No building, structure or premises shall be erected, altered
or used in any residence district for the housing or harboring of
bovines, swine, goats, rabbits, foxes or mink, except where authorized
by special permit from the Town Board.
No accessory building or structure, or part thereof, used for
the housing of fowl or domestic animals other than dogs or cats shall
be less than 50 feet from any lot line in any district.
Nonconforming uses may continue, provided that they comply with
the standards and requirements of the Westchester County Department
of Health and the Westchester County Sanitary Code, for one year from
the adoption date of the ordinance, at which time they will terminate.
Any person violating this article shall be punishable by a fine
not to exceed $250. Each violation of this article shall constitute
disorderly conduct and a person violating this article shall be a
disorderly person.