[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Union (now Barnegat) 12-20-29. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The following are hereby declared to be nuisances:
To place upon or suffer to remain upon the banks of Barnegat Bay or Double Creek, or any tributary of either, any excremental or other polluting matter of any kind, or to discharge or place such matter into said waters in any manner.
To keep or maintain any toilet, outhouse, privy, privy well or cesspool, the waste matter of which escapes into the waters of Barnegat Bay or Double Creek, whether such escape be caused by seepage, natural overflow or the flooding of said privy or cesspool by the rising of the waters of said bay or creek or adjacent waters due to storm tides, floods or other natural causes; or to keep any privy or other receptacle for human excrement located where the same is overflowed by any storm tide or other tide and which is not provided with a watertight vault.
The maintaining of any cesspool, private disposal plant, outdoor toilet or privy in an unsanitary condition or so that offensive odors will emanate therefrom, or one not provided with a well-fitting flyproof cover.
To discharge foul or nauseous liquids or kitchen slops from any establishment so that such liquids shall pass into or along any of the public streets or highways of this Township.
Depositing glass or rubbish of any description on the public streets, roads or highways of this Township.
To cast or lay the carcass of any dead animal or any excrement or filth on any public highway in the Township of Barnegat or on any vacant land.
To produce, keep or maintain anything of any character that shall be injurious to the health or prejudicial to the business interest of individuals, households or to the community at large of the Township of Barnegat.
[Amended 9-2-71]
Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of § 62-1 shall be subject to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.), to be imposed by any court of competent jurisdiction, the convicted party to stand committed till such fine is paid; or imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both, at the discretion of the Municipal Judge before whom the case may be brought.