The site plan review authority shall be the Community Development Director, who shall have the authority to approve or reject site plans or approve with modifications, based on feedback from the following departments:
Community Development;
Building Inspection;
Street Department;
Fox Crossing Utilities;
Police Department; and
Fire Department.
Applications for site plan review may be obtained from and shall be filed with the Department of Community Development. The application shall be made on Village forms and shall be fully, accurately and legibly completed, and shall include hard copies and electronic submittals as outlined on the application.
Written application. Every applicant for a site plan review shall complete an application form, with supplementary attachments, if necessary, containing the following information:
Name, address, and phone number of the owner and architect or engineer;
Date of the application;
Identification of the property in question by street address and by parcel number. If there is no street address, the applicant shall provide a description of the location of the property in relation to surrounding streets and properties;
Description of the nature of the proposed development or redevelopment and the proposed land use(s), including accessory uses; and
Time schedules for the completion of phases in staged development.
Development plans and reports.
The following plans and reports shall be submitted for site plan review:
Plan of operation;
Building plan;
Site plan;
Lighting plan;
Landscape plan;
Utility plan;
Stormwater and erosion control plan; and
Digital plans.
Two or more plans may be combined (i.e., site plans and landscape plans may be suitable for combination), but in no case shall the combined plan fail to show any of the items required for each individual plan.
General requirements. All building plans, site plans, landscape plans, utility plans, stormwater and erosion control plans, elevations, and sections shall be drawn to such a scale that all features required to be shown on the plans are readily discernible. Building, floor plans, elevations, and sections may be drawn to an architect's scale. All other plans shall use an engineering scale. For site, landscaping, utility, and stormwater and erosion control plans, the scale used shall be the same for each plan. The following shall be shown on each plan, elevation, or section:
The name of the applicant;
The name and location of the development;
The title of the plan (i.e. "site plan" or "landscape plan");
Scale and North arrow; and
The date of the original plan and the date(s) of any revisions.
Optional submittals. Whenever it is determined by the review authority that the characteristics of the proposed development require additional information or documentation to permit a comprehensive review, such information or documentation shall be provided by the applicant at the request of the review authority. Optional submittals may include, but are not limited to:
Traffic impact statement;
Environmental impact statement;
Photometric plot;
Description of unusual site characteristics;
Street perspectives;
Legal documentation establishing homeowners' associations or other legal entities responsible for control over required common areas and facilities; and
Historic significance.
Fees. The site plan review fee as set forth in the Village Fee Schedule shall be paid at the time of application submittal. The application fee entitles the applicant to two permitted reviews, one initial review and one resubmittal. All further resubmittals after the two permitted reviews will be conducted upon payment of a resubmittal fee as set forth in the Village Fee Schedule.
Any change to an approved site plan shall require the submission of revised plans, fees as set forth in the Village Fee Schedule, and approval by the review authority.
Preliminary review. The applicant shall consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting an application to discuss the application requirements and review process and to determine whether any optional submittals will be required.
Submittal requirements. The applicant shall submit the following to the Department of Community Development, which will forward copies to Village departments for review:
Application form;
Fees as stated on the application and in the Village Fee Schedule; and
Hard and electronic copies of all plans as outlined on the application form.
Development review. The review authority and Village departments will review the development plans using the development standards of this chapter and those in Article 7 of Chapter 435, Zoning, of the Municipal Code.
The Director of Community Development will review the application and shall either approve or deny the application or approve with conditions based upon the development standards of this chapter, those in Article 7 of Chapter 435, Zoning, of the Municipal Code and the comments from Village departments. The Department of Community Development shall submit, in writing to the owner and architect or engineer, the approval, approval with conditions or denial within 15 business days of the receipt of a complete application.
The site plan shall become effective upon issuance of a letter of approval by the review authority.
No building or construction permits shall be issued until the review authority has reviewed and approved the site plan. "Early start permits" may be issued in accordance with § 383-26B of the Village of Fox Crossing Municipal Code.
The Zoning Administrator may revoke or modify an approval per Division 10 of Article 6, Chapter 435, Zoning, of the Municipal Code.
An applicant objecting to any decision of the review authority related to site plan review may appeal the decision to the Planning Commission per Division 10 of Article 6, Chapter 435, Zoning, of the Municipal Code.
Construction or other activities contrary to the approved site plan, or in the absence of an approved site plan, shall be a violation of this chapter.
Any person, firm, or corporation who or which fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, pay forfeiture as set forth in Chapter A450, Fines and Penalties, reference this Code section, plus the cost of prosecution for each violation and in default of payment of such forfeiture and costs shall be imprisoned in the county jail until payment thereof, but not exceeding 30 days. Each violation and each day a violation exists or continues shall constitute a separate offense.