[Added 6-21-1977]
No building, structure or premises shall be erected, altered or used in any residence district for the housing or harboring of bovines, swine, goats, rabbits, foxes or mink, except where authorized by special permit from the Town Board.
No accessory building or structure, or part thereof, used for the housing of fowl or domestic animals other than dogs or cats shall be less than 50 feet from any lot line in any district.
The housing or harboring of horses or equine livestock shall be permitted in any residential district on the following conditions:
Such housing or harboring shall be accessory to the principal use of the property residence.
Such activity shall be conducted for the use of residents only.
The Boarding or rental of horses or other equine livestock shall not be permitted.
No horse or other equine livestock shall be housed or harbored on any plot less than one acre in size, and no more than two horses or other type of equine livestock shall be permitted per one acre or major fraction thereof, and in no event to exceed eight horses or other equine livestock.
No barns, stables or other roofed structure or accessory building for the sheltering of horses or equine livestock shall be located within 50 feet of any side yard line or rear yard line, nor shall any structure be located within the front yard which lies between the principal residential structure and the street.
All corrals, runs or other open areas shall be enclosed by a fence of at least five feet in height. Such fence shall be located more than five feet from any side yard line or rear yard line and shall not be located within any front yard which lies between the principal residential structure and the street.
There shall be at least 110 square feet of stall area for each horse or equine livestock.
Manure shall be kept in weatherproof containers at least 50 feet away from all adjoining property lines.
All premises where horses or equine livestock are housed or harbored shall conform to all standards and requirements of the Westchester County Department of Health and the Westchester County Sanitary Code.
Every owner of a horse or other equine livestock shall keep the animal(s) under restraint at all times and shall not permit said animal(s) to be at large on any street, sidewalk, walk or public place in the Town of Rye, outside any incorporated village. A horse or equine livestock shall be deemed at large when it is off the property of its owner and not under the restraint of and obedient to the orders of a competent person of suitable age and discretion. No horse or equine livestock shall be permitted on the sidewalks and walks within the Town of Rye, outside any incorporated village.
Nonconforming uses may continue, provided that they comply with the standards and requirements of the Westchester County Department of Health and the Westchester County Sanitary Code, for one year from the adoption date of the ordinance, at which time they will terminate.[1]
Editor's Note: This article was added by an ordinance adopted 6-21-1977.
Any person violating this article shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $250. Each violation of this article shall constitute disorderly conduct and a person violating this article shall be a disorderly person.