[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Barnegat 1-17-06 as Ord. No. 2006-03. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The membership of the Transportation Assistance Program Committee shall be composed of seven (7) members appointed annually by the Township Committee of the Township of Barnegat, said members shall be comprised of the following:
Chairman — Transportation Assistance Program Coordinator.
Mayor or his/her designee.
President of the Barnegat Chamber of Commerce or his/her designee.
Member of the Senior Advisory Committee.
Recreation Director or his/her designee.
Two (2) at large members to be appointed by the Township Committee.
Members of the Transportation Assistance Program shall be appointed annually by the Township Committee for one (1) year. Vacancies, shall be appointed to fill the unexpired term.
It shall be the duty of the Transportation Assistance Program Committee to assist and advise the Transportation Assistance Program Coordinator in establishing routes, stops, schedules and future routes, and needs of the system. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Township Committee through the Coordinator.
The Barnegat Township Committee will have final approval of any expansion of the system and the purchase of equipment.
The Committee shall hold regular meetings, a record of attendance and business conducted shall be maintained. Meeting dates shall be set by the Barnegat Township Committee by resolution.
The members of the Transportation Assistance Program shall receive no salary or compensation for their services.