The following development standards for all uses requiring site plan review are set to establish and define criteria for the review process set forth in Article
The plan of operation shall, in letter or report form, include
the following, when applicable:
A. Proposed use of the land and building(s);
B. Total number of employees;
D. Total occupancy of building (if restaurant, church or other assembly
E. Total number of units (if residential); and
F. Number, type, and size of vehicles stored outdoors (recreational
and commercial).
Site plans shall show and include the following:
A. Legal description. Legal description and property location.
B. Dimensions. Dimensions of the development site, indicated along the
property line. Distances from the property line to all buildings,
structures and freestanding signs and building setback lines shall
be indicated.
C. Building layout and signage. The location, footprint, outside dimensions,
floor elevation, and square footage of all buildings, structures,
and freestanding signs shall be indicated.
D. Setbacks. Front, side, and rear yard zoning setback lines shall be
indicated and labeled as such.
E. Grades. Proposed and existing grading at two-foot intervals. In addition,
location, grade, and dimensions of all existing and proposed paving
surfaces and of all abutting streets.
F. Access. Existing and proposed pedestrian and vehicular access points,
streets, drives, alleys, bicycle paths, bridges, intersections, and
other pedestrian and vehicular circulation elements, labeled with
street names, dimensions, and surface materials identified (i.e.,
asphalt, sod, concrete, etc.).
G. Parking. Location and dimensions of vehicle accommodation areas, including parking areas, loading areas, and circulation areas, with the surface material identified and showing the layout and dimensions of parking spaces and direction of travel lanes, aisles, or driveways. The number of parking spaces required, as outlined in Chapter
435, Zoning, of the Municipal Code, shall be labeled.
H. Surface of off-street parking areas. All required off-street parking
areas and any driveway, interior access driveway or interior access
drive to and from such off-street parking areas shall be hard surfaced
with asphalt, concrete or other material to provide a durable, dust-free
I. Easements. Location and dimensions of all existing or planned easements,
lands subject to deed restrictions or protective covenants, rights-of-way,
and required emergency accessways.
J. Stormwater detention. The location and square footage of the stormwater
detention pond, if required, shall be identified.
K. Lands dedicated to the public. Identification of all land to be dedicated
or reserved for public use, with the use named.
L. Exterior lighting. The location and type of outdoor lighting fixtures,
if any, and shall also meet the following requirements:
(1) Any outdoor lighting shall be direct cut-off in nature.
(2) Light fixtures shall be selected with care to ensure that they are
appropriately scaled in relation to their setting and to ensure that
they are of a style that is compatible with the character of their
immediate environment.
(3) All lighting wires/cables shall be placed underground.
(4) Accent lighting should be used to highlight architectural and landscape
design elements when appropriate.
(5) Pedestrian walkways and parking areas shall be illuminated to a sufficient
level so as to provide for safety and security.
M. Site constraints. Any easement, covenant or right-of-way, existing
or planned, which creates site design constraints shall be indicated.
Any design adjustments to these constraints shall not adversely impact
the intent of these standards or the provisions of this chapter.
N. Floodplain and wetlands. Location of any floodplain, wetland, and shoreland boundary shall be shown per Chapter
435, Zoning, of the Municipal Code.
O. Orientation. The location, proportion, and orientation of buildings
or structures should complement the location, proportion and orientation
of surrounding land forms, buildings, or structures.
P. Surrounding land uses and zoning. The review authority shall consider
the impact of the proposed development on the Comprehensive Plan,
any neighborhood plan, and zoning, as amended. The review authority
shall use the following criteria when assessing the development's
impact on surrounding land uses:
(1) The development shall be consistent with the objectives of the Comprehensive
Plan and any neighborhood plan.
(2) The development shall be compatible with the character and objectives
of the zoning district or districts within which it is located.
(3) The development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood
which surrounds the development.
Q. Site access. Site access shall be governed by the following criteria:
(1) Site entrance drive dimensions such as widths, radii and visibility
triangles shall be identified.
(2) An adequate internal stacking distance shall be provided from the
property line at each entrance.
(3) Appropriate traffic control measures, including signs, crosswalks,
etc., at all entrances to public rights-of-way may be required.
(4) Adjacent developments are encouraged to share a common entrance drive.
(5) Access to adjoining sites should be coordinated, where possible,
with cross access easements, which shall be a minimum of 30 feet,
and are encouraged to link parking areas.
R. Protection of natural features.
(1) Preservation. All new development shall preserve, enhance, or protect
existing natural features. The site plan, or accompanying documents,
shall evidence the means by which the development addresses the following:
Minimizing disruption of existing natural features and, wherever
possible, incorporating them into the overall design.
Prior to development, protecting all natural elements from damage
due to construction activities.
Compliance with Chapter
400, Erosion Control and Stormwater Management, Article
I, Construction Site Erosion Control, of the Municipal Code.
(2) Open space. The following specific areas shall be preserved as undeveloped
open space:
Lands in a designated floodplain or floodway.
Habitats of endangered wildlife or vegetation as identified
by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and/or Wisconsin Department
of Natural Resources.
Utility plans shall show and include the following:
A. Utility lines. Location and dimensions, in length and diameter where
applicable, of all aboveground and underground conduits and utility
lines, including storm and sanitary sewers, water mains, electrical,
natural gas, and communication (cable, telephone, etc.) lines.
B. Connections. Location of all utility connections and metering facilities,
including fire hydrants, Fire Department connections, existing wells,
pumping stations and lift stations.
C. Cross sections. Road and paving cross sections and details.
D. Buildings. Location and footprint of any and all buildings and structures.
E. Streets. Location and names of existing and proposed streets and
intersections and the location of parking lots, sidewalks, and bike
paths and other elements of vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
F. Plumbing. Plumbing plans showing, in detail, the size and location
of all water meters.
G. Storm, sanitary, and water system requirements. Storm sewer, sanitary
sewer, and water utility systems, as outlined in the utility plan,
shall meet the standards and specifications of the Village of Fox
Crossing. These provisions may require the designation of easements
providing access for public utility purposes.
H. Electric, gas, and communication system requirements. Electric, gas,
and communication utility systems, as designated on the utility plan,
shall meet the requirements of the respective utility company's rules
and regulations.
I. Placement. Utility systems shall be placed in accordance with Village
ordinances and utility companies' rules and regulations. The review
authority may require the underground installation of lines and distribution
points, the elimination of poles and overhead lines, or the simultaneous
organization and installation of utility systems.
All stormwater and erosion control plans shall comply with Chapter
400, Erosion Control and Stormwater Management, of the Municipal Code. All stormwater management facilities shall be inspected by the Village Engineer, prior to the Building Official issuing a certificate of use and occupancy, for compliance with the approved stormwater management plan. The developer shall contact the Department of Community Development when the stormwater management facilities are completed to schedule an inspection.
A digital copy of all plans, elevations, and sections shall
be submitted with the site plan review application and with any revision
submittals to the Department of Community Development in an electronic
format as specified by the Community Development Department.