[Adopted 5-27-2015 by Ord. No. 1362]
The Yeadon Borough Historical Commission is hereby established to be comprised of seven members, who shall be residents of the Borough, appointed by Borough Council.
The membership shall be as follows:
Members shall be persons with knowledge or an interest in the preservation of the Yeadon Borough's historic, and the propagation of the history of the Yeadon Borough and the surrounding area.
One member shall be a registered architect.
One member shall be a licensed real estate broker.
One member shall be the Yeadon Borough Building Inspector.
Four members shall be persons with knowledge or an interest in the preservation of Yeadon Borough's historic resources.
Resumes evidencing the qualifications of the members shall be filed with the Borough Secretary.
In the event a registered architect and/or a licensed real estate broker who is also a resident of Yeadon Borough cannot be appointed to serve or is unwilling to serve on the Historical Commission, Borough Council may appoint a registered architect and/or licensed real estate broker who is not a resident of the Borough but who otherwise meets the qualifications to serve on the Historical Commission. In the event a Borough resident who is a registered architect and/or licensed real estate broker desires to serve on the Historical Commission, that individual(s) shall be given preference over non-Borough residents applying for the same position.
The terms of the first members shall be so fixed that no more than two members shall be replaced or reappointed during any one calendar year. Their successors shall serve for a term of five years. The position of any member of the Commission appointed in his/her capacity, such as a registered architect, a licensed real estate broker, or Building Inspector who ceases to be so engaged, shall be automatically considered vacant. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term.
The Commission shall meet, at a minimum, quarterly. A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum and any action taken at any meeting shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the Commission. The members shall provide accurate and complete minutes of their meetings and make an annual report to the Borough Council.
The Historical Commission shall have all powers and duties conferred and imposed by the laws of the commonwealth upon such commissions, including but not limited to the following:
To conduct a survey of buildings for the purpose of determining those of historical and/or architectural significance and pertinent facts about them; and to maintain and periodically revise the detailed listings of historic sites and buildings and data about them, appropriately classified with respect to national, state or local significance, and to period or field of interest, including cultural characteristics of the Borough of the life of an individual significant in the past and associated with the Borough.
To propose, as deemed appropriate, the establishment of historical districts located in Yeadon Borough.
To formulate recommendations concerning the establishment of an appropriate system of markers for selected historic and/or architectural sites and buildings, including proposals for the installation and care of such historic markers.
To formulate recommendations concerning the preparation and publication of maps, brochures and descriptive material about the history of Yeadon Borough and/or its historic and architectural sites.
To cooperate with and to advise the Yeadon Borough, Borough Planning Commission and any other agencies or boards in matters involving historically and/or architecturally significant sites and buildings.
To cooperate with and enlist assistance from the National Park Service, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and other agencies, both public and/or private, from time to time concerned with historic sites and buildings located within the Borough.
To advise owners of historical buildings on problems of preservation.
To promote public interest in the purpose of this article by carrying on a public relations program.
The Commission shall annually select from its membership a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, and such other officers as it may deem necessary. The Chairperson shall be responsible for directing, proposing, and guiding the Commission to reach its stated purposes and objectives. The Vice Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson, or in the case of a vacancy in the Office of Chairperson. The Secretary shall record, communicate, and research all matters related to the Commission.
The Historical Commission shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems proper, including, but not limited to, a requirement of regular periodic meetings, and rules of procedure and decorum; provided, however, that such rules and regulations shall not conflict with the terms of this chapter, the Code for Yeadon Borough, or the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.