter 218, Article III, of the Fox Crossing Code.
IFC Section 307 Open Burning and Recreational Fires, is rescinded as part of the Fox Crossing Fire Prevention Code. Chapter 218, Article VIII, of the Fox Crossing Code is the prevailing requirement for open burning in the Village of Fox Crossing.
IFC Section 307.2. Substitute "obtaining a permit in accordance with Section 105.6" with "getting written permission from the Fire Department seven days in advance of the event."
Add Section 307.4.4 Sky Lanterns. This section shall prohibit the use of sky lantern devices as defined within this section of the code within the Village limits.
Section 308 Open Flames.
IFC Section 308.1.4 Open-Flame Cooking Devices. Delete entire section. See Chapter 218, Article VIII, of the Fox Crossing Code for cooking devices.
Chapter 5, Fire Service Features, Section 503.1 Fire Apparatus Access Roads.
Add: The specific requirements for fire apparatus access roads identified in Appendix D of the International Fire Code are hereby adopted as part of this Code section.
Add: When required. Required fire lanes shall be provided prior to the placement of combustible materials at the building site, or the construction of any portion of a building or facility above the footing and foundation.
Section 503.1.1 Buildings and facilities. Add: Where any part of the building or facility is more than 30 feet above the lowest level of fire apparatus access, the fire lane shall also be parallel to one entire side of the building or facility with the near edge of the fire lane within 30 feet of the building or facility on that parallel side.
Section 503.2.1 Dimensions.
Add: Buildings or facilities with any part more than 30 feet above the lowest level of fire apparatus access shall be provided with a fire lane capable of accommodating aerial fire apparatus. Overhead power utility lines may not be located across or within a fire lane for aerial fire apparatus.
Add: Except as provided in Subsections D(4)(c) and (d) below, a fire lane shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet.
Add: Where a fire hydrant is provided to supply fire apparatus on the fire lane, the minimum unobstructed width shall be 27 feet for a minimum distance of 20 feet on each side of the fire hydrant.
IFC Section 503.4 Obstruction of Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Substitute in its entirety: Fire lanes may not be obstructed in any manner including the parking of vehicles or the accumulation of snow. The minimum required clearances shall be maintained at all times.
Chapter 5, Section 507 Fire Protection Water Supplies.
Add: Section 507.3 Fire flow. The provisions outlined in Appendix B, Section B105 and Table B105.1 of the International Fire Code are hereby adopted as part of this Code section.
Add: Section 507.5.1.1 Fire Hydrant Location and Distribution. The provisions outlined in Appendix C, Sections C103, C104, C105, and Table C105.1 of the International Fire Code are hereby adopted as part of this Code section.
Add: Section 507.5.1.2 Fire Hydrant Location and Fire Department Connections. Buildings conforming to the provisions of Section 903 shall have a fire hydrant located within 150 feet of the Fire Department connection. Distance shall be measured from the Fire Department connection to the fire hydrant by a determined path that fire apparatus would drive; as determined by the Fire Marshal.
Add: Section 507.5.7 Fire Hydrant Color Coding. All fire hydrants in the Village of Fox Crossing shall conform to the following color coding:
Hydrants supplied by the municipal water system will have the barrels of the fire hydrant painted yellow.
Hydrants with a tested gallons per minute (GPM) of 500 or less shall have the hose caps painted red.
Hydrants with a tested GPM of 501 to 1,000 shall have the hose caps painted orange.
Hydrants with a tested GPM of 1,001 to 1,500 shall have the hose caps painted green.
Hydrants with a tested GPM of 1,500+ shall have the hose caps painted blue.
Private fire hydrants shall have the hydrant barrel painted red and the hose caps painted the corresponding GPM-rated capacity.
Private fire hydrants that are supplied by a fire protection system fire pump shall have the barrel and hose caps painted blue.
Exact paint brand and color name and number shall be coordinated through the Fire Department and Water Utility.
Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems.
Substitute in its entirety Section 901.3 with: Permits shall be required as set forth in Chapter 218, Article III, of the Fox Crossing Code.
Add: Section 907.9.2 Testing. Exception (1) Multifamily dwellings with automatic fire alarm systems shall have the alarm system tested at least once a month, and a record of the tests shall be kept on site at a location accessible to the inspection authority.
Add: Section 907.1 Fire Alarm and Detection Systems, General:
No person shall sell, use or install a fire alarm system without obtaining the proper installation permit as required in Chapter 218, Article III, of the Fox Crossing Code.
No person, firm or corporation shall use or cause to be used any telephone or electronic device or attachment that automatically selects a public primary telephone trunk line of the Police Department, Fire Department or any other department of the Village of Fox Crossing, and then reproduces any prerecorded message to report any burglary or other emergency.
Add: Section 904.11.6.2 Cleaning. Hoods, grease-removal devices, fans, ducts and other appurtenances shall be cleaned at intervals necessary to prevent the accumulation of grease. Cleanings shall be recorded, and records shall state the extent, time and date of cleaning. Such records shall be maintained on the premises.
Chapter 23, Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages. Where differences occur between the requirements of this chapter and Ch. ATCP 93, Wis. Adm. Code, the requirements of Ch. ATCP 93 shall govern.
Chapter 56, Explosives and Fireworks: Substitute in its entirety: Section 5601.2.2 As referenced in Chapter 218, Article X, of the Fox Crossing Code.
International Fire Code Chapter 80 Referenced Standards.
Add: NFPA 90A is hereby incorporated by reference into this code.